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SPËCI.U, TON'.YSIIIP Í1EKTI. TV'OTÏCE is hereby given, that in. accordanee with 11 the reqnest In wrttlng of tliirty mul over taz paying electora of the towuship of Northfield, in the Connty of n'aahtenaw, that a meeting of the lectors of asid tównshlp will be held at Walsh's Corner , in -H : i i 1 1 towsablpi u S:ilurday, the l'.th i::iv o Febroory, A. D. 18T0, nt Elne o'clock A. M., for the pnrpose. (lf elector shall so vote) of pledgiur thcaiil of sftid tOWXUïhip bv hmn to the "Toledo, Aun and Northéfn Ballroad Company," in the construction uf its Kailroad, accoraing to the ptorislona ol' the Act of the Legislature oithc State of Michigan, entUMO ''AnActto enableany Townsbip, city or Village to pli aid, by loan or donation, to any Railrond Compauy now ('hnrti'i'eil or organlntd, r tnatmáybe nereafter organlsed, DDderand by rirtne ofthelawsof the Stat r of Hlchigan, in the constrnction of its road,"and approved Kareh iïd, A. D. 188; And that mch electors have in thelr Bald wiltten requost '1 the sum of Fifteen Thousanu Dollars i 615,001)1 as the amoont of aid to bc pledged I Kailroad Oompaay, by way oí loan in bonda to be Isaned by ench township in tccvfdaitce with said act, in such suins, nut more llian 1.000 and UOt lasa lint" Slon. as .iiiil Company hhull reqnest. wltb coupons amiexed forthe uumial interest thereon, snch bonda to draw interest ac the ra:i: oí' Keven por cent. per anDum, and pufeh bonda and coupons to be exeedted for Boch Townanp by the Supervisor mul Clark of said Townabip, and be drawn payable at the office of the Treasurer of said County ; the principal to bepayable in lifteen cqital annual iniHallinents, the ürt instaihni ut tobecomedne oio the Qrstday ofFebmary, A. D. KS7r. and the othcr mstallments yearly thereafter, for the fourteen succeedlng ycar.s ; anti the condltion Dpon which Buch loan is to he made, that from and after the time wlu'u Bald Company ahall reccive such bond from the state Xreasnrer, whëneverand as often is said Company sliall maKG any dividend payable to the Stockholders of said Company. pon thc8tock of said Company, said Company ah all pay into the office of the Treasnrer of said Cotintv, for the nao of said Townshlp, mi the amonnt of such loan or the balance thereof then unpaid, a Bum equal pro mf'i to such dividend then made : and when such dividendo do notexceed the rale of sevcn per. cent. per annum for tbe time, such payment to be deemed and receiyedas a full p.iymrnt i the Interest to bepald b said Company for .nivh time upou tbe Lndebtednesa of s:iiil Company for smii loan ; and whenevcr Boch dividends ahall exceed the rateof seven per cent. for snch time, thee the amount of Bui li excess over, and after paytng such sevrn per cent. Interest, shall apply t"vards repayin the principal of the Indebtedneea of said Company for the amoont of such lu;in, uutil snch principal shall be thereSv fnlly p.-üd. And said Company BbalJ upon tile receipt of such Honds, exeocatti and dlivrrto the Supervisor qf said towuship the agreemint of said Coiupauy with said towuship lo thal effect. Snch bonds to be executed and delivertd to the State Treasurer to be disposed of in accordance with the provisión of said Act. That a depot shall be locatcd at least three fourtbs of one milc south of tne base line, and withinonehalf mile of the west bank of Whitmore Lake. Dated, Northfleld, January luih. lsTo. PATRICK WALL, 12,'Otd Supervisor for Ihe Townshlp of NorthflcldReal Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Countyof Washtenaw, ss. - In the matter of the estáte of Antoi nette L. Annabil. minor: Ñotico is hereby ííiven, tbattn