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Virginia Jubilant

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Richtiiond, Tan. 20. A salute of 100 guns was fired ia th park fco-day iu honor of the admissiou of the State. About 5,000 persons were t, two-thirda colorod. National fiags were raised on tho custom Louse and Capitol. Gov. Walker spoke a few minutes, oongratu lating tbc peoplu on the admissióa oí' Virginia and predicting a glorious futuro for the State. A colorod Conservativa aud a DOmber cf colored llepublioans made political speeches, the burden of the lattor being that if the State tlid notfollow the spirit of the lleconstruction acts she would be put back as a Territory. After the proeeedingê this morning in tho park in relation to the aJiaissiou of the State, tho eolored people orgauized a political meeting and kopt it up until Dighl, when tliey adjourned with cheers for the admfasioo uf Virginia. Tho guns used to-day were the saine used ia salutiog tb e United States flüg when the troopa oocupied tho city in 1865. Tho (illicer commaading v.'aa a nativo of Riohmond. Senator Morton, of Indiana, tho ablcst Republican ia tho Senate, iu dobato on the Virginia reeolutions, Weduesday, January lt), made tliis deolaration, without dissent froan ouo Republicau Senator : "I think, Mr. President, that tlie esperieoee of' the last cighteon inonths has brought tho Congrcss of the United States uow" to the puiut tliat we should declaro tLat we accept of' the legal consenueuees üf the doctrine of' reeonstruction. 1 know tho eomtuoQ idea was, without oonaideralion, a yaar and a half igo, that whcu thtse States wcra ouce admitted, or, if you picase, rcstored to re[ireseutation, they passed ontirely froui under the jurisdictioi) of Congress and we ere douc with them. Sir, that was illogiciil, aud cxperieuce has now shown that we eannot stand upon thatdoctrine. We mustfolluw lh doctrine of reconstmction to üs conseguences, and, if necessanj, we must daal leiih these Stult-s oter thty have been re-admiïled." Ilere is the darinpr avowal of a delibérate purposo to hold tho Southern States, despite reeonstruction, duspite readmission, etill subjugate and at the mcroy of the Kepublicau party - by whose ueccasitics their future treatmeut is to be deternaiued. - World.


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