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The University

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The die is cast. It s a fixed fact that oever, i:i tlio life of the present geueiation, wiU a joung mnn be able to enjoy the privilege, ur benefit, of a University education, in the United States. Every acholar .knows that there never yet has existed a University here ; but there haa always been room for a hope that sorae of our Colleges might eveutually reach that stature, üf 1ste yetirs, American Colleges have generally been receding, both in their requireineats, and in thoroughness of instruction in the course3 they have adopted or retaiued. The cause oí :lia is t!;e mnltiplioation of ftcb'o colleges, and the neeessity wliich cach ono feels of obtaiuing dollurt), a:d a cheap reputation, by tiie nuinber of green liorna it can attract to ita rooms. The Michigan Uui?ersity, Leiag liberal!y eudowcd, and haviog no need to pander to popular wbim, or dread any balderdasli about fi-í or fogyism, it wns still lioped would stand the tornt of folly and fanatieism, and becotne, indeed, a University worthy of tho name, 13ut that hope has vauished. With successive preaidents, changing faculties, and a regoncy ÜDating on the tide of tlie radical party, Delilaliism bas g:iineil ground, uutil frcc-lovo and womao'ti rights have prcvailed ; nnd the llegents havo set the " gates ajar:' to tito Introverts, by a sort of half invitiog resulution : 'lliat no rule exista wbich prevents uny peraoo, having tho neecssary qaalifications, from entering the institution. Tho oonclosion ia obvious. Fomalea wil) enter. All tbs talk about the neeess;iry qualifications, and keeping up the standard, is tbemerest bosh in the world, There is no cxamination for adinission tü the Univeraity, that the girls frora ar.j' union scbool caunot undergo as creditably as boys irotn tho same clas?es; and there irf n) standard there - and after femalea ure admitted never will be - which girls canuot rally arouud everj time, In a word, the Michigan Uuiversity is resolved into a vvoaian's-school, on a lovel with Oberliu, Albion, Jlillsdule, and b thon$and othcr iledgling colleges; and the hope of a future University in that direction is gone. Whcn the new rcsolution will "ioir fïüit, we expect to eee medical student, lo a great ix'.eüt, betake tbemselves to other schools. If legal student have tha proper leeling of mauhood they vpiH do the same. Those who part their hair iu thu iniddio, and are soft as a mollusk, ioside nnd out, will remain in dalliauco with Deltlahism, at Aun Albor. Hut wh:tt of the general acholar who wants the advantagu of a trueUuiversity ; the cultutc of great professors, eminent ia their acquirements ; the development orily to bc oltnincd by years of intiinatt) interoourse with young men of the same a;ms, the samo ambitioüs, and animated wi h friendly rivalry V Wby, tbty can eeek foreign Universilies, and we adviso them to do so. Tiiey can pay their passago back and forti), and s:ivo inoiiey then. Leave American Uoivewitiea to tho undisputed posseesion of Delilabiam, and ge jrhere tho racD is still divided between Men aud Women, v.itli each a weil-defined, lion orablo and approijriate field of action, dutiea of lite, and paths of instruetion preparing them for the discharge of them. Tbfl United Statoa are well supplied vvitli woman-aohoola of all pades,] but are week in the matter óf UuirofBities. - Ypailanti Stntinal.


Old News
Michigan Argus