parsnanceof an order granted to the uudersigned Guardian of the estáte of said minor, by the HoD.Jadge of Probate for the Couniy of Waahtenaw on the tirst day of November, A. D. Í869, there "ill be sold at public veïidne, to the hiphest bidder, nt the dweiling honse on the premifies liereinafter described, lu the County of Washtenaw, in said State, on Saturday, the ninctcenUi day of February, A. D. 1ST0, nt twclvc o'clock, noon, of that day, (subject to all enctunhraneea by mortgage or otherwise existlng at the time of sale, and alflo subject to the riht of dower of the widow ot Irn Annabil, deceased, tlicrcin.) tin: following ai sertbed real estáte, vli : The unlivided font th of tbe east half of the southwe-tt qaarterof section eightecn. and undivided fonrtb "f : half of the northeast quarter of section nineteen, iü township thres Bontb of range three east. containing one hundred and sixty acres more or lesa, in aaid State. Datcd, January 5th, A. D. 18T. KII0D11.I.E ANXABIT., 1251 Qnardiiin Ea'ate of Margaret McCarthy. CTATKOF MICHIGAN, County of Washt.-naw, e?. 0 Notice is berehy gived that by an order oftlie Pro bate Court for the County of Waehtenuw, made r the twenty-lourtli day of January. A. D. 1870, six montha from that date were allowed for credttors to present thelr claims against the estáte of Martfaret McCarthy, late of Baid Coiintv. deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased are required to . thelr claime to Baid Probate i'ourt, at the Prob&te Office In the city c.t Ann Arbor, for examlnatlpn and allowance, on or before the twenty tiftli öny of ifoly next, and that sucli clahna wUl be heard before said Probate Court, on Monday, the fourtcenth day ofMareh, and on Momiay, the twenty-flfth day of .Iitly next, at ten (clock in the forenoon of each of tbosedays. Dated, Aun Arbor, January 24!h A. T).. 1S70. Hl'RAM J EAKES. 1254 Jodge or Probate. Estáte of Wilüam Pidd,"Seu. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw, ss. Notice is hereby glvon, thatbyan (jrder of the Probate Court for the County of fTaahtenaw, made on the fourtcenth day of January, A. I). 1S7O, six months from that date were allowed for creditors to preaent their .claims against the estáte of WUllam rldd, Seu., late of Bald ' oi'iity. deceased, anti that all creditors of said deceased ure required to present their elaimfl to said Probate Court, at the l'robate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, for examinatlon and allowancc, on or before the fourteenth day of July , next, and that such claims will be heard before said Probate Court. on Saturday, the nineteenth day of Jlarch, and Thursday, the fonrteenth day of July next, nt ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of those days. Datcd, Ann Arbor, Januarv 14th, A. D. l70. ÍIIUAM J. BBAKBS, 1-53 Jadge of irobate. Commissioners' Notice.g STATE OF UICHIQ AH, Connty ofWashtenaw, ss. The undersigned having been appointed by tbc Probate Court for said County, Commissioners to receive. examine and adjust all claims and demanda of all persons against the estáte of Adam Muts, late of said Connty, deceased, hereby glve notice that six months from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims aeainst the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the store of II. Schlotterbeck, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said Conuty, on Saturday, the niucteentth day of March. and Tuesday the twelfth day of July next, at ten o'clock A. M. of each of said days, to recelve, examine, and adjust said claims. Dated, Jauuary l-2th, A. i. 1ST0. 