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The Bill Admitting Virginia

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■1 ho tollowing is me oenaie suüsuíuio for tho Soom bilí adrnitting Virginia without restrictions cr oonditions, and whioh has passed both tho Senato and IIousc ty a strict party vote, the uncondittonal admistion of niciubers lacking that article ktiuwn as baok bone, aad yielding to the party screws : An Act to idiuit the Statu of Virginia to representaron in thy Coogress of the United State.". JFhereas, Tho peoplc of Vireinia have framed and adopted a constitution of State governraent wbiuh is republican ; And Whereas, The Legislatura of Virginia, elected under said Constitution, have ratified the íbnrteenih and ti f teen th anicndmcn's to the Coustitution oí thü United States : And Whereas, Th8 performance of thcse several acts in good failh was a eondition precedent to tho representation of the State iu Congress; therefore, Jc it enaoted, etc., that the said State of Virginia is er.titled lo represenlation ia tho Cougress of the United States; provided, tliat before aoy member of the Legislatura of said State shall tako or resume his feat, or any cflicer of said State -hall enter ipou the duties of his office, lie símil tut;e and subscribe and tilo in tho otlieu of '-lio Secretary of State of Virginia for permanent preservation ata oath iu tho form followiug : " I, , do uolemnly swear that I have never taken an oath as a member of Congress, or as a member ot' any State Legislatura, pi' as an execjitlve or judicial otticcr of any State, to support the Uonstitutioii Of the Un]ted States, and afterwarda en 1 in insurrectlon or rebellion asjatnst i.'iè same, ur gtven a'ul or comfort to tlie enMiiics thereof, so help me Goii." ür such person sball in Hke manner take, subscribu and file ího lollowing oath : "I, , do Bolemaly swear tbat 1 have by uct ot' Congrega of tlie United States been reüeveci frum llie ilisabilities lo apon me by tlie fourteentu tkmendaent to tustttution oi the Uuited Sta; help me Gixl." Whioh oath shill bo (aken beforo and certiGed to by sy offieor lawíully authorizod to adoiinister ;itf'S ; ulJ atiy person who biíall buoingíy t'alsly in (aking eitlier of such oaUis sliall be decincd guilty of perjury, and shall be puuis'ued thtrcfor by impriéonment uot les.s thau oae year aiul not i.oe tbao ten years, and simll be liiied not less thau 1,000 and not mero than 810,000. Aud in all trials for any violation of' this act tbc Cüitifieato of taking either of said oatlia, with proof of tli;; sigiiatüre of either party aecnsed, íshall be taken I and beld as codcIumvu evidence tliat such oath was lawfully oud rêgularly administered by competent authority. Provided furthor, lhit ev.ry BUch pfrsom who shall neglect for the pertod oS ! thirty days next af:er tlie passage of this p.ct to ttíe, subscribe aud íi!e sucli oath as aforesaid, sháll be deemed aud talion to all intcnts and purposc to lave vaoated bis office. And provided furtber, that the State of Virginia is aduiiued to represcntíi '.ion iu Congrú.-s upon t!iu following fundamental couditions: Tliat tho Cons'.itutiou of Virginia fIiíjII uever be so amended or ohanged as to deprire any citizous or clafis of citizens of thu United States of tha right to rote who are eutitkd to vote by the Cen-titiitiaii herein recoguized, ezcept as puoisument lor euch btimes ns are now felonius at common law, whsreof they shall have been duty conrieted uader laws eaually applieable toall the iühul)itaots of said State ; provided, tbat auy alteration of said Constitution prospeetire iu its effeets m&Y bs made ia regard to tho time aud place of residenee .f votera. At;d providtd fuitlur, tbtt it t.liall never bu lawí'ul for the farne State to depriva any cilizon of tbe United States ou account of his race, color or previous eondition of sei vituile, of the right to hold office under .the Couatitution and Iaw8 of ssid State, cr upon any sucli ground torequire of him auy olher ! qualifioation for office than suob as are required of all olher citizenf, and that the ConslitutioD of Virginia shall never be so amended or changed os to deprive any eitizeu or clase of citizens ot' the ! United fc'tates of the school rights and 1 privilege secured by the Constitution of 1 said State.


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