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Rev. Dr. Cocker On "observer."

Rev. Dr. Cocker On "observer." image
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Aniioiï, Jan. 35tb, 1870. To Titrc Editoe of the Akous : - 1 longago carac to Uic determlnation never agatn to wrlte an anonymoua communlcatión to the public papers, and oever to reply to one in whlch my own coiu'uct .vas crltlclsei by an irresponslble scrlbbler. The writer of such commanlcatloua 1; is seiise of personal responsiblllty, uud s exposed to the temptation, common to weak minds, of sayingfrom behlnd bis cowardly ambuscade, wliat lic dure not gay v. hen fucetoface wit h bis opponent. To avold thee eviis, I have resolved tbat, f I have not the moral courage to stand out In dayllght and i.-nlll■ the ftill responslbllity of niy atterances, I wlll remalu ', Your correspondent has been pleased to couple my name as (Professor ot .Mom! Phllosophy) witha class of "ultraists ail dreamera who have cast ofl'the guldance of reason and religión." I will not tako the troublo to eonvince "Observer" that I have not lost my reason or abandoncd m llgloa. It is not worth my labor to teil him yvhether I do or do not approve oí' "Woman Snffrage." 1 am not accountaWe to hlra. 15ut ií he has any charge to pi ngalnst me, thaf l have lost my senses, or dlshonored religión, or "coSnmltted tnyself to theories that disgrace civilization," or conspired In any way to barro our noble Unlverslty, let hlm, Hke a man, assume the responslbillty of saylng so ri;;ht out, and I .vili niake the best defense I can. But il lie supposesl am to be frlghtened out of the oxerclse ofniy Qod-given rlghttothink and act for niyselfou all social, jio'.itical, and religlous (uestions, by hls dirty insinúa tlona and dark raticinations, he is simply mistaken, and I eau only say to him, in conclusión, that 1 shall take no farther notice of his anonymoos criticisms, and cherish towards Iiim no other (beling than himple piiy tliathe can not act more Uke a nan. B. F. COCKER.


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Michigan Argus