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fustes ixiúm O. E. FKÜTIÏTNG1IAM, M. D., PHYSICIAN ANO BUBG-O2Ï. Offlce over Urne Store No. T Hurón Btrect. Hesldence, no. ■■ Thompson etreet. Olllcc hours, 8 to 11 A. M , ana T to 8 1'. M. " &EORGE GRENVILLE, PE AT.r.K IS DRUGS and Medicines, No. 5 South Haln Sireet, Ann Arbor. ' HDLL, ROBINSON & CO. GROCERS, Prodncc nnd Conimission Merchante, No. 43 South Main Street. ELLIS & KISSELL, DRUOGJSTS, and dealen In Pailita, Oil-s etc No. 2 South .Main Street, Aun Arbor. THE0D01ÏE TAYLÜll & CO., DEAT.EHS In Groceries, Provisions, and Conntry Produce, No'. 18 Sonth Main Street. Aun Albur. JOHN KKOK & CO., in Furnitnre of all kinds, No. 33 South Mam Street, Axm Arbor. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, ATTORNKT and Connsellor ai Law, Real Eatate and i it. CouveyanclDg and Collection of Chima promptly alteneen to on liberal terms. ufflee onc doi t i I Iret National Bank, un etairs, Sonth Main Street, Ann Arbor. W. H. JACKSON, DEKTTST, snecessor to C. B. Porter. Office, córner Hntn and Hurón Streeta, over the store of R. W. Ellis&Oo , Anr. Arbor, Hlc_. AnrothetlCS adniinlstercd i f requíred. W. F. BREAKEY, M. D. PIrTSICIAN ANDSUROEO7T. Office :it raMcncc, corner ol' i!. . "rst door Kaíi of Pres fcuircta, Ann Arbor, Mich. E. J. JOHNSON, DEAI.EIi IH BATS and Cam Ftir? , str.iw OootlsBont' Pnrnl ac-, No. T Sonth Mata Street, Ann Arbor. SÜTH E RL AND & W H ED ON, LTFE and Flro ' i :::il dealers in Real KstKte. OHice on fiaron ticet. Aku sell lirstine8. W. i). BOLMES, AOENT fot ■ ■ '.i. ' X i !ii-.i'' "A'l dealer in Pie: ii . &C. No. Si Easi Hurón Street LE WIS C. RISDON, DEAI.KR In Hardware. Stovee, Honee Pnretehing Tin Ware, Ac, N. N Sonth Main Street. BACH & ABEL, DBALERSloDryGoolfl Qrocerlee, &c. - . No. 20 Suiith M.-iiu Struet, Aun Arlxir. "cTlOl ILLEN, DEALER in l)ry fínods, Groeeries, &., &c. No Somh Main Street, Aun Albor. SLAWSÖN & SON, GROCERS, ProvMon and Commííion Mercfaantfl and dealere in Water U ne, Land Piaster, and Platter Pari, Ño. 14 Kast Hurón Street. S. SONDHEIM, ICIIOLESALE and retail dealer In Ready Made Olothjnrr, Clothfl, Caiilmere, Veatings, and fieuta1 Furiiishini; Good. No. 0 So;ith Main Street. WM. WA.GNEB, DEALER n Ready Made Clotliinp. Cloths, Cassimcres and Vesting, Hata, Capa, Truuks, Caruet BagB,&c., 21 South Main Street. GILM01ÍE & FISKE, tOOKSELLEltS and Statlonoip, lledlcal, Law and College Text Bootaii schooi and Ifiscellaneona Books. No. 3 North Maiu Street, Grcgory lilock, Ann Arbor. FINLEY & LEWIS, DEALERS in Tiootf, Shocs, Galters, Slippeie &C, No. 2 KaHt Hurón .suvet. R. TARKANT, tADIES' Faahiouable SUoe Ilouee, No. 24 South Maiu Street. A ü. CKOSUY, üi.D GEEGCRir HOUSE Regular Office Hours, 2 to 3 o'clock P. M. rTli O 0 K E R Y GLA.SSWAKE & GEOCERIES. J. & P. DONNELLY Havo In stnrci Utrgestoek of Crockcry.GIasRtrare, Mstud Warc.Cutlery , Groceries, &c.,'&c.,all to be oíd at ii n ii mi h !!v low prloer. N'o.l2Kisl llurdiStroet.ADD Arbnr. llCetf J.fcP. DONNELLY. L1ITY LINE OF HACKS! R0BIS0N & BAXTER, Prop's. Pürníehcsoxpoditious C'nvcyanc_s to íuulfrom thc Cor?, imtl al) parta ot the city, IST" atte&ded, and elegant tarnouts furilaliecl tadtefl making calló. Prices rcasonablc. lefl at Cook'ilotel or atthuiruíllce jiroraptattended to. l_Utf JOHN G. GALL DEALER IKT FBESH AND SALT MEATS. L.AB.D, SAUSAGI2S, Etc., Crdetsx.llitcri mdproraptly Sllad -Ith th bwt ucsts In maik.t. ;:i Eaat Wublngton street. Ann Arbor.Scpt. 10th,1369. 