1252w4 WILLIAM F. HOTII, 1 o__tatattI1 HERMANN SCHLOTTERBECK. j Commissioneis. SberifiTs Sale. BY VIRTUE of one writ of Ficri Facías, issned out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, to me directed and delivered, and bearing date the fifteenth day of November, A. D ISO'.i', in favor ot Christiaü Muller, commanding me that of the goods and chattels, and for want thereof, then of the lands and tenements of John Orcsslein and Barbara Qresflein, to mak tbe sum of Unce hundred and ninety elght and Ü4-100 dollars, damases, and twenty-nlne and 25-1UO dollars costs of suit, I did on the 15th day of November, A. ü. 18ö9, levy upon, seize, and lake the folloving described property, to-wit: Lot uumber four f4J in biock number three CJ) uorth, range two f-'j eastj the south one (IJ rod in width of lot number flve (5), in block three (3) north, range two (21 east ; 'hc go'.ith one CO rod in wldth of lot number twclve (lü) in block number three [DJ north, ranee number two () cast. and lot number 13, block 3 north ranee two t;ast. accprdlng to tbe recordcd plat ot Ihe city of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw, State of Michiïzon. wiiich property I shall exposé for sale..'::l Bell at public auction, to the highest bidder, on Monday. the Uth day of March, A. 1. 1ST-', at 2 o'clock r. m. 01 that day, at the sonth door of tbc Conrt House, in the city of Ann Arbor, County of Wasliteuaw and Staïc of Michigan. ated, Ann Arbor, Jan. 11 th 1S70. 12i-t BYRON R. PORTER, Sheriff. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT havlng been made in the cor.dition of a ccrtaln mortgage made and exeeoted on the eleveuth day of Ociober, A. D. 186T by Ezra W. Whitmore and Caroline A. Whitmore, of the City of Ann Arbor. County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, to Wilüam II. Parker, of Low ell, Maesachusctts, and recorded in the office of the Kegister ol Deeds of Washtcnaw County aforesaid. on the 12th day of October. A. D. 1SG7 at5Ji o'clock i'. m., in líber 37 of mortgages. on pageCSS, and tbat there is now clalmed to be dne upon said note and mortgage the sum of thirteen hundred and sixtyfour dollars and thirty sevcn cents, also au Attorucy's fee ol" Ihirty dollars shor.Ul any prooeodings be taken to foreclose saul mortgago, and noproceedings at law or equity hajrtng been had to recover said sum, or any part thereof ; Now, thcrefore, notice is hereby given , thai by virtue of a power o!' sale in said mortgage contalned, I shall sell at public auction, to tbc bighest bidder, on Satnrday, the23dcay oí April, ISTO, at 2 o'clock r. it. of said day, at tse fronl door of the Court IIouse: in th& city of Ann Arbor, in said County, all that certain piece or parecí of land situated in the townahip of Lima, Connty of Washtenaw, and State of Uichlgan, known. bouiuled and described as follows, towlt: lieing tbe south forty acres of the north one hundred and ten acres of the northeast quarter of section number twenty-seven. (--'7} , in townshlp No. two (2J south of range number four east; Bud forty ar res of land lies north and adjolns James Slitchell'u land. Jauuarv, 20th. 1S70. WILLIAM II. PARKER, Mortgagee. Jonx N. Gott, Att'y. for Uortgagee, J264 Mortgage Salo. DEFAULT having in-en made In the conditlons of a certain mortgaice made by Nathaniel G. Gates to Thomas k. LeonazS, dated the Mth day of December, A. 1. l''i-", and recordcd on the li'th day of October, A. D. ïsiiii, at ñÁ o'clock p. m., in tho otli ■ of the Register of i'ceds tor Washtenaw County, Michigan, in libcr 30 of mortgages, on pagelTC, wblcb said mortgage was dnly asiigned by said Thomas F. Leonard to Godfrey 1 ávid l'rederic'k by aaslgnment bearing date the Mh day ofFebmary, A.I). UM, and dnly recorded in the 'üegister's