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A COUGH, COLD, OB, SOJlE. THROAT -Wyhfc lí'iuires [inmediata ftttaptlon, as ae KaMflA u'1'1 ofton resqïta n an iücuiable !kfiJRg?Brown'fi Bronchial Troches rySWSr will musí inv..riubly giveíastantrelief For IÏKOM-HIT[St ASTHHA, CaTAHBH, CoXSt'UPTTrR aü.l Turoat Di.shask they haveanoothing offect. 8INGEBS and PUBLIC SI'KAKEH.8 yse them to clearand stren?then the toicc, O .ving to tho good reputaron and papuifiTity of the Truches, many worthlesñ and chtop Imüations are of fcrtd,whichartgoodfornothing. lío eure to outaix the true BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES. 1244m6 MPi.n evkrvwhkhk. iíi feaeffll H ALUS ÜCV J VEGETABLE SIQ.IÜAN 1T IVILL POS1T1VELY RESTORE GUAY HAIR TO JTS ORIGLXAL COLOR. It lteeps tho liair foom fallí ng out. It is the best .Irns-iin in the wtirld , uiakinj; lifeless, stilT, brasby hatr, healtby, soft and glossy. Fr Rule by all druirgists. R.P.HALL&CO. Nashua,N. H. Tropríetorfl, w4-12l. CONSUMPTIOÑ! The Throo Beraelii's. "'chknck's Pitaioxio Syklt," for thecureof CouRhs, Colds, Bionchitifi, a nd tví'Ty formof Consumption. The peculinr action of tliis medicine rit ens the ulcer in the !ungs, promofcM the discharge of the corrupt raattei by expecUratiun. Furifiefl the blood, and thus cures OolUamptlon, when every othcr remedy failn. "Sclienck'K Sea-Weert Ttmic " for the cure of Dys. pepsift or lodigvstton, and all di-caiea arisingfrom debility. This louic invigorate the digestivo orgtiit, .-tuppIioB the place of the gastric juice when thatfi deficiënt, and then etiablex the patiënt to 'iigeit tfte ni-t nutritiops food. It is a sovereign [-:;.. y for all cauec of jpdigestipp. 11 Scheock'h Ifapdiafee PflU," ppe of the moet valuable medicine b ever díjjcovpred, bting a vege tab ie su bst tute for calci(iel(and haTing alt fhe useui properfics ascribed to that mineral, without rodneing ní its rjunous effepi, Td these three medicines Or. J, H. Pphrnck of, pM'pii !)! ..,;];v!''l pppU in the rcatuiint ot Tulmotiic Cboriumptioii. The Tulmonic S up rifiens the morbid matter, discliargea , and i-u:iticH the blond. The Mandrake Pilis et upön the liver, remove all obstruí tiona thererom,givfs the organ a liealtliy tono, and cure Iver Complafnt, vbfcfa ip udc cf the ipott promient oiumi of Concumptiot). The fVu Weel Toni.: lavlg ratefc tlie powors of if Bfoffiach, i5 bj btrenglhcuing the digestión nl bringing it to a normal and healtby conñition mpr oves the qutlity of the blood, by w hich raoans ie formation of ulcera or tubercle in thelungs ecome impoEsible. The combtned action of thee edicines, asthiiB explained, vrill cure fvery case " Consuinption f ibe remedies are ut cd ia time nd the use of them is perseverad jn miffieieatly to ring the case to a favorable teimioatfon. Pr. clienck's Almanac, contitiiiing a fu 11 trea-■■fu t!rh Tarious forms of disease, bis mode of reatinent, qnrt gcnuyal direaUons huw to ■. li is odicine, can be had gratis or sept bf mail by drefsing hisPrincipal ODicr, No. 15 N . tfixth sreet, hiladflphia, Ha. l'rice "f the Pulmón ie Srriip and Weed; 'onic , ' ac , SI. 50 per bottle,or S" .50 the lialf dozen an Ir. ke í'ills. 25 cente per box. Kur bale bv All U .:.-t - .IM'i'TK, LOUR AND FEBD STOBH " IKT 3STEW BRIOK BLOCE NO. 14 WEST LIBERTY ST. Delhi Flour ! AXD ALL KINDS OF FEED AND COAESE GRAIN entt?.ntly on hand, and deiirered to cuRtomen in ny part of the city. JOHN g.;iïkr. Ann A.bor, Xut. 1R69. 