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Will t-o pu!)lished evcry Monuuy morning, in Ann Arbor. MiJiigan, by BECKLEY, POSTER, & Co. FoR THE MlCHIOANgTATK AnTI-Si.AVEK Y Sücifirr. TEKMS. O.xe Doi.r.Ti a }-p;ir, in advttncr: lf rtot pnid, in advrince, Two Dollars will be ínvahíaiílv rfqu.ied. (CT OU aubscribers can have their piipere nt One Dollar ;i ycur', by forwurdlng tliat ümuunt, and paying nrrearager All subacribers w.ll be expected to pay within the yenr. TERMS OF ADVERT1SING. For chch line f brevier, (the smallpsl type,) or the iirst insertion. 3 ennts. For ench subsequciU insertion, I cent. For ihrce mpnihü, 7 coius. For six inonths, 10 cents. For otie yeur, 15 cent. Ordra by ninil will be piompily attendcd to. Lngal AavèfüSin by the lolio. ÍLr Manufacturera, Bookeellers, Mnchinists. Wliolesalo Mercliants, and all others doing an ertensicc business, who wish to udverlisc, will flild tho riigruil thebesr possible medium ufcomnniniöjtioit iii tlio Stüte. mj" A'.l Rötniilnnces and Communicaiions ghiHtld be aJdressed. Post pai'l, (CTáicNALOF Libkrty; Ann Arbor, Mich.f


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