1235tf jyi. C. JÏ. PORTEIl, DÏNTIST. Offico in the IÍEW BANK ELOCK, AKN ASBOS. All Operations on the Natural Teeth, PERFORMED W1TII CAliE. tJNSURPASSED PACILITIES AND EXPERIENCB SETTIxG ARTIFICIAL TEETÍ1, to givi: EACn iNDivii Dnturc of Uir. ,ni,;,cr siu, tliapc, calor, firmitutmá natural eipressian. Vzil "p HE LARCiKST AIVD Best selccted stock of Plaid Poplins ; also the ncw and elegant PLAID EEPS to be liad at the 2g FABMERS' STORE. JfOR STáLK CHÈAP1 A Med ivirá Hand 3?ress Jngoodcuudilion. ïnqulre at tlie ARGU3 OFFICE, -ni Ar'jjr, Aug. Hh, ÍSW. nniiE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMPANY OF DETROIT, MICÏÏ. ■(ESTABLISHED IN 1667 JOHN J. BM3LET, Trusiokst, JACOB 3. KAKKAXH, Vice l'rtsidcnt. JNO.T.MGHlLTT,8eoMitT. I WIKS O WATHON, Actunrv. i)". O.FARRAND.M.D., Medical Esaminer. A SuoOMtfnl MichiïKn í.ife Inioranee J"-P"y. orpmiwit Anthopuipwa tít íuafablug Insurance upun uves ;it THE LOWEST COST COMFATIBI.K WITH Absolute Seeurity, and f')r the furthor purpose of KEEPING 1IOKEY AT 11ÖME, [whicb lieroloforchas been êent Easl, RATKS AS LOW AS SAFETY VERMITS. EJNT1RE MÜTALITÏ AND STRICT EQTJITY llark I lie systrm a rul jTt-vail in il.e distnbution oí ANNUAL DIVÍDENOS TO THE IXSURKD, Whl),bj 1 rovisions of thc Stnle Lav, nJ by beir owi ternis, ALL POUCIES AKE NON-FORFEITABLEnUDBAHCX FUHNKHKD OPON ALL DESIRABLE PLANS. All tlio BKST PETÜRK8 of the Oíd Companie AOOPTED.ftlltbell EEKOKS AVOIDED. SECURITY, ECONOMY, EQÜITY AND THE "WEST, ITS JIOTTO. Zr For Agencies apply at the HOME OFFICE, Bank Block, Griswold Street. JL3 L. M. TIIAYEIl.Ocn'l ígont. FRF.D. L. HAIIN", Afont. 1239yl r ADÍES' FA-SHIONABLE SHOE HOUSE. 24 South Mftín Street , Dealer in LADIE'S BOOTS AND SHOES, THE 1NEWEST STYLES Kid, Oalf, and Cloth, ' Always on liand , and Stock and Work Guaranteed. IF YOU WANT A BOOT, A GAITER, A. DTJSKI3Í-, OE Ji. SLIPPER, CALL AMD EXAMINE HIS STOCK BEFORE TUR CHASIXG. PEICES LOWER than the LOWEST. R. TARRANT. Ann Arhor.Mn.v 17th,18ffl. A NN ARBOR CITY MILLS! BEST FLOXJR 3.25 per 100 lbs. OR AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. LEAVE ORDF.R3 AT THE POST OFFICE. J. T. SWATHEL. BEFT. Slft, 18M. 1236tf ■ UMBER YARD.' O. KEAPF lias n liirpp nnii wt-ll Hlooked Lnmbr Yard, on Jef. fei ■ n Htret, in tb e noatfa part nt th City, mul will keepfíonstntly on hand an excellent varieiy of LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, &O. wliicli will be soM as low nfi can be afiorded inllilg niüTlift. (ualitr aml pricenaucli tlmt co one nocil to go to Detroit. CONItAD KW.M'l', nn Aibor. Oct.Jst, 1809. !)80lf


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Michigan Argus