ofllce aforesald, on the 23 th day oí March, A. D. 1SC7, at -ÜÍ o'clock t. ., in liber 3ti of mortgages. on page 118, opon which mortgaffe there ia now daimea to be due at the date of this notice the sum or three hnndred and thirty six dollars and seventy-tive cents, besides a reasonable Atto'-ney's or Solicitor's fee providcd for in said mortgago. and no mil or proceedug at law or in eojülty having been Instltuted to recover the same or any part thereof: Now, thcreforc, by virtne ol the power of sale in said mortjage contalned, and by virtue of the Btatnte in such c.isc made and provided. nctlce s hereby given, that on Saturday, the28d ilay of April, next. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, al the i onlh do, ir of tbe Court House, In the city of Ann Arbor, County OfWashtenaw and State öf Michigan, (belng the place of holding tbe Circuit Conrt wlthln said County), there will ' at public auction. to the bighest bidder, the i desciibed in sald mortgage, or so mach thereof a-i may bettecemary to Batisfy the nmount dne on ":i! I mortgage, with interest, and awu, and exp allowed by law ; wlnch said premisos ara aescrlbed as follows: Lots No. one. four, live and elght, in block Xo. ( Brown and I-'ul'cr's Addiiinn lothc Villaje, now City of Ann Arbor, in the Countyof Washtenaw, in the State of Michigan. Dated, Aun Arbor. Jan. 58th, I8T0. AUOUSTQS VlI)i:MANN', Administrator of tbe Estáte of Qodfrey 1). Frederick, deceased. Edwabd II. Si.awsn, Attorney. UU physidians'Trëscriptiop" ACCURATELV AND CAHËPTJLLY PREPABED BY j R. W. E LUS & CO., DRUQ8IS28. Mortgago Salo. DEPATTiT haring been marie in the conditïon of a eer in i n mortsage made and execated by W'ütiam M. BroWD a:ul I-uuru B. lïnvn, hit U. ui Manchester, In the Ccmnty of Wasbtauaw and of MichigtiD . to Wiüijini Qalbert, of the City of a uu Arbor, County of Washtenaw aforeffltid, on the 27th day ol January, a. u. i-ïM, and recorded in tli office of ihe Register of Deeds for the County of H naw aforesald, on tlie iüth day oí .imumry, I) 1860, at i o'clock p. k of sald day, Lñ lü'1 mortgageS] oh page 199, wntch aid mortgage was duly AseigDed by said VYiliiam Hnlbert to me, mi tlic ninUi day "i December, A. I). 1809, and fecorded in the offl ' of fue RegTster of DetdB ol Bftid (.'unty on ihe 18th daj of i ecember, A. i 1369, at ir., oxv ck a. h., in Hoer No. ' of assigninenca f mortgages, ou j, and that there i nowdoe apon said murtxage aud bond arcompanylng ihe uamo, the snm ortwo thousand fonrhundrad and nlnety tour dollars aud furty-six oenta, also au Attorney'ii fee of thirty dollar should any proceedlngs be taken i forcejóse sald mortgage, and no proceedins at law or iu cquity having úeen had to recover sald suui or any part thereof, now. therefore, notice is hereby jiivni, tlmt by virtiH! of a power of sale Ín sald mortgage contained, I BhaU sel] ai public auct ion, to bidder. on Uu 28d fcy of April neit, at 8 O'clock, p m. of said day, at the front door of the Conti House, in the City of Ann Arbor, Oounty aforesaid, all those certain pfecea or parcela of huid Lying and beLng In the townsbip of manchester, In the County ol Washtenaw and State of Michigan, known and described as the Boutbeaat quarter of the northeast quarter of secllon No. ten, and the southwest quarter of the northwestqnarter of section number eleven, in tOWDshlp foor fouth of range lüree east, ac cordlng to the united States urvey,conta:ning eighty acres jI' land ,be tlie saine more or lesa. Dated, January 2Sthf 18T0. JOHN W. COWAX, John N. Gott, Assignee of Haití Mortgage. .Htorney for Asignce of eaid Mortgage. 