1845mfi EMOVAL. J. KECr$c CO. llave rcmovcil tbfir STOCK OF FURH1TURE And Undertaker's Goeds. To MacU Í! Sclimid'n Block, No. 52 South Main, and No. 4 West Liberty Streets. IIE LARGE3T STORE IN TJIE CITY, AND BL'Ii.T KXI'RESSl.Y FOR THE FUHNI1URE T]}ADE. THEY HAVJS NOW IN' STORE TIIE LABOESTand FIN1CST STOCü OK FURNirURE F.VKR OFFEKKD IV THB COUN'TY, OF TIIEIROWN MAN'1'fACTUKE, Syi'ERIOR BOÏH l.V QUAI.IT jT AMD STYI.E, WIICU THKY NOW OFFER TO THE PUBLIC CHEAPER THAK CAN BE B0UOI1T AN Y WHERE J4L8E IN TUK STATE. T1IEIR STOCK IXCLCDES EVERY ARTICI.E NEEDEDTQ PCRNISQ TUK ggsrprni fBOM voÏO I10TÏOM . Their ol'I patrons and tho pabilo gencrnïlv are invitod to íí've them a calL J. KECK ft CO, Ann Albor, Janyary, lífú. ]j.. jIVEHY ANü SALE STA1ÍLE, AXTELL &; RAJIAGK, Corner Main mui CattMItaertraeU. Horsen board - cd on rcMsnuablc terma. hecond hand b"i;ie?, cutteraand harnes; fur bIc. Iï52jl JIVE GHKS FEATHERg FITlGirL 9UALITY, Constnutlyon hand andforealeby RA CE a nzr.. lh .dm " jffc ■ i s j 1 ni I ' AU PAl'P.NT MtOHCfNE IlL'Mlil'fJ, potten up to riupo tlie ijrnorant and criidulous, nor ís ii represente'l a beinfc composed of rare ar.d precious sn'jsfuncen bmught f rom the four corners ol the eurth carried even times bc: oes the Great Descrt Oftfft harah on the backs of IourtenncamelB,and brought aeróse the Atlantic Occan on two ahips.1 Jt is a #mpU.mild. $ootkin# Jievtzdy, a pertect Spicific for Catakrh and "Coi. jx ihk IIeab,' also for oiTensive broath. Loss or linpairment f the Sense of Smell, Taste or Hearinp, WaterinR or Wenk Kvcí, Pain or Prcssurein the Head, w l;cn caunf-d, a they all not unfrequently aro, by the riolenco of Catarrh. We offev in good faith a Btanding reward of $500 for a case of Catarrhthat we íftn not cure. FOR SALEBY Most QRTJGGISTS EVEEYWHERE Prick oni,y 50 Ce.vts. Sent by mail. poet naid.on receipt of Sixtv Ckntb, Four packstges for S2.00. or 1 Boxen for $5.00. Spri1 a t wo cent starop for Dr. Sagt'a pamplilet on Catarrh. Address the Proprietor, R. V.PIEUCE M.D., 1251m8 Buffalo, N. Y TO l'IIE WORKIXG CLABS - Ve are now preparea to furniqh all classes with constant eraplojroent at hoipe,th whole of the time or for the spare niomentn. Business ne', hght, and proñtable. Persona f either ex CJisily earii f rota Oiïu. to $5 por f:venintf, ana a proportiunal iun by devoting thoir whole time to thfl business. Boys and gifta earn nenrly as much as men. Th at all ho ee this notice inaynend thoir address, and t(st tho business, we make thi-s uoparallelfd offer : Totiuchas are not well êatiiified, we will send @l to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particu lars, a Taluable Piimpl' , vfaiofa will do to coni menee work on, a ml a copy of The Ptoplt.'ê Litcrary QjrGpanionon# of the lurpest aod best ftmi ly nwsjipers pubüshtd - vil sent free by mail. ltea.Hr, ii yoit want permanent, proñtable work, address K. 0. AI.LIÍN & CO , Augusta, Mnine IiORILIiARD'S 's n excellent artiíír"l BCflA A 55 c1e of granúlate! EURfcKA VirKinia; wfaerover (%f.Bm-""Ii'r I iötroduced it IftQDiBmoklUg TobaCCO versally admired. It 'm put up In ha minóme mastín bas, ín wliich orders for Mocrschuuui Plptl art; n]y packed. LORILLARD'S classed by all who TT A riTTm NTTTn MOBM it as the Y ACHT CLÏÏB 21SftvM Smoking Tobacco leafgrown; itlsnnti nervous in it.s ctTecl, as tlie Nicotine lias been extmcteil ; it leavcs no diaagreeable tasto after BmukiuK : i '" very mild, lit;lit io cnlor and weigllt, hence onepoanil will LastftsTong uk thret' oí ordlnary to b;icro. In tliis brand we n'.x.i pack orders everv day forfirtl ',i::tii ! y Ueernahaaii! tipeik Trj it air] uon rincevoiirseU' it is all jt cla(ins to be, " THÍ KJNIiST OF ALL.!' ■ . ] TiORILLARD'S Thi brand of Fine gMKiME lf%%# t'ut Cliewing Tübaccu 4_tilS I Uihe W ha no equalor sip.'"■ ■ 1%. ■ . r,,r aP.wh,Ti.. It ia Chewiug Tobacco. without doubt tUe best cbewing tobáceo ia the country. LORILLARD'S I have now boen in CtTTTHÍTn I general use in th V-- J1 l'O Ufl jtais, uud still acknovvlcdged " the bft " wlnrever u„.