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TPOÜNND : ; In tliia Ctt, 8 pair ol boo...

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TPOÜNND : ; In tliia Ctt, 8 pair ol boots, whlch theownercsn li.ivr !jv calllng on the siibacrlber and paying fot this notice. A. M. BODWBLL. Anu Albor, Jan. ÏCth, 16Ï0. ■,-■■ Iwl INQOME ÁJHD SPECIAL 'T.ZHl.ES U 8. Internat Reveuue Al sort Office, L.:.h Div. öd Dist. Jlicli., Ann Arbor, Jan. 1810. -.Ni AL TAXES FOR 1870. I nm dow ready to recelre liicomc return.-. and Special Xas (Uceóse) retnma forl870. I r the parpose r accommodatlug the T;t. Pavera of ;'iiu División, whico conmista of ihe north half of tcuaw County, 1 will bc at the OFFICE OF ENOCH VOST. : in the City of YpsilanÜ, uu Xueaday, Che Site oay of January, 1S70. AT LAPIIAM'S CORNERS, In the Unrnship oX Salem, uu Xhureday, tUe iTt'.i oay oí" Jiíl.u.ii'y. 1SÏ0. AT M'HITHOBB LAKE IIOTi-:!., In the Townshjp or Northleld, un Friday, t!ic 2Sth nuary, itüu. AT TUE OFFICE OP A D. CRANE, Esq., In the -wüi! of Dezter, In the townshlp if Siio. on W'edueí-ílaj jd Thoredsy, ;!■ 2d ■sta' Sd days of February, ■ Anil at TU!-: CHEISEA HOTEL, in ihe Mage of Chelsea, In the Township of Syl ani onTaesday and Wednesday, the Bth and Sth daya oi Pebruary, toTO, Tax payera in the lereral iarts of this División, who do nol wlsh to come to Anu Arbor toaake retorns ftr locóme Special Tixjs, can make ihfir returns at one of the above menttoaed places-. ryperaon falling n make retnrna liy the timereqnu'ed by law, will be Hable to be asseased üity per cuit.a a penalty i;i addUloo to the proper las. ■ un otlicr i:i'. & l:e will bt at bis office, Ann Arbor. U. J. BAART. 1SMW2 Asslataut Assessor. Real Éstate for S;ilo. STAïi: cv MICHIGAN", Coonty of Washtenaw, In the ïuatter of tlie Estáte of Hannah Browning, detv' - b lu-n-hy gtveu, that in ponaauce of au order graoted totlie ondersigned AdmlnUtrator dAjboitis n '■ , ' l q estáte f mui] deo by the Eton. J-ide of Probate tbr the County of Washtenaw, on tbe twenty-four'Ui day ol January, A. 1). ljsT1', there will be soltl al pnblic venilue to the bidder, ut the dWeUing luinse on the premd In Hie County of Washtenaw, In said State, on Weduesday, Uu: Bixteenth day of Ma'i-li. A. 1) 1ST0, at ten o'elock ia the forenoonof that day, tao'bjecl to all encQm'branceu by mortgafre orotherwise extating at tbe time of Ehedeatfa deceased) the followlng descrlbed rel estáte, viz: The norlhwest qnarter of thé BOOthwssl quarterof elghteen, In township f ur Bootfi of ran ,i-L, C'jtuaiit] forty acres more of lesa hi said Btate. Dated, Junuary L4th. A. 1). lSTn. ' CHARLES Q. WHEBLBR, ) 254 A'lmiuiBtralor de innis nim . Es' ate of Margarct McOartli}'. rTATKor MICHIGAN, Coonty of Wasnteoaw, ei. o "Notiee is horeby elven, tbat by an orflet of the Probate Courtfor -the Connty of wafhtenaw, made ou nty-tonrth day óf Jannary, A. 1). 181 montha from that datewere allowéd for credlton lo present I against thu estáte vt Biarjraret AïcCarthy, lr.te of .nii CountT, decéaeed, and tl creditora of ■ are reqoired to thelr ciftiml to sail Prpbate ('ourt, at the Probate f Auu Arbor, for examinatton and allowauce, onorbefore the twenty-fifth day of July next, and that sáchela heard beforo sala Probate Conit, on Moflday, the fonrteenlb d.iv ofMarch, and on Monday, the twenty-üfth dav ui Jnly next, at ten o'elock ia the forenoou of each of tii days. Dated, Ann Arbor, Jauuary !4;h A. T).. 