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A Revenue Tariff

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iu complete acuerno ior a revenuo tariff, which will yiold the amount now required by thegoverniuent, can possibly bo devised which does not include for tlie present a heavy rato of tax upan tea, cotfee, and sugar. But this proposition will moet vory serious oppositioi from two classes occupying an ontiely different staodpoint. 1. Tho bouuty seekors will endeavor. to causo a repeal or a reductiou of duties od these urticles under tho pretence that they are tho luxuries or comforts of tho people, while tbeir real object will be to maintain high rates of duty ou, othor oouimodities for the auke of protection. ïheir true aira is uot to save the people ono dollar on tbeir tea, cofi feo, aüd sugar, but to tax them two dollars on their iron, steel, copper, tea4, wool, &o., and then divide the prooeeds with tlio governinent. 2. The representativos of tha farming interest resist the tax on tea, coüfefe, aud eugar upon the grouad that the sum collecied can be moio easily had and prove less burdensome if imposed 01 soiiie oiher things. There s a very simplo principie npoa which to iaeot this latter bonest objection. All taxes upon cotamodities iu, common use diffuse theraselvcs, find their. levcl, and raisü the guueral cost of living; therefore any tax upon commoditie should be imposed upon those of which a portioa can be most easily spared, and also on sucli as uro the ncarest to beiog in form for final consumptiou, aud upoQ which the cost of collection,' is smal!. Thus we tax wines, spirits, tobáceo, aad fancy goods first. Theu, not having suiïicient yevenue. we tax tea. cofíee, and eugar. Then, if our revenue bo still insufficient, wowould tax teztile fabrica; and last we would tas lumber, metáis, leaib,er, wool, hemp, and the like ; not that we would prutect any one, but that wo can beát spare a porticu of the articlest named, in the order iu which they aro named. Taxation ia partial privation. Of what da you elect to bc iu part deprived ?


Old News
Michigan Argus