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New Yoiik, Jan. 2ö. The inoney matket continúes very easy. Gold hovera about 181 Tlio bank statements continue favorable. Kuropean advlees are in favor ofhlgherprlcesfor United States bonils. The dry gooda trade remains stagnant. Thsre is a mach better feeling iu wool. In Boston, manufacturera have beenlarge purchaaers. "Wcli condttioned lote of Michigan and Oblo extra are becoming searce.and the salea indícate a dectded advance on these grades. Uut lutlo Michigan has been gold as lowas 45, and 40-17 has been more lïeqiu-ntly obtaiued. Bread stull's show agratUylng advance on the week. Flour Itnproves 10@20c. "vvheat is ; betteF. Cora 4@6c better. Oats are very steady. Barley is dnll and decllnlng. The tendency to-day, however, lias been to weakness la wheat and flonr, and it is not weU to predícate too mach opon the advance. In Boston fchere has been a scarcity of cholee flours, and it is gratlfylng to kimw that Michigan braoda are favorltes there, at rail prices. Beans continue to arrtve fi-eely, bot wlth a ftirther decline In prices. The (Iemand is fair. Butter la In clinlng down, while choice tubs are active aml n deinand. Other grades go oft' slow except at redaced prices. Michigan flrklus, prime, air to good, a3@3ö choice tubs, Ö8@12 ; poov to good, 30@31. Drled frults are in good deinand, aml selling weU. Sllced apples, 12@18 ; good to choicc, l ; peeled peaches, 17@2O anpeeled, quarters, 8@9 uhpeeled, halvee, i)@lO. Nevcr string drled fruit, and do not leave the coro in apples- It Injurossale. Featberg are active and wanted ; live western geese, . Hops have not moved nmcii the past week- prices unchanged - inarket Qrm. Fruits n caiií are flriuaufi r-Mld sala. Ubtroit, Jan. -.. The brendatafb raarfeet has assumed a ranrkcd actlvity wlthln a dn y or two past. On Monday there was on ad vanee In vrueat, wlilch seenis to bo irell malntalned. Flonr shows uo actual advance, but ihe transactiona are large, the sales at the Board of Tiale yesterday reaching sorae 1,700 bbls The trnosactions partake of all the i tf a U vel y market, the local demand nand for ea au active speculatiye feellag I shows i vcry fiattering advance, eqnal to 2(Liio lowfir, to ii@(3 on the hlgher grades. To-day the inqnlrlng was good, wlth salí -■ at about yesterday's prlces, although the : was weaber. New York deapatchirt a weakcr market there, Other grains ore wcak aud nominal. Beans are In Borne (Iemand, bot abont ■ slde for choicc iroui stoi'e. Butter Is quite i. The supply of chotee Is 1 i i f 1 1 , nul wiien offered wlll perhapbriDg28c. Clover seed Is nctlve and advanciuf;. Uali Ifrom store. Dressed hogsfMksteady it quotatlous. ter at Ï1Ö.50 foï bran, 20(g2] for coa unchanged. Poultry In lighl supply and prlces flrm. Mooday's cattlo market was more active wlth an advance. The !■- iiia:ul was botli by butchers aud shij DKTROIT PRODtTCE MARKET -Tiic followlntt preMDtthe correDt nol prlcvitr by comraisloD ctoalers.audarecarefnll] wcck.fnr tii" Aiiurs, by our Detroltcorreapondeit. DedactloDB from these prtcofl for commlsiifuiii and chargs , wlll show the net rte toflret banda : e,- : Oreen per bbl. 2.Tt@2.80 liiirley - puf CWt. . r' ' s ' ' . 1.0 lor No 1 ü--: 8waa -pei ■ wliito, $l.C Botter- croi lirkiii, 54OS6c perïb., Cu(;sE - Michigan Factory, 1990. Dairy, 14@16. OUckena- Ireaeed. peí Ib. . 1 i ilGs. Clder- Fer bbl. $4.00 Oom- perbti.i 79 -per doz., ::i i c. Uiden ■ ■"■■: er?en,s Oalf Skins- Qren, ■ HTcj dry, 2S BheepSkint - 0 HG lamb b:ííu4060. Hop- New, porlb.. 15-2ix;. Lurd- perlb.. IT ■ Oílts - 1ds- perbbl. 8 5002.76. Potatoes- Beatvsrleliea prbbl.,14(l Bmoked Hams, 16Ci Bhoolderg, I2:tjil3c. . Turkeys - dreísed.peilb.. 1 9 Wheat- xtra white, I.191.3t) Xo, 1. $1.131.I4 Amber, l.041.0S. i.' AaBOR PKODICE X1UUËT8. Aiígus Office, Jan. 27, 1870. Wc qnote this? afteruoon as fotlows : WHEAT- Vhlte. (6@105e Ked.SOc BOCK WHEAT- T8C. UOB 0A.TÍ- 40o. BEANS- I,W. v'.'.v. -■■■:. ! VRD- 18c. Jlv -181S. WOOD- 9aT.W. APPLES- Hrled- perlb. T@9c.;Kren.60@8c. POT .:t5c. CHICKENS- T0. TURKBiS- Mc. HONKT- 280. l'OUK- ium per cwt. BEEÏ1- $S9ÏD'per cirt.


Old News
Michigan Argus