1ST0. Hifi A. 'S .1 BEAEES, 12J4 Juige of Probate. Estáte of William liuckman. STATI-: OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw, s. Ai a sesaton of the Probate Court for the Connty of Wa-htenaw, holden at the Probate otliw In the city of Aun A rli' ir. on Munday, the twenty-fourth day of Jannary, ín the year one thonsand elght nnndred and -. ■- 1 nty. Present, lllram 3: Kcakps, Jnde of Prolato. In the matter of tbe eetate of William Buckman, William U, Gregolyj Admlnlstrator dt ionis non wltb the will annexed of satd deceasedt comes lnto ('uiiri and represente that !■ Is now preparad to ::; linal actount :i BUCb Admilïistrator, and praylog that a decree of distrlbotlou bo nwule, and t!;:,i .id estáte beclosed. Therenpon It is Ordored, that llonday, in twenty-ilr.-t day of February next, at ten o'clock In tb ■ Ibrenoon bc axslgned for nd alHM, and that tbe and helra at law of said deceased, and all othet persons Interested In ald estáte, ate required to appear at a sesslon of said Conrt,thento be holden at the Probate Office, In the City of Ann Insaldconnt] show cause lfany there be, . Bhoold not be allowed : Andius further orderod, that said Aduünlatrator glve notlce to the persons interested In safd estáte, ofthependency of said account, and the hearing thereor, by copy of thu order M be publlsl ed In the , .-. newspaper printeo and circolattng In said Coa nty, three successlve weeks ijrevious to s:-. i dr, of Hearing. CA trnecops.i UlEAi .'. üicakus. l Jndse of Probate. Estáte of Gilbert Showen. STATE or MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw, fs At a sesslon of the Probate Conrl for the Connty ofWashtenaw, h"li!'n at the Probate Office, inthe city of Anu Arbor, on Tbursday, the thirteenth day ■■! January, in the yeai i-i"1 thonsand elght nty. . uiram ï. B e of Probate. In the matter -f estáte of Qilbert Showers, sed. On readlne and flling the petltlan duly verlfiedof Geore w. TiirubuU. Adminlstrator wlth the will annexed of Kaki deceased, prayins th:ii hs may bs i to sell certain real estáte whereof said deceased dled Be Thereupon it is Ordored, that Ifonday.the tweatyelghth day ofFebruary, next, ju ten oclocli in the forouoon, be asslgned ror the hoarlng of said petitlon, . devisees ai-d helrs at law of said ti r persone Interested In Bald ■ -- tate,ar. o ippeasat asessionof sal tni ii to be bo! Office, In tbe Ann Arbor, i I any there I ths pr.i 99 of - the petltloner should no) be - And it is furthetordered, that t'.-r.ii petltionei (tlve ntice to ' 'i Insaldestate ofthependency ofsaid peUtion, and the heartais! theieof, bj i:ins:r.;a copy of tnls Order to be puollshed in the tíichiffanArgi rprinted snd ctrculatififj in said county, four successive weekt previousto of hearing. (.t. ■'....■ i UIRAM J. HIÍAKK8. i:4td Judccof l'cuvate. I Estáte of Mary E. Viv . it Conrt for the I ■ f Waslil )'." Aun .' 1 eight hundred In the . Mary K. Ptti 1 pD, (lnly veri' Uford, n.i-l!::: ihlll Jl OTtJlill tllStm i uurt, purportlng to be the tast wíj: it of said deceitsed, mny be ad1 iimt 1ij may be appointod m1o ■ ■ : he hearing i Loa, Gtnd . . Uii'u . in the City ei Ann Arbor, nud shn ■■ in-, why the pel il loi e i to the . i der to in: publlshcd ín tl i prlnted au I three auccessive weefcs previous tos&iddiay of heai A truecopy.J HIRA7.