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The February Magazines

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Pulnain has the S2coml iiistailmunt of A Woman's Rijht, by Mary Clemmer Anus Virginia - Old and New, by II. T. Tuckern:ii!, a timely paper j Bon, a story in the :'n of Ucbccca Harding Davls ; Father Hyaclnthe's Predétessor ; Concernlng Clnrlotte - II. ; American Rallway Traveling, etc. It is a very readable number, wiiU more thaa usual varlety and lifl a year. Addrcsa PuTHAlt ik Bos, New York. - The Atlaniic opens wlth two more chaptera o Bayard Taylor'a Novel, Joseph :uid hisFrlend; has a Parton-Ish artlcle, The Presaure apon Congress ; a fuloírv upon the lateB. M. Stanton, by Senator Wilson, ont of whlch Judge Black haa taken considerable sallj Life inthcBrickMoon, wlth a anmber of other papers that will bc read. $4 a year. Address Fielus, Osgood & Co., Boston. From the samo, we also have Our Young Folk, a capital unmber,and whlch we wtah cvery l)oy and girl oí the Ahgus fumily uould have. $2 a year. Also, the fonr vvcekly numbers of Eoery Salurdny In its new and attractlve form. The UlnstratioDS are really snperb. $5 a year. - The Bdeeüe has a well sc-lcctcd list of papers from the leadlng forelga reviews and monthlics, the most notewoithy bclug; Islam, from tlc QuarUriy Iteneic, by 3l' Kniiinuel Deutsch; The Xovember ShootIng Stars, The Baltic of the rhilosophcrs, Tlie Early Hlstory of Maa- concluded, Larabstli and tito Archbishops, and, Tlie's Corona. The eugiavlng is a very fine portralt of the late James T. Brady. ear. Address E. R. Peiton & Co., New York, - The C rli has, among other ; : The Future of Protestantlsm, ir , üutylng Gordlan Knots, The History of tlie Irisli Lanl Tenure.The Iminntabillty ol the Species, ni., The I'ritisli Premiers In Relatlon to Brittsh Cathollcs, Tlie First (Kcutnenical Oonncll of theVatlcau. $5ayear. Addres l [OK, 126 .Xu.s;;;ni Street, - The QcUaxy givcs thrce more cliapters of Charles Reade's serial, Put Yoorself in His Place ; and bas, as always, a fresh and sparkjiug Hst of papers, includlng: Brljhain Young, by Justin McCarthy Ventllation and Warming, bjr J. C. Draper; Póliy Martner, Tailoress, '. Terry; The Paujaudrum, int. Editor'sTale, by Anthony Trollope, Miscellany, Drift-TVood, Nebuia-, . !. . I a year. ..Mss SHELDOH & Co., New York. - Lippineotfs Magazine has Part in. ol The Vicar of Bullhampton, by Anthony Trollope; the conclusión of Robert Dale Owen'B Novel, Beyond the Breakcrs; The Peun Fajmlly, by John Jay Smlth; l False Colore, by Lucy Hamllton llooper ; The Freedman and liis Future, by George Fltzhugh ; High Life, or Sketches in Switzerlaud'j a review of The Report ofCommisWells, ■■Aid otiicr papers of interest. icott is tboroughly a magazine fbr the times. 4 a year. Address J. B. Lirpiscott iio Oo., Phlladelphla. - The Ilutas at Hume is a stcrliiij; üukiber, wlth Chaps. m. and iv. of Hero, by Georgiana M. Cralk; the conclusión of Compton Frlars, by the author ol"Mary Powellj " o tlrst artlcle on, The Llterature of onr Sanday Schools, by Rer. George Ji. Bacon ; Mary Queen of Scotls and Queen ieth, by James Anthony Fronde ; i and Norel Reading, by Prof. Noah Porter, etc. o ;v yeaï. Address (:',k:. k c Co., G5i Broadway, N. Y. - Qodey's Lady's Book, chock uil Wlth the speclalties oí' Ihis favorito of the latlies' work-room, timclj7 fashlon platcs, worklug directions, liOQSehold recipes, and ontertain'u gto a year. Address L. A. Godey, Phlladelphla. - Artliur's Home Mayuzine with anothcr chapter of Virginia 1'. Townscnd's new story, Jacqueline ; a gecond paper of the :lei:l series, Tlie Marvels ui' the Insect World, and other characterlstlc ,kts. $2 ;i year. Address T. S. Aktiiur i Soms, Phüadelphii. From the saine Oící a Jfonffi, wlth an atiractlve blll oí fare, original aud selected. $2 a year. Also, 2 Ac Chüdren's Jlour, wlth its beautiful pictures and stories for the little ones. $1.25 a year. The three for 4. - The Gulden Hourt, wlth capital illustratious and coutents to match, such as will not oniy amuse but instruct the boys mdgirli, and without vitiating tbeirtastcs. L■■2 a year. Address Caiïi.ton & Lanahan, Ciucinnati, Ohio. - The JVursery, each page of its 32 beau;l{nlly printed. lts plcturea and stories, u prose and verse, wlll make the flvj yearolils laugh and crou-, forget tiieir pains and bi'ulses, and dry u) their tears. $1.60 . Address Joun L. Siiohey, 13 Washngtou Street, Boston. Among the maoy Luir prepftraUons iu the market, t ís no to (Incide whlch une of thciu is Irable m. IIALL'S VEGETABLE SLM !,: : KXWBB bus been beforetba pubioaboui is virtnea tested aud certified o by n-.aDy leading and InflaentUl pbyf icians of Xew Knrl;ind, among Whom WO may ua;ne Walter Burn iam, M. D., o! Lowell, Mass., formerly Professor of ■ Worcester Medical Instituüon, aud in 'cnnl !: phia, whosays, "I have iscJü for restorinc the halr, whcie invetérate erapions IIrarions kinds of treatment, and lat not only was the hairbeautifully restored I banty, but Jslso tbc dlsease of the ecalp coni]jlelely cured ;" nlso Geo. Oiay.M. D.,of . X. II., tho leading phygtdan of the place vhore thia KliNüWEIt is manufacturcd, fpcaks o' he preparation in this way ; " I have seen its efficts n vtry man; ca-ios. It will certainly restore the halr o ts original color, n deins the hoad of dcndrufl', aud Ieave3 the hair soft, glossy and beantifnl. I do ïotthinkits useiu auy way inJaïloDs, but on the ontrary, beneSolal. I can, thereforc, cheerfnlly recommend it to the public." A. A. Hayos, U. D.8tate Usêyei otVaas.1 havinganalj-zcdit, asures the pnhic by certtAcatO) tbat ii is the but prcparaiion ior the ntended purposes of the mony he bas ezamlned," Wlth these assurances from such high sources, enrely those who desire a perfected and reliable hair estorescan donobetter han use HALL S VEGETABLE SIC1LIAN HAIR EENEWKR.