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Another North Pole Expedition

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Professor Hall, with r little help from Congress, thinks tkat he can get up on expedition which will plant tho Stars and Stripes on the tip top of the North Pole. And we believe he can do it Captain' Kane and Captain Hayes, from tbe furthe8t point they reaehed northward, within souie seruii or eight degreos of the polo, report as far as the eye oould reach to iho northward an open' sea, which thcy believe extends to and aweeps around the pole. We dare say, too, that they are correct ia this opinión, hut that the best way to reach the pole ia notagainst the current of the icebergs which conid down Baffiu's Bay, but by way of the Pacific equatorial current, which partly ilows into the Arctic Ocean through Bhering Strait, or by ■way of tbe Atlantio equatorial current (or Grulf Streain) up by the coast of Norway and by the island of Spitzbjrgen. These two great warm oecan currents supply the wuter which no doubt kecps the sea open around tho pole, while tho current which comes down from Baffin's Bay ia only the returning Tolunie of those two equatorial currents after they have lo?t their heat. Henee the processiun of icebergs drifling down JÏafiiti's Bay into the Atlautio in the pring;. ïhey come from the accumulaties oftrte glaciers on the rocky and precipitous shoreg of that bay on both meet, With these impreesion of tho warm oeean current concerned, wo think that the best plan for a North Pole expedí tion wouid b to go in through Behring Straits and t eame out by tho way of öpitzher{ei), or viceversa, avoiding the frozun Amtic outla of Buffiu's Bay altogeiher; and we thiuk that all the failures of British and American expiorers to rcach tho polo may ba chargd rnaiuly to the mistakn of taking the route cf Baffin's Bay. We think so beouse this hav is the ontlet of those two aforfaaid inflowing Bqoétorial curreuts which.urö cjianged iuto a current of icebergs in tliciir return by Baffin's Bay iBto.tbe.Atluatio Ocean. The Kansas Hóusg of. Uopresentatives lian passet] a reaolutionaskiug Congress lo submit to Ihe liegiëlatures of the States Juliau's propoged lGth ! want to iho UonsiitnitOD, gmaiiog wo4 B Ji$rag. Somh crack-braincd protectionist witb an as t grind has sent us a copy of the Merchante Journal, with our nUuntiondirected to an artiele on "Krjolite," f auy Altoos reader outsido llie Chemical Lal oratory of the University can tnll us vhat tliat is. It is, the article tolls us, a salt manufacturad under a Danish patei.t, irnportcd by a Pennsylvania manufacturing cotupauy, and used in the manufacture of Suda, &o. The owuers of the patent it ia claiincd wish it put on tho "freo list," and we are urged to protest ogaiost that being done, because soda is uow heavily dutied for the benefit af Anicricau soda manufacturers, who don't make much soda, but who will be injured by the freeimportation of Kryolito. Now, we don't proposo to protest a bit. The Pennsylvania manufacturera and minors are ectiilud to protoction ; - dou't thu loil consuméis of coal and iron bleed freely for tiieir banefit 't And if admitting Kryolita lrea will gire her soda manufacturers the same protection that the iron mongers aud coa] diggers get from mposing duty, let the poor do?ils haveit; the goverument owes them a living, witlij inercase of profits and vvealth. - To roake the thing even, Üiougb, if it picase the Merchaiti 't Jourjial aod its friendf, we wil join in oaliiig iipou Congress to put soda on the samo free lis', with Kryolito. Let the "hundreds of milliooa cf pouut!" yearly nipor.ted come in free, for the benofit of the poople, however, uot üf thoje long su.Teriug acd forbearing ''protec'ionigts," jyho have submitteil to "heuvy taxes" for so many years "in the hopo of having tbu manufacture of roda c mmenced ai home." If not tommmeed now, they ought not to be burdoueil luuger, We'll run tho terrible risk of getting, somehow or other, so:ip enough to wash both our face aud lineu iu the event of tlat scarecrow war wi h üngluud. Free soda iind free Kryolite, say we. - That new tiiriö' bijl sticks 10 per cent. on Krjolito for the betufit of the soda manufacturera. Ir the Hoüs., on Monday, Mr. Cox asked leave to offer a re-olution "itistructing the Comiuitteo ou Ways and Means to report a elausa repealiug tlie unjust and burdunsome tariti' on coal," which was refuse J by tho decided vote of 44 to "5. This vota indic ites thut the coal consumera of the great easteru cities of the east, DOrib, aud wes, with thosn of village aud country, are still to be robbed, not to put moncy in the treasury of the government, but to en rich the mine ownors of some dozen or so Congressional distrie's. The tariif is now esíentially prohibitivo, and onlv raises the prico of home-mincd coal. Shall we insinúate, as tbo pro:ectionists. that the uiembers wlio vote for perpotuating the tiuiy are bought with Pennsylvania coal or greenbacks ? We will say, that slaves to a political theory they vote regardless cf the wauts or riglits of their cnHtitu-uta. The House Comiuilleo on Eiectiors has again deoided to oust Hou. Gko. W. Gheene, of the llth New York district, aDd give nis scat lo Van Wtck. "In course" it has. Grekne Las the prsumption to be a Democrat, aud tbeu he was clected by ouly 322 mnjority. He ought to have betn ' loil," aud then neither a large nor a email majority would have been ufccess;iry. - The same committoe bas also deterroined to turn out FöSTBR, of PcnnBylvania, another Democrat, and give his seat to thu somewhat noted Covode. - If the seats of aoy otbor Democratie menibers are contested, we advise tbein to como down to that eommittee as speedily as did the fabled coon to Capt. Scott. Delays are onlv voxatious. Conoress bas passed aud the President signed a bilí to interfere with on branch oí the "gift enterprise1' business : not tho distribution of "peter fank" watches and paste jewelry, but tho colloction of moneys from clerks and rniuor officers for tho purchase of presents for official superiors. So far so good ; now let a law be enacted prohibiling execu'ive, legislative, judicial, and military officers baviog patronage to bestow, lrom accepting presents from committees or individuals, say of farms, houseg, fast hors es, plate, etc. It may not, como easy for those "iu authority" to reiinquish such n prolific sourco of cmolument, but then it will look better, and may secure a distributioa of minor offices, contracta, &c, on a belter plan thnn now. Wk owe au apology to the "Proteotivo Association," of Detroit, for recently speaking of E. B. Waiid's iucomo as "8100,000 or Icsb." It waa only about 8300,000, and starvation aDd the poorhouso will most assuredly stare hira in tho face if tho tariff on iron is reduced. The mechanica aod farmers and builders of railroads and ehips oan afford to be taxed heavily to avert euch a terrible calamity. Wiien Ben. Butler a few dayg since informed the Dcmocratio members of the IÏOU80 that there was "great joy in heaven over ono sinner that repenteth," ho was rctninded by Mr. Eldkidoe that "there was no gentleman on the floor of the House who could créate such a thrill of joy in heaven as the gentleman from Massachusetts." Ik TiiE-Honse, on Monday, Mr. Fitch tried tO'get a resolutiou extending belligerent right to the Cuban insurrectionists reforred to a special eommittee, ; but by a vote of 126 to 14 it was con signed to the tender siercios Gom! mitteo on Foreigu Affnirs.


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