Í J. BEAKES, 1j.".-U(1 Judqc of l'robnte. Mortgagc Sale; Don of a i il ar . on tliu l i-i. in-r, a. l. 18B4, recorded, with the power ofaale ihcnin contalned, In the office of the Ref8tev of law, in the B . the nlnettN tnber, A. 1856, lu libcrNo. 21 of mortgagtía onpageTftdi and by au iustrameat ■■ nty-fourtli day ui' Jannary a. i and recorded in the oiHcc OfthoHegl .■■ lock p. w. on the ccottd fed by thesald Harffei G A&hby to Lticy A. Olda ou which .-i c'aiincü t.i in; dllO at tiic ;)ite of tliia r, ol twelve hnndred and teu dollars r oentS] principal and interest, :i!;: na sait or . Or iu chüiKv;;. en in.-ütuted to recovtr Úu , thcrefore, h the power of default aloretald, nucl in pureuance tl' the Btatute provldcdithc Ouuit ïioiihe, . .. f Waah Circuit Uourt wltbij uty) on uty-tbinl day of Apill, A. D.18T0, :: o'n'.'X'k iu the ftreno d ■ be foreclosed b3 a sale ot titt; tbstantlally ms. : sitúate in the towr -■ iu Ll Couniv o! Washteuaw, and State of Mii certaln northwe -í the outhwest quarter of the riorthei I wctlon No. twenty-tt ofrange .: part of the ast qnarter of the soathweet (aarior ofsaid vveut) two, ■' "f the ; ■■ui, running througb :l!' l land, excepu Ing theieftom two acrei 1.. in atheast corner ;;nl büunded north by by the land hereïn deacrÜMid, and aouth by laad owsed by L. M. Kose. Duted, Aun Arbor, Jaauarv 27th 1S70. 0LD3, Assignee of Uortgage B. P. Oranger. Attorïiey. Mortgage Kale. TTVEFAUI.T haring been made in the condición of U aoertaln mortgage executedby Lorenzo Davla, i' Ann Arbor, ''■■ i , i .;.■ i ;iU dayj i Jone, .'.. Ds ol the Register of Deeda, the, Slat duy of -uu''. J) 1866, at: . i u Uber 3t of ■ . wbi ii i to i to be dne at tbe dato of tbia oouce, the sum bnndred and loar doll Are utih and re u UI become due apon said the 14tn day of JanOi A. 1) 1871, roftwo bandred and eleven dollarë ánd forty seven cents i and Interest from the bosidee the costa and expenses i' thla forecloeurè, or8olicitor'a services, and do solt or procccdlng at law or ii. ■ been Inalltoted to recover, the debt, or auy pari tbei , a, by virthe power of sale tu eald morceage contaiued,! public aucüou, to tb ü day of April, A. i ck In the non -of day, iit the front dooi Conrt Hoaee, iu the City of Ann Arbor, In tl: o!' W'a the jrcmÍKC8 -iluws. to-wít.; fi q acres ut' land In the Bontbweat comí r of the oorth: Ion nomber thirty-three, In towoehïp na ■ ■ Bouth, iu i er tsix (9) Arb r iu the County of Washten&w In ■ ■ loa and eleven links in lengt h, aaet and west] and r. dé wído, uorth and .-■.". : H . Datcd, Janaarj 2 V L. JAMES and 1 Vil IV 11 I ■ LYM kN D. JAMES, Kxccntnrs of tlw laat. wlll mul li't'imt;iit .:;■.■ , late "i W ashtenaw Jokx N. Ooti, County, u Attorncy rot the Bxecatorv, &c. Mortgage Sale. Dbeen made In the conSitlon of a ei rt ilni ■ ■ Willinin M. Brown ;;:"' irown, hU il't, oí !.:■. Ia ! BC IIIlIJ .1! V. I ■ il Mi.tC to William üulbert, tf the City of Anu Arbor, Conniy of ■ ■ il iv ol Jannary, a . ■ . : eS&ld, ":i -■'Hl [13 ■- N . ■ ja Hulbert to me. on tho niii'.li day ol December, ... . ■ .. ■ I! ; O' I ik ICS OÍ 3-.1UIL : opon sald m aud boud 11 compai me, ihe Biim thonsand fonrhandred and inin.