1U64 Mortgago Suïe. TJEFAUI.T having been made in the condition of U acertain mortgage exeented by Lorenco Davta, of Aan Arbor, Michigan on the I4th day oí June, A. T). 1860, to Knoeit James, of sald ' i t y , aud recorded In the offl' ( of the Register of Deeda-, the, 21;. day o luuc, A. D 1866) ut. 33í oclock P. U , in líber :i; oí mortgages, on page T8, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due ut tlie date of this notice, the sum j i il .e iminii-'-i! and foni doliare and Beven cents, and that there wlfl bëcome dus apon sald mortjrage on tliu 14ihday of Juuc, A. I) 1SH, the sum of two hmidrt'd and eleven dolían and forty KTen cents, and Intéreét from the date hereof at ten per cent., beiides the costa and expenses of this foruclosure, Indudlng reasonable charges for Attorneys or SollcItor'a services, and aosnit ai prooéedlhg at law i r In equity havlng been Lnstltnted to recover the debt, or ;uiy part thereof, notice Is hereby glven. that by virtae of the power of sale Lu sald mortgaee contaiued,I ihall Bell at public auction, to the hlght si bidder on the S8d day of April, A. I). I9T0, at 2 o'clocfe in the afternoon of that day at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Anu Arbor, n theCotlDty of Waahtenaw, and State of Michigan, the premises describid in sald mortgage j as follows,lo-wit.: Five acres of land in the southwest corner of tho northweet quarter of aection number thirty-three, in towoship numlier two (ï) south, in range number tix (G) BMb in Ann Arbor. In the County of YVnshtenaw. in the State of Michigan, beiny eleven chiiinsand eleven links in lenjrth, e:tet and weet, and cightcen rode wide, uortli and oiith. Dated, January Sili. (8T0. UKN'KY L. JAMES and LYMAN D. JAMES, Eiccutors of the last will and lestament of Enoch Jame, late ol Wa.litenaw John N. Gott, County, deoeased. Attornny lor the Exccutors, &c. Iüö4 Mortgage Sale. DEFAt'LT having been made in thecondiüon of a certain mortpise executed by Elias Rlcfa to Harrict G. Aahby, on the twentj-eighth day of September, a. ]). Ï864, recorded, wlth tlie power of sale thereln coQ-tained, in the onloe of thu Register of ir tho Connty t Vashtenaw, In the State of ' loek i'. bc., on the aineteenth diy of September, A. l. isöö, in liber No. l of mortgages on page 788, and by an Initrnment of asslgnment beanng date the twenty-fourth day of Jannary A . i and recorded In the office of the Register oí Decds nforesaid, at :; , o'clocb p. BC, on the second day of November, A D. iStií, in líber ' of assiffn. menta of mortgases on page 8?4, duly nssïgned by I Qarriel Q Ashbv to Lucy A. Olds. on which mortgage there is claimed to be duo :it the date of this notice, the snm of twelve huiidrfid and ten dollars and fonr cents, principal and interest, and no solt or proceedhïL8 at law or in chancery having been in-iituted to recover the SUn 80 daO, or any part thereof, notice iá, therefore, hereby piven. that by virtne of the power of üalc contained ín sald mortgage, which has in comí operativo by the default aforesaid, and in pnruance of the statutc in snch case made and providedfthe sald mortgagra will, at tbc Court House, In the city of Anu Arbor, in the Coanty of n;tw, and State öt Mi -hian (that belng tlie place ol holding the Circuit Court within Balo County) on the twenty-thlrdday of ApiU, A. D. 1870, t eleven o'cV'ck in tlie forcno'ii. be foreclosed by au!e of the pn mises described in sald raortgagei Bnbstantlally as folluws: sitúate in the township of Vork. in the County ol Waslitenaw. and State of Michigan, tho&e certain tracts or parcela of land known and described ns the northwest quarter of tlie .som heast quarter, and the Boothwesi ijiiartcr of the northeast quarter of Bection No. twenty-two C22),ln tojrnship fonrsonth of range slx east containuïg eighty acres : a!o one other aujolnlng parceJ of lamí, belne all that part of the northeast qoarter of the sonthwept qnarter of snid sectidn tveiit two, which lies snnth and eaet of the Oreat EUdge Ko,:d, rnnnlng throaeh sald land, exceptIhg ihiTt Trom two acres lyintr In toe sontheast corner thereof, and bounded nortli by said road, eaat by the huid hen-in described, aud south by land ownod by L. M. Uose. Duted, Ann Arbor January 'itth 1S70. LUCY A. OU)?