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How He Got The Good Of

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It.- Of a praoucai veía was tbe humor ol tbe irishman who fouod Limself cleaning windowg on a bitter cold iiiorning in Scotland. Tho head of the housa had given faim bout half a cup full of whisky, and njoined him to rub it with aümall cloth on the panss previous to polishing them. Qoing out shortly afterward, be noticcd that the cup wai empty, and that tbe man wa working with a wi'l. " How's this, sir?" snid the master, angrily, M what's beoome of the whisky." " Sure, n' I drank il, yer honor," aid the exile, cbeerily ; " a good healtb to ye this cowld mornin' - but I blow my breath on the windowg, which is just the iarae, an' 1 have all the gooi of it belidtt.'' The Kussian infantry is dow armed with needie rifles, and a fictory has been established in St. Petersburg to manufacture 8500,000 stand. The wives of upwards of a hundred convicta at Cayenne have petitioned the French Minister of Justice to be allowod to rejoin their husband in that penal oolony. News has been received at New York of the shipwreck and totalloss of tbe ram AtUnta, (which had been sold to the Salnave government) in the vioinity of Fortune Island, previous to tbe 13th inst. It is presumed no lives were lost. IHinoia has 5,186 miles of railroad, of which 4,700 are open for business, costing with their equipraentï, 115,568,542. The last censúa of the Kingdom of the Netharlandp, which has just been eompletod, shows a population of 3,628,468 eouls- an increaae of 35,450 over that of last year. A Wuatern papor says : " The young people who wore seen to foed each other, dove-fashion, over a gate-post, the other evoning, bad beller bo a little more oautious in the future." It will surprise those who recollect the pretty, girlish face of Alice Cary's portrait, iu her book of pocms, a few yeare go, to seo the lïevolulton write bow of the " eilver locks " of the pootess. _ A Schencctady, N. Y., jcstice has do cided that a " verbal coutract ia not good without a stamp." An Illinois exchange ptartles its readers with tbc qucstiou, ' Ia ihere a heil ï" If tho journalist who prnpounds the question will gpend one wiuter at WnshÏDgtOD, he wül bc satisfied that if there is not such a place, thero ought to bo. Under the nweet municipal rule, which Kis blesscd that city for the last two or three yaars, Washington ia announced as bankrupt. A New York paper says that fourfifth of tho clcrgymen of that city owo asd drirc fast horses. Pñnny Fern docsn:i believe iu anythiog Ü-.t man says, unloss ït's somothing disagreeublc. According to a San Franoiseo Rtatistician, our commoroo with China amounta tothis : We send them anunally S0,000,000 and receive 4,000,000, the balance gainst us boiug just 5,000,000. At a chureb. fair in Kansas City a set of bod room furniture wan voted to a joung lady, with tho understanding ihst, if she was not married iu a year, tho furnitur.o should be rtturned to the eiiuxoh.


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