-iy t'our dollarsand I fee 01 thlrty do lars shouldmiy proceedlnga be laken to foreclose .-.ii,l .,! nu proceedlnga at law or in eqnlty haviug been had to reeoror t-aid eum or any pact uow therefore, notlce isherebj given, that by virui er "■ sale In ►aid - talnedi 1 thali ml] al public aoctlon, to bidder. on the ï3d duy of April ne,xt, at í o'clotlc. r m ,ii' Bald day, anhe front doar "f tha Coott House. in tïe '. iiy ..( Aun Arbor, P'ounty afon bid, all .n„r and buing in 1 Washtenaw and State of Michigan, knowil u.3 deBcribed art the aoutbeast qnartec of tbo doi qnartorof a.'ciioii No. ten. urn! tho Bouthwesc qaarttjrof thenorthwoitqnafterof seciiou num . en. in : 1 1 1 .ir 1 Inited SI 't; e .: eighty l!i.' MUM nu ui' !■ less. Uated. Jauiiaiy :y, JOIIX W. OtWAïf, Jojin N. Gott, Mortgagft. attorneyfoi ir sala lïM Mortgage Suk. DBPATJLT havlng been made in the condltions ol a certain mortgagfl niftde by Nathai to Thomas E1. Leonard, dated the 2uth day ":■ I ber, A. 11. 1885, and recorded ou the l'.'tli day of Ootober, A. D. IS68, d ■;.: oVtock r. m.. 1:1 tho offlea ui 1 Wnshtenaw Oonnty, llicbigan, i:1 ' ■ ' ' ■ ,'.-i duly ■; lodfrey avld Pted nment ■ date the Mh ü;iy of February', and recordé in the JKegiètera omce al om the 26th day of March, A !. 1S0T, at -l o'dock p. K.,inllbec SQ tf morages. on page 1TG, wblch mortgage thcre is , tho dilte of tliis uotice the sim of threc luiüfi . rea&onable Atiorncy8 or Solicitor'á fee provded for :L-ri iraixe and no aolt or proceedung at law oi in equlty naving been ldQtttuted to recover the Banu or any part thereof: Now, therefore, by vil ■ ale in s:ii(l 1 ■ vlrtaeof the Btatate In bob on Snturday, the '-':'! day of April, next, at 10 o'clock in the ir of the Cor.rt 11 ■.:: Arbor, County 1 State " the place of holdi Circull 1 ;. thero "Hl 1 .:. in public auction. to Ihe highest bidder, d ui said 1 ■ m:;y bê necesary ti Dt duo ou sall mortgage, wlth interest, and .-!■. nul .-■ allowed bylaw; wlucli 6;id pretoisea aro il as fol] ■ -: ftve andeight,ii own and Puller'a Addltion to the now City ofAnn Arbor, in thu Cuuutyof aaw, in tne State of Michl Dated, Ann Arbor. Jan. !8th, I8lu. AUGUSTUS W I!i!:XMANN. Admiuistrator of tbo Estato ol Qo i. Frederick, deceadflu. EDWAitn 11. Slaws?tï, Attorncy, 1S5-1 Mortgage Sale. D VULT hTlng been made In the eondütlon o a certain mortgage m:ulo and exeented on tht 1 day ofOctober, A. U. I8W, by EaW. Whltmoro and Caroline A. Whltmore, of th Aun Arbor, Oonnty o:1 Washtenaw, hul of Michigan, tu Wllüam Jl. Parker, ! Lowt'll, MaasachasetUi nnú recorded iu iíí1 the Eegltrol Dccus of Waehtenaw Counl .1 tha i-'iii day of October.A D. 10; at6)i o'clock p. m., In Über 87 ofmortjrages on : and that thera is now clalnud to lm due upon ■ i. and mortgage theaam of thlrteen hun dred and slxty-four aoUars and thlrty seven cents also an Attorney's fee of thlrty dollars shOB taken to foreclose ?:iiil mortgage, an no proeeedinga at law or eq 1 :i hadt Bnmforany ij;irt thereol . Ifow, thcrefiic m :.. that bj virtae of a powoi ■ in Batd mortgage contatned, 1 Bhallsellal publtc anctton , to ■ vöHSatarday the 'Ud t.ay of April , 1S70, at S o'clock r. si. of end day, ut tuo Iroui door oftheCqurt HousOiinthe city of Aun Arbi r. in said Oonnty, all that certain pieoo or iwrcci of huid eltuated in the townshlp of Lima, County of ;. . ..; State of U known, bonnded and descrlbed :im follows, to-wlt: the sottth forty acresofthe northone hnndredandten aérea ol the northeast qnarter of sectlon nomber twenty-seven , (47J , in townshlp No. twe land 'f north and adjoins James Uitchell'i h:,u. Jannary. 