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letter of Prof. Tyler to the late Wonian Suftïage Convention, at Battle Creek, wtdeslre to snggest, lo nll candor and good fecling, that if the writer will demónstrate that tlie elective franchise was ever con&ldered by publiclsts of note, aucient or modern, as a human righl, we wiil concede that there is more log'iG lp his argument than now appears to ug. To assume it as a basis for woinan suflYage seems to na to build the temple on a very sandy foundation. If tliere is auy one question that promiees to divide the public attention with the " coming vroman," it is that concerning our Public Schools, The latter is alrendv the question in ourlarger citics, the escluoion of the Blble ualng made the forerunucr of a demand for a división of the school fund. M. J Deic, of the Western CalhMc, opens the battle in our city on Tljursday evenlng next. Go and hcar him, more especial!}" if you disagree wit hlrn. _ If any subscriber to tlie Asaos will sciul us the liamos of live new Bubscribers and slO, we wil! give hhn credit lor a ycars' subscríption. Tiiis offer ought to brlng ns fice new subscriben in every neighborhood where we now have one. - And inercasing our list we will give you a better paper. Kate Field, wcll-kuown to tbe roadme and lecture golug pnbllc, will make her tirst appcarance before an Ann Arbor audienee, in the M. E. Churcli, on Friday eve Ding next, Februury llth, onder the auspi. ces of the Students' Lecture Association. - Anna Dickinsox is set down for the 18th inst. Last Saturday evening an attempt was made to flrc a coujije of I)ai'n8 situated on the alley running fiom Washington to Liberty Streets, just back of A. Hawkinb' residence, but the flres went out of their own accord, without doing any damagc. If you waut Busineos Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Ileads, Statements, Circu lars, etc., brlog your orders to the Anorsoffice. Good stock, superior workmanshlp, aud reasouable piices guarantced. Messrs. Hknkino & ScnuLTZ, o( this city, have started a Stave and Bolt Factory at North Lansing, and propose to do a staving business. "Josii Billixgs" didn't fill Lis engagement before the Siudcul's Lecture Association last evenlng. Is reported Blek. The Circuit Court for Ibis County will commence its next sessiou on Monday, February 14th, the Hon. Samuel IIigby to preside. The February number of the Ladiei Itejiosilory is as " briglit as a new dollar.'' The beautiful steel platc, "Sugar Riish, Ottowa, Canada," Is very like something we romember tQ have seen in years agone ; the portrait of Abel Stevens, LL. ])., will be wtlcome to his niany Methodist admiréis, while the table of contenta covers a wide range, and is sure qf a reodlng. $3.50 a year. Address, Hitciicock & Walden, Ciucinnati, Ohio. Messrs. Ijee & Shktakd, publisbers of "Oliver Optic's" Magazine, Our Boys and QirU, have coinmenced issuing the same in monthly parta as well as wcekly numbers. The January number is very ncat and attractive In appearance, containing thefour wcekly numbers. The leading feature is "Oliver Optic's" serial "}3ear and Forbear," tllODgh the other storles, anecdotes, puzzles, rebuses, etc, will amuse, inieivst, and instruct. $2.50 a year. Addvesa l'ublishers, Boston. The thirly-two large aud ueatly priuted pages of the January number of the Mawifacturer and BuihUr - the flrst uumber or the secoud volume - has a great uumber and variety of articK-s pcitainiug to inilustrial piirsuts,inanul'ictures, Inventions, dUcovcrias.arcliitecture.etc. The mechante and misan- oí whatever brancb - will flnd tliis i;::thly a vauable aid, and an invrstment of $1.50- the price ofit for a year- will prove a profltable one. Address Wi.stEitx & Company, 87 Park Kow, New York. A farmer naiucd Clayton, a man of weahh, living a few miles from Utioa, Illinois, comuiitted suieide on Sunday, Jan. 30th, by shooting himself. lic was i badiolcr au.d worth S60,000, and was mueh respected. líe labored under the ïear of choking to dcat.h by a BWelliag M his tliroat with whiah ho had been illlicted for uiany yxjars, Miss Susan B. Anthony fays that she lever heard of so raany men ia one place aeiog fimultaneously affoctcd with gore ihtoat as sbe found iu Washington in soectiüg CoDgroffincu to tpgak at her suf r'ge eoprcotiou,


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