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The New York Times Las tho followiug concerning the reeent action of the Board of liegonts : "The University of Michigan ia j'oung but vigorous. Suppurted bj the iátato ii has been American in its uims, its aspirations aud its efforts, and the broad aud liberal views wliicli have ever marked its management, havo placed it during the brief 30 years of ita existence in a position secoud to no other in tho land. Indeed, Prof. IJedge, in an address before the Alumni of Ilarvard in 1S6G, declared that it was the oulysemiuary in the country whose liberal scope and üosmopolitan outlook satisfy tha idea of ft great university. At a mestiug uf the ltegouts last week, howover, they votud thut iis ecopc was still too Jimited aud its outlook uot quite cosmopolitau, and wiih but one dissenting voice, declured that no rulo ozists iu auy of the uuiversity statutes for the exclusión of any person who possesses the requisita literary aud moral cjualifieationa. This, of course, ppen wide the Jours to the admission of' women as stud.ents on au eijual footing with men, aud Harvard aud Yala which have so long hesitated on the brink, vvill have an opportonity to observe the cifeet on those who have plunged boldly io." Tlie New York World eaya of tho same ac'ion : "Tho Uuivorsity of Michigan, an institutioii wbich, both iroiii the nuinber of students aud tho exteut of its faoili ties for gtudy, botter desurves llie name of univtrsity than does auy other oí our American colleges, has opcDed ita doors to womeu ou preoisely the same ten;is aa uien. The experiment cf the educatiou of meu aiid women iu the tamo inatitution lias been for mahy years coiñple'.ely suecessful at Uberlin, Autiooh aud Kuox Colleges, aud is IjOW to bu tried om a muoh larger scale at Anu Árbor. Tho Western ptople are ardeutly daterniiijcd to give the ma'.tcrthe mott thorougb jiostsible, aod thcre are few who are doubtful as to the result. Thiti oction of tho Univtrsity of Michigan is but the latest of the nuiiierous victories v.hich the advocaUs of complete eijuality betweeu mea umi woaien iu all tiio relatiaua oí lifo have reeeutly yaiued." The city of JJueuü Ajrep has a populatiou of 180,000.


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Michigan Argus