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The Michigan Argus

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PuMSsfced eyory Friday morning, in the thlrd story ot tile twiok Inook, comer oí .Muiu uiul Hurón Streel A.VN AKJüli, JÜU11. Kutrauce ou lluroii Slrue aposjwíuu l'ust Oülce. V.LIUÍ 1. l"Ol), Editor and Publisher. Terins, $2.00 a l'ear in Advance. HATES OF ADVERTISINGh [VI Unes or leéis considere d a SQuare.J rtMTw. 3 ar'. Sw. m. 6m. i;. 1 aguare I f .75 I $l.b()Y$T.W I $ í.no 1 íC.wo'l fO.nb "ï"sqiiare8 I 551 Ü.MI 8.tO I S.IKl 1 12.00 "Tsqaares 200 Í3.0tT 4.50IT.60 t0.00l 16.00 1J" culumn I ÍJÍO I JW I ÍJW I 9.00 1 12.00 I 80,00 "l-lcolumn 13.001 4.501 6.110 llo.OO 1 ÏS.66 ÏS.Öd T-ícolnmn 4.00 1.00 ■■'. IÏ.O0 !Ó.I "M miran J.'') " 8.00 I IO.ÓÖ ! 18.00 SS.00 10.00 lcolnmn s.on 0 M.oo (0.00 .0Q c AKUSIXDIKBCTORY, nottocxcccd fonrla-'S JMW.iycnr. dvcrtiserpto tho extpnt nf a qn.irtor rolnmn ona írij contract, will ( enttUed to have tht-irc.irilsin oírcltnry withont extra charjin. tjocal Noticf1? ten cent jer line forthe (lrptinserio"n and lx cent a line for uch Babeeqent lnsertion! bnt no notlec Inscrted for less tlinn $1. Special NolicM once-und-a half the rates ofordiiinry advcrtlsemcnti. Yearlv drorttaen havo the privileco of chanjlng heir advertisomentfl three times. Additional changM will be clmrged Tor. f1f Advertlsomnntfunicoompaniivl hy written or serbal ilrecttona will bepnbllshed three moothend 3!iar;od accprdlngly. i ecal Advartlsements.urst iusortion T0 cents per llo.ñ cents per folio for eíioh solwaqnantlnaertlon. (VheniMiotponement is added to an ulvortisemi-iit he whole will bcch:irgd lie same asfor üret iusorion. JOB PRINTINO. Ptmphlet, Tosten, Hand Bills, Ciri-ulars, Cards, Ball Tickets. r.a'iHs.nianks, Bill Heads, nnd other „rfatlesof Plainand Pane; Job Printlng, ezeented with promptnea,and In the liestposíiblestyle. CARD3 - We havaRuggle Rot.-iry fard Preps, ind a laree varlety ofthe ltct style of Cnrd type wliichenables us to print Card of all kinds In the ncatest possible style. and cheaper thun any other or)iiein tlicCity. Business Cards for men orallaT. ecntlonsand nrdfessions. Ball, Wedding andVisiiin cirds.nrinted on short notice. Cali and scesamiiles.


Old News
Michigan Argus