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Tea And Coffee

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Hall's Journal of Ileallh snys : Takitig "nto accouut the habits of the peoplc, tea and coilec for suppcr and breakfast add to human heulth and lifc, f a singlo sup be taken at either meal, and is never in creased in strength, frequoncy or quantity. If they were raero stimulants, and wera taken thus iu niodcration and with v.niformity, they would in titno, becorae inert or the systera wonld beeomc go habitunted to tbeir cmployment as to roinain in tbs san:e relativo position to them as if they had nerer been usod ; and consequent y, ns to thetEselvea, they had better never havo been used, es they are iable to abuse. But science and fact unite in deolaring them to be nutritious as wel! as Btimnlrat; henee they wül do a new good to the system every dsy, to the end of life, just ss bread and fruits do; henee we never get tired of eithor. But the use of bread and fruits is daily abused by multitudes, and dyspepsia and cholera morbus result3; yet we ought to forego the use of tea nnd coffee, becausa their inordiuate use gives neuralgia and othcr ailmeuts. ]iut the habitual uso of tea and coftee, at tho last and first meals of the day, has another high odvantags - is produetive of incalculable good in tho way of averting evils. We will drink at our meals, and if we do not drink these, wo will driuk what is worso - cold water, milk or ilcoholic mixtures. The regular use of these last wil! load the young to drunkeness; the considera b'e employmcot oi simple milk, at meals, by sedentary pcople - by all, except the r.ibust- will either constipate or rendcr bilious ; whilo oold water largoly used, especiallv in cold weather, attracts to itself so much of the heat of the systom, ia raisingsaid water to the temperature oí the body - about one hundred degrees- that the procesa of digestión is arrested ; n the meanwïiile, giving rise to a deathly sickoess of the stomach, to twisting pains, to voraitings, purging, and even to cramp.s. An Albany paper gives an account of a Dow religious eoet which bas just been orgairzed near that city, which bids fair to outrival the Shakers in the way of attraetions during tho coming season. Tho follovving is tho account givea : "The party is composed of men aud vomen, but instead of tncre bointr a ilividing line, they mingle together i:i a lovofeast sort of style. Musio is their hob by, and through its iiilluenee they all expeot to 1)8 saved. Tho members are principally musicians of some sort, and these who are not blow upon liorna to the f uil extent of theirlungs, in the hopo that tho noiio, if not tho ssveetneüs of them, will secure their ealviiticn. Tho members of the Foeiety are now engagod in pjraotioe for the suinmer of 187u. A fiiond of ours who was at a lato rehearsal says it was terrible; the beating of drums, blowing of horc?, trombones, ilutes, pianos, knoeking the creat peaco jubilee into a coeked hst, ■ It was fearl'ul. Thero was no harmony or ordor, but each banged and blowed on his own hot k. Üno person is eeleeteu as cliief. Ho is the favored one of the order, dressed liko tho Apostles of old, who is elevated upon a platform ; and instend of using a wiind, ns leaders of orchestras usually do, he dwong a huge mallet, wh'ch eamo down withgroat torco upon some arrangement thatvibraled fox and near liko a hoge bell or heavy ordrance. The whole arrangament resemblss a great burleque, but the informant snys !ie never saw a mora earncRt oollection of devotees, or mst a more friendlj set of peoplo. Tt is ninro froüi carelessne-s about the truth tban ioteutinnaily jag thnt thore is so much f.ilsuhood iu the world.


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Michigan Argus