-, Aasignee of .Moi-tgage B. P. Qbakqib, Attorncy. Mortgüge Sale. DEFAUI..T hftving beea made ba the contiiima o n certain rnortgage made by John George Klager to Anthony ïïurke, John Burke, Jr., and Bdward Bnrfce, datéd tUe uinth day of Jannary, A. D. 1SS8, and recorded on the etgbteenth day of Jannary, A. D. 1808, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Waahtenaw Covnty, Michigan, In llber 88 of mortgages on page 28S, whicb sald mortgaee was duly asstgned by the said Anthony Bnrlce and John Bnrice, Jr., to thesald Bdwird Burke, by deed of asslgnment dated the elPventh day of September A. Ij. I66ft, whieh assignment was dnly recorded in the Registeis ofllce afbresaid, on the eleven th day of October, A D. 1889 iu libcr ij of asalgnmeDts of morpages, on page 806, apon which mortgage 1 aere Is now claimod to be doe the sum of five hundred and two dollars and flftyeiL'tit cenis, bestdes tho ?utn of thirty dollars as an Attorncy or Solicitóos fee provided for in said mortpage ; and no snit or proC96dlngs haTiiiir been instltnted .it law to recover the sum now cine and accured by said mortpïjre, or any part now, therefore, by virtne of the power oí sale contained in said mortage, and by vlrtüe of the statute In süch cne made and provided, uotice is hereby givcn that on Saturday, the twentyrtbird day of April next, at 12 o'clock noon, ofttrat aay, at the pouth door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, County of Washteimw, and Siatê Of Michijriin, Cbeln th place of holding the Circuir Court within snid Connty;, there will be sold at public nnction. to the bighesi bidder the premis s described in .aid mortgflire, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy thcamount duc on said mortgage, wlth the interest and costa, inclndLng an AttóriH-y fee of thirty dollars asaforesaid, which sald premisos are described asfollows: The soathwest quarter of the southwestquartorof BBCtion No. twenty-uiiiht, township No. one south of range six east : and also a strip of land two rods in width, laken froin (he sonth end of the northwest quartt-r of the BOnthwest q nar ter of section No. twcnly-ciht I nwnsliip one souih rmige slx east, nxcept a strip of land two codfl in width, taken from cast side oí the flrst aboye described pared all the above described lands be'nir in the State of Michigan. Dated, Jnmiarv Í9th 1ST0. EPWARD BTTRKE, Iï.iïeahan, Mjortgagée aad Asslgnee. Attorney for Mort sa se o and Algnee. 1l'::i Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT baring been made In the conditions of a certain mortgage, executed by Charles B Thompson and AppaJonla M. Thompson, Chis wife), of the City of Ann Arbor, Coanty of Waihtenaw, Michigan, to Firman O. Hose, of the vïllage ot l)extcr, County and State aforceaid, and boarin-; date the nintii day of October, A. D. IStíü, and recorded in the office o! [ster of Deeds of Waehtenaw County. in the Bfcite o? Michigan, on the el e ven th. day of October, A D. 1866 at föur o'clock in the affaernoon, in líber 31 of nurtgBLQS, on page los which said mortgaiíc was assignedoy the said Firman Rose toAretns Puuu, by au añignmeát dated the t went y sevcnth day of