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DOTY'S WASHING-MACHINS LATEI.Y MITC1I (UP&OVÉD- AND TUK KBW Universal Clolhcs WringeF. Improved with Rowell's rATENTPorm-ECoo WBIIU and tlio PatkntStoi', are now.unqueöticnaMy farisu perior to iiny uppiirï.tus fur wahiiig clothes tjver iu veuted, and will save their cost twice a y?ar, by saviug Itibor anl olothw, Thoae who havo used them give testinmny ft foHows "We liKe oti' machine mucli ; could not bfi persuftdedtDtlu without it.aml vltb tb ald of Dot, we feel that w aro mutin oí thfl poaitiou." - Itzv, L. Scoii, Bishop M. E. Ckitrch, "Ztlivortl) oaö dollar a wef-k n any famüy." - ff", i'. Tribune, ' Iu tlie lauuilry of ity houRolhero Is a perpptual tlmnksiviug od Moudays í'oi" the inveotiou." - llev Thtodt re L. Cinjltr. " Kvii -y vmk bas given ït a fttroner hoM upon tlte affections of ihe uníales Of thu luundry."- ÍV, Y, CMjenstr. l I hf-artily cnmmond it to pconomists ol time, money, mul contt'ittmeut." - Rev. Dr. Stllotes. ' Fricii'l I'oty - Vuur IhI inijirovemeut of JOUT Wasijinp MíU'hiiK1 isa comptote succfss. I uraro yoo 'our Machi 'ie,' aft er ft yiir'l DM, is thoogntmow of to-diiy than ever, ftuí ironldBOt b partftd W ith under any . irciun-tiiiicea." - Solou Robis&n " Your Wasliin Machino has been in (laily-iise in our laundry t and the hourtt'liet'per OxpfOSV I b6rsêli as big hl ƒ pleaaod witb it. It eextaiolT accomplishei a greater amount of work, with leas labor, ftnd does Dof wf.-ir tbe clothes near so maoh ft s the old fanhioned wasli-btftrl. Hy tising it, ohh I aundree is digpenffd with." - Jfm.F. Itound, Superintendent of Infant Deparimtnt of Sí. Cat herirte' Nurtery, iV. 1'. City. "Altera constant use of the Universal CLOTHBfl Wríwokr lor mor" than four yt-ai s in out f.nnily. I ain au! borlnd by the ' power that be:'tu Oflvi it tlie most miqualiiied prftI84,and to prOBOQBCa it au iniispensablt' part of the machi iutv of huusekeeping. Our ervants luivealwayB b6wD wlllloff to use it, and Itlwaya harellked it." - iianry ïf'ard Iïccchcr.% PRICES- A Fair Offer. Send tbe retailprice. Washer$14, Extra Wringer $0, nd wo will forwari fitiier ur both machines, íreeof f rtigbt, to places where no $ selling; anüsosurc are we tbey will be liked, that wo agree to rcfund the money if any one wishea to return the machines free of freigbt, after a mo nth's triai;.accor(liiiL to dl No h-fsband, f.-itlier or brother filiouM permit the dratÜgery of waeliiag with the tanda, flftj-two dajs n the ytar, whtíu it cun be done better, more expeditiously (.wHh lcss labor, and no iujury tothisgarments, by a Doty Cloibes Waslier, and a L'uivursal C'n Hesors with exclusive right of nale make money fañt selling tlu-m, Bold ly U'ulers generallyT to whom liberal diBCounts are mado. E. C. BROWNING, Gen. Agent. ISMtf S2 Cortlnndtütreet, N'ew York. ■. j a & . 8 zi W Oí P ü 3 S - I hS i M S h ik s l n s - Pfi uj i fe. : B S Ö Ff l M S . fl 3 f i_j w CO li .!■ LH i 3 ■JPOR A FULL LINE OF FLANNELS, PLAID8, NAPKINS, TABLE LINENS, BLEACHED GOOÜS, TICKINGS AND DOMESTIC GOODS OHEAP, GO TO TITE FAltMEItS1 STORE PflYSICIANS' Prescrip tions Accurately and Care fully Prepared by R. V.ELLISd.CO.


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