21 th. i W ILLTAM n. PARKBR, Mortgagee. Jonx X. QotT] Att'y. for KLortgagee. I Sherififs Salo. BV VülTll! of ouc wrlt of V out of andunder of the ClrcuitCourl for ihe Coontj i : ed ani doliïcred, and bearlng daM ''' ■ ■■ of Noer, A. D tío.', ia favor o t of the gooda and chai I ut tbereof, tl nentsol John Oresslein and Barbai 1 to maketh Bnra ol threo hnndi ' ':l-M1' dollars,! nd tmty-nlm aiul 25-1UO dollars of November A. 1. : m, aud take the following descrlbed property. to-wlt: Lot namber tuur r ij iu bloc! flvc f), in Wock three f:o north, range in 1 1 in wldth of loi nttmoer twelve nnmbei two (least, and lot number 13, th ranee two east, acoording to the recorded ptat ot the city of Ann Arbor, öounty of ashtenaw, Suie of Mlchtem, v.iiicii property 1 shall expi at uBbhc attcüon, to the hl r, on Honday. , Saj o! Uarch, A. l. 181 ek i . ol that day, :■'■ the e the Cunrt ü tho city of Anu Arbor, Cuuuly of Waehteuaw and Staie o'f Michigan. Datod, Ans Arl or, Jan. 111 IS"O. i BYROK 1!. PORTEK, &hcriff. Sheridan 20 Miles Awayl" . A_. TEEEY, (büCCEMOB TO KBHPBB le D1EIIL,) Nas on hunii a mrg awl w-A s-l:ctel stock o5 ■WINTER GOODS iucludiug a full 1 ine of HATS & CAPS! Eatest slylcs and best quality, LaJies' and Gents' FurH, Gents' Fuiuishing (4oods, Gloves, Collars, Necktie9, &c, wliich wil! be aoM xt the VEE Y LO WEST FIGURES f Remember fue place, No. 15 Soutlx Malo Street, the old store of Jcilin AVcgt. , Ann Arbür, Drc.'.D, lrCS. 124Otf TOOTrf AND SHOliS ! FINLEY & LEWiS, ARE NOW RF.CIIVING A LARGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOSS, n ■ t n c n k-i L-i m n wn ito KUJJ15EKS, AKCTICÍS, AND FUS LINED OVER SHOES: TIIE ATTEXTIOV OF BÜTEBÍ WHO WAXT1 fiüOD GOODS AT HEASONABLE PRIOKS, ís i.nvited to ova STOCK OF HAND MADE CALF, KIP, AXD STOGA BOOTS t WORK WHICH WE WILI.; WARRANT TO G1VE ENTIRE SATISFACTION OUR GOODS ARE BOÜGHT iOR CASH, AND WII.I. ÜE SOLD AT THE LOWEST CAS piucKSAxnPRO: 1210 131Í0AD CLOTHS ! CASSIMERES I FOK FALL STJITS, A S D GSNTS' FURNISHING GOODS fAT C. n. MILLEN'St 'yUEODORE TAYLOR & CO., (SUCCESí-OKS TO C. R. HiOMTSOX X CO.() Whulesale anl Retail Dealers ia GEOCERIES & PEODUC& FBÜ1TS, EXT R ACTS, SPICES4 Crockery, Glassware, Lamps and Oil, Table Cutlery, Plated GoodS", iiooking Glasse, STONE. WOOUBN, AND House Establislied in ISíSOV No. 13 Soutli Main street, -A-NIT ARBOS, ■ MICH Theo. Tajlor, A. J. SnttítiHio, 1217 v 'V. Wtetfon, JACOB IIALLER, DEALER IK CLOCKS, WATCUES AiD JEWELRY NO. 22 EAST HURÓN ST. .ISTIST AEBOB, MICH, MV STOCK INCLUDES American & Swiss Watches,. Of tho Bost Manufacture; Gold and SiWer, Laily'e and Cient'í. SOLID GOLD RINGS, OHAINS, L ADÍES' SETS,. SPECTACLES, SPOONS", FOKIvS, Kto. Q ods warraftiecl asrepreseDted , and old at tur P4RTICULAR ATTKNT1ON GIVEN TO RE Í'AIIUXC WATCHB8, ( I.OCKS AND JEWELRX AS!) WORK GUARANTEEB. Ii46in3 DRY GOODSt GROCBRIIISy OABPETS, OIL CLOTHS Ï AT TIIE FARMERS' STOBEX


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Michigan Argus