Jauuary, A. D. 1868, whlcA assignment was recorded ie the K;gifter's office of the said County of i'.aw.onthe twenty-fcventhday of January, A, D. 1808, iu llber ono f AssJsaunents of Mortgages, at page ö5, by which dofault the power of sale in saia mortgüge bat btioome operative, and the amoant claimed to ne due fand unpaid on snid mórtgage, and the note aocompanylng the same at the date of this notice, is one tnousaud four hundred and thirty dollars and eighty-ntne cents, also an Attorney's fee of thirty dollars provided for in said mortgage, and no soit or proceeaings at law or in cbancery üaving been tnsti tuted to recover the sme or any part tlu-ieoi. uow, therefore. notice is hereby ,'iven that on Saturday. tte t welft h day of March, A. D. 18To, at ten o'chïck iu the foren oon of snid day, at the south door of the Court Ilouse, in eald City of Ann Arbor, by virtne "f a power of sale In said mortae cm tained.I shall aell at public auction, to tbc highest bidder, the premises described in said mortgage, or so much thereof iïh may 06 nOCessaiT ti BAOflfy the ain-nint due on said Diortgage wlth interest and costs and expenses al lo wed by law, the premises described as follows : All those certain pieces or pareéis of land, Bitqated in the City of Ann Arbor, County of W'ashi ' naw, and State of tflchlgan, known, bounded and (iescrilw d s f llows, to-wit: Balng loto nombered one fl;, two C-'j, three (3), four f4), and five (5), in block nnmber flvu fr) north of Huron streel, and range numher ten (10J easti accordUg to a recorded plat f Ann Arbor. Daled, Anu Arbor, December liïth, 1SC9. AUETUS DUNN, Biblït G. Taylob, Assignce oí Murtfrage. Attorney for Asaignee. LS Mort ff a go Sale. DEFAULT baving been made in the condition of a mortgage elven by Stephen Iï. McCrackon and Lucinda, nis wife, to Elijah V. Uorgfln, to secure the payment of fnrthrr advaoces and premiums for Insurance amosg other things, dated June 16th, a. D. 1859, and recorded in the Register's Otïlce, in Washli-iiaw Connty, June 20th, A. D. Is02, in liber 29 of mortgftge?, at pace .103, hy which the jowcr of salo therein contained bocaine operative, and no Bult or proceeding hnvlng boon Instltuted at law to recorer the debt secwed thereby or any nart thereof, and the .urn of .ix hundred and eighty one dollars ($GSï) boing now claimed to be dne thereon ; Notice is hereby giTen, ïhat said mortgage wiU be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premuêH, doscrihed as ïbts No. twelvo and thirteen in block No. six, ín Brown and Fullcr't Addition, in the city of Ann Albor, in the County of Washtenaw, in the State of Michigan, or some part thorcof, at public vendne, at the Court House, in Aibor, on the twellth day of March next, at noon. Dated, December I5th, A. D. ÏSflO. ELIJAH W. MORGAN, J. Kinqslry. Att'y. 1249 Mrtgagc. Attachment Notice. 7VTOTICE ia hereby giveu that on the scvcntecnth II day orDecember, A. n. elghteeq hundred and sixry-r.iiii', a writ oí sttachmeiit was issiu'd out of the Circuit Court, for tho County of Washtenaw, tn favor ot A lor zo Clark aud Bdwin W, Freese, plnintifl's, agalnsi tAelasds, touemenje. goods, hattrls, mon eys and effects of Jacob Fdlkerscui, defendnnt, lor the (iinii of two hündiwï nnd ninetyalx dollars and stxty-seven conto, that sald wrü of attachmeiii ;ts returnable on Tneaday, iliu ithday of .Inmmrv, . n i tmndrpd eventy, and thnt it appeanfrom : u of said writ that pruperty has heen atTichivt thereon, aud that said defendaut could nut bê foun!, Dated, Januaty, í-í'i, W7h AtOïTOO C?tARK, EDWIX V. ruKKSK. E. IT. Woon. Fiflin Attorncy for PlsJntlfflh USSwO '


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