-d. If your storekeeper does not Lave these article for Bale.askhimtoKet l!1Pra; the y In MId bv rospectable jobUt-rs tlinost 'vt-r wjiere. Circular 01 pi leea forwtxdtd m ppliwtJoB. P. LOKILLARD & CO., New Yo-k. 12S3m3 pÖCASH T YOU c.v Bi y Lumber, Lath and Shingle AT A BARGAiN, AT THE YAHD UF G. SUTHERLAND & CO. Ann Arbor, January , lSTp. pEOPE'8 DrxUG STOjcíjSí R. W. ELLIS& CO. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, l'O reJIHFYiaiCr X11JE BLOOD. The reputation this ex,-"?"k cellent medicino enjoys, O-"i Ja is derived from its cureR, fit StSk many of which are truly Sb ""gtff marvcllous. Invetérate i ai cases of Scrofiiloue ' f tiü case, where the system x X. ia. seemed saturated with. ÉíLímJk & eTj cbrruptlon, have Veen viii, :v IJ3 "■" puriücd and cured by it. %öc i ttSt ocroftilous aflTeetions and j disorders, which were ag_-?a' gravatcd by the scrofuIous contamination until " thcy wore painfully nfllieting, have been radically cured in such great numbers in almost evcry section of the country, that the public scarcely necd to be inl'ormed of its rirtues or nses. Scrofulous poison is one of the most destructivo enemies of our race. Oden, this unscen and unfelt tenant of the organism undermincs the constitution, and invites the attack of cnfeeblingor fatal discases, without exciting a suspicion of its presence. Again, it seems to breed infection throughout the body, and then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop into one or other of its hideous forms, cither on tho eurface or amone the vitáis. In the lattor, tuberclcs inay be suddenly rlepositetl in the lungs or heart, or tumors ibrmed in the liver, or it shows its piescnce by cruptinns on the skin, or foul nlccrations on sonic part of the bpdy. )Icncc the occeioifal use of a bottle of this Sarsapariila is advisable, even when no active symptoms of disease nppear. Persons afllicted vcitv the following comïilaints gencrally Und immediatc relief, and, at JenRth, cure, by the use of this SABSAPAltlLJjA: Ut. Antlmny's iHrc, Hotte or lïrysipclasf Tetter, Salt Ithcum, Scald Ilendt Jttiifirormf Sore JE;í;s, flore J!ars, and other cruptions or visible i'orms of Scrofulous disease. Also in Uie more concealed forms, as Dtfspejwitt. J)ropsjr Jleart Diseasc, Hts, Epilrpsy, Xritralyia, nnd the various tflrfrwt affections of the muscular and nerrons sj'stonis. . Sipli UU or l'rnerrnt and Mer&urial Diteasei are cured byit, though a long time is requircd for 1 subduinp these obstinate maladies by any medicine, lint long rnntioued use of this meiliciiJe will cure the coinplaint. icucnrrhaa or II 'hites, l'terine XHcevtttions, and Female Uiscascs, aro commonly soon relicved and ultimatcly cured by its nurtiylng and invigorating effect. Uuu!' }irecDons each case are fbund in our Almanao, supplied grniis. XkmnmaHm nnd Gout, when. caasea by ncciimulntions of extraneous matters in the blood, yield ciuicklv to itk as also I.iver Cvtnplaints, Torjiiaity, t'tmttstiini or ƒ- matton of the Lire.r, and Jaundice , when arising, as tiiey olten do, from the rankling poisons in tho blood. This SAHSAFAÏtJI-LA is a grct roitom for the strengrli and vistor of the system, Thoscwho are Zaniuid and l.ittle, Xtëspondi-tit. siirpless, and troubled with JV'cn'OM ApprehenMon or Fears, or any of the nffections symptomatic of Weaknea, wül iind iiqmediate relief and convincing evidence of its restorative power upon trial. r ItEPARKD B T Dr. J. C. AÏIB & Í O. .!., oll. Ha., Fractical and Analytical Chemists. SQLD HY A1L DKUGGISTS EIRYWHEKE. Sold at vrhulcsalo by FAKRAND, BHKLEY k COt l Detroit. T FÜLL J4NËÖP BEAUTIFfJL Colored and Black ilks ! . BLACK AND CqrXJRED ALPACAS! EMPKESS CÏ,0IHS, NP OTIJEH. SE4SQNA13LE GOODS, JUST RF.CEIVED AT H. MILLEN'8. RAB WRAPS AND NEW SHAWLS! i A Fine Stock in this Iiinu hqw opening ' C. IL MILLEFÍ-3. PÏfYlSlClAN& Prescriptions Accuratdy and üarefully Prepara? hi'jL W. KLUS d; Co.


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