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The German Workingmen's Society

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ji. -uu;or, da, iiu, LOiU. 1'o.vd, : - Eleaseto insert the followlng . 'o the columns of your valuable paper, vlz : At a meeting of the Ann Arbor (üerman) Vorklngmen's Society, held ou the I7lh nst., the followlng oflkers were elcctód for the curren t year: President - Fredeïuck Sciimid. Ist ykePresident- Cjirist. H0FF8TETTKB. 2d " " - 0. 1-M.rr.. Protocol Scerntary - Antok Eis Oorrespondtng fiterotary- Oabbhel YVeis. Tr&isurer - AnTON ScHAEBEBIiE. Cashicr - J. G. Grossïiax. Tnisttts - Adolpli Kern per, Fred. Wanzig, Geo. Muller, Gco. IIuss. Daniel Maler, John Sísele, Jolm Walz. This Society was foundcd the 27th day of-Octolxr, ISOü, and incorpórate! by an act of the Legislatura 011 the 12th day o! Janaary, 18G9. At present theotal miinbcr of members 8 120. Siuce the cstablishing of tliis Sociey money tbr sick persons has been paid to he araount of $928.97 ; for cases of deatb, 580.00; for support for widows ofdeceased members, $88.00. There is at present $1,412.13 iu tlw Trcasury. QABRIEL WEIS, . sponding Sêcrctary. To the Farmers of Wailttenaw County : The nndersigned, belle vjag that a Co-oprative Association of the Farmers and Yalt-Qrowers of this county wou! enefltsial, in marketing tlieir productions without lBCOrriag the expenses of commlsions and mlddlc men, r.nd with the eet, and perhaps, certa'mty of obtalnlng he higliest ïnarket prico for their products, ïave unlted in' calllag a meeting oí the Ifmers of the county fur the purpose of akiug into conslderatlon the feasibillty of rganlzlng such an Association. And tliey vould rcconinicnd that a meeting for that arpóse be held at the Conrt House in the ity of Anu Arbor, on the 12th day of Febuary, al 10 o'cloek A. M. E. LAWRENCE, J. D. BALDW11T, J. C. MEAD, NEL8ON BOOTH, SEO. SUTTON, and 22 ethers. Jauuary S0, 1870. Taking advantage of tLe presento of Or. Haven and a large congregation last abbath, the M. E. Society made a bold push to pay off its debt. Over 22,000 was plcdged, irearly iviping it out. Wcil done. A fow innrnings gince a ladies' fur ollar, a flaming red feather, and a razor vtre fouiid in the vacant place in rcar of lic Presbytcrian church, leading to the sus)icion that a témale had been wrecked in heviciuity. Bome sosplclooa individuáis ïave insinuated thatéhe razor also Indicaed the wreek of a man, but it is more robable that thinking the "coming wonan" muy use the razor as well as vote, collar, feather, and razor belónged to one n. They were deposited at the Bherft"s ottico iTliere they can bc claimed. ïho Portee Zouaves gire an enterainment at HaDgstcrfer's Hall, this eveïing, consistiug of Silent Manual, Compaiv j;volutions, Bayonet Drill, ightnlng Zouave Drill, and Long Holl Drill, with nuisic by the Zouave B:nc!. Our citizens should glve them a good house. The firsfc "coming womau" to t'ac LJniversity has come, filed her appllcation passed the examiuations, and beenadraltted to the Sophmore Class. Kalamazoo Iras the honor of sending her. The Webster Society give tlieir annual "Public" at the Unltarlan Church this cveuing.


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