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O F TIJOSE DKUCIOl'S FLORIDA ORANGES, Tpj?estki Lemons, At the CITY AKCADK. Come quick, before thcy 11 re gone. l-'SC CLARK & CROF8BT, Proprletors. ATÖTICE The Committee appointcri by the Board of Manann o! tbe Wasütenaw County Agricultura! and HortlcQUaral Society to inqurre Inlo tbe títle of the real es tu ti: of thi; Society and report a lift of the I.ïffe Mtmbere, wlU meet ut toe office of D. Cramer, Sccretary onFrlday.the -'"'th tost, at iooclock a. m LH ■ nfembera haring certificóte are reqaeeted to furnish thííir liamos to the andereigned on or before ihatduy; and persous c1aimin: to bc Life Memoere, bat nü haoinQ r-rüii. ates, shonld advtse tbo committee at its meeting of the groufid of thuir claims. Aun Arbor, Feb'v. üd. IftTB i; B. POND. Ch'n. of Com. A DMINÏSTBATOR'3 ïfOXICE ! J. All persons indebtcd to the catate of Chas. Boutier ure hereby ootífied that all accounu not eettleil witly in thirty days from date wiü be bauded toan Attorney. Ann Arbor, January 31st. lTO. AüG. WtDINMANN, 1'7ü5w4 Ad ministra tor. 2QQPIECES OF SIDE STKIPE MERRIMAO D. PRINTS. Jl'ST RECEIVED AT TUK Farmers' Store ! ANI FOB SALE AT 12 1-2 cents per Yard. 1241 BLOOMINGTON, ILL. NÜRSBRY. i 19th Yoar ! 500 Acrf b 1 10 Greenhouses. j lirfrpst, best stock and 8DlppiDL feoÜJtfM, APPLE, ; DutotaaMiTnnuendvnt, llisiop 1", 'J aud a .vesrs. APj I'I.K RUIII'.CIIAK'IS, dioico, me uiling boï. ROOT-OBAFT3, IVar Plum, Charar. SEEDS, Apple Peur, &c, 'IliliöOOSf., Mintr, Lombard. ; l'luins KVERGREBN8.R0SES, 1000, 100 Hnhliae. ( (iladiolus.Tuheros.-, aREBNHOUSB, Bedding Planta, : Snd 10c for Catalogues. F. K. PHOKNIX. , ïasowiï 1 CommissioDera' Notice. i STATB OF HlfiBIOAN, County r Washtcnaw, o. ' The undersigued havinj; been 4)Hinii-d by ihe Probate Conti forsaiil County. Coinmissioncrs lo ro coive, examine and adjust all clalms anddemaodsof ■ all penona galnsl the eatate of WUUam V.tírant.l -iii ' ifsald County, deeeaaed, hereby gtTB notka thjtt J six montha from data are allowcd, Dy order of aald , Probate Conrt, for creditort to present thelr clalma ' u'aiiisi tbe este ofsald deceaaed, andtBatthey OTll meet at the ofllce of A. D. Crane, iu the vlllage ,, il Dexter. In satd County, on Saturday, tho second ay of April, and Wedneeday, tbe tentB dm I Au:ustnext,t ten o"ol6ckA. lí.of eachofsaldaay, i recelve, examine, and adjust Kid claims. DdteO, February lOth, A. D. 1SÏO. Iïtw4 J _J?HN CKOAKkiS. }c-""oer8. . Commissionera' Notice. 1TATB OF MICH IOAN CountyoJ Washtenaw. ss. O The understalied bavlng been appolnted by the 'róbate ( nty, Commlsaloners to - ■li i examine, and adjnatallolalmaanddemMidioJ "1 I Denons ealnst the eatate of Thomu BenUey, ate of said County. deoeaeed, hereby irive no tll,u .x montha from date ure ajlowedby or'rofci !'l !'rol:tti' Cour! Forcrediton loprésinttheir almsacalnal tbeeatateofsaidd iteaaM. andthatthey 111 meel al thehouae pi John A BenUey, in the ownshlD of Northfleld, in aald (ïounty, on Saturav the nintli Kv of AytU, andFrUaTyth flfth ilav of Ati"iist. next, at ten o'cïock A. M. of each ofsalddaj, W ïxcoive, c&amuic and adjusi aaid X olalme. . . ,. ,- Dated. Tebruary 5th. 1). 1S.0. Estáte of Samuel J. Feetnan. JTATEOF MICHIGAN, County oftfasSfcnaw n. I Al a tfiwto fif.tUe Probate Coiirtrol1 the Cuiim ! Waahtens, bolden at the Probate Office in the .Ui of Ana Arbor, on Tucsdny. the eiiiklh. (iay t tebrnary, iu theyearonc tbousand ek'htmiudrei ,nl Beventy. Present, Iliram 3. Beskes, .Tudge of Probate. In the matter of the entate uf Samuel }. Krceman. eceaaed. Ou readlng and "ilintr the pctitlon. dnly verified, of Villiam Geer, praylng that a certain instrument iow on flle in thu Conrt, imrportiDc tobe the lt vül and testament of snid deceased, mny be admitted o probate, and Uutt hu uiy bc nppomtcd solc Execatúr tiisreof. Tberenpon it is Ordered, that Moi:day, the erol J,;;in:h next. at ten o'clock in the foreloon, beMÜiiedfortbehearinaofMld petiilon.itnd hat the legatees, devjaeea and hebraat law of naid leceasedaiirtullothfriicrsniif-iiitiTostedinsaidestatti, ire required lo uppear. at a sesoion of said Court theu 0 be holden at the Probate Office, iiv the city of Anti irbor, and show canse, ifanj tlierebe, why theprayci 01 the petitioner (honra Eot tip grantêd: Ainlitia Fnrther ordered, that said peStfoner u'ive notlce to tb persone tnterested In said estáte, of thependencyot said polition, and the hearing thereof, ny,cansing copy ofthis Order to be pubüshed In Uiè Jichitn-j. Argüí, a uewspaper prlnted and clrcalátbg ia Saitt. county. three snecessive reeka picvious to saidda? ot heariii);. (Atruecopy.) niRAM .T. HEAKES] . 1250 Judge of Probate. m Estáte of Ezra Hough'tbó'; OTATE OF MICIUCIAN, County of Washtenaw, es' 11 At :i X! ■s.sion of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Ofüce, in túV dO uf Ann Arbor, uu Monday, the feventh day ef Fubruary, in the year oue thonsand eljnt huudred and sevoiity. Present. Hiram J.Beakea, Jadge ofProbate. Iu the matter of the Estáte of Eira Iloughton, dpcea?cil. On reartineaiidfillngthc petition, dnly verified, of Albert L. Bonefaton, pwfmg l.hat he may bc appolnted Admlnutrator nf the estáte of sald ïleeased Tliereiipon lt ia ordered that Mi nday, the sctenth day of Maren, next, at ten o'clock in the! assigncd for the hearing of said pet:t 11111 Ullf I t Milt I fkt kt i I t f ■ t . 1 f 1 ■ i t w r ,1' n n I 1 J_d_nJ ■ uu, mm LiitiL un iiviri ill iilW OI saiu CHiCiiÖPetl, tud all othcr persous interestod in said estáte irc reqmrod lo appear at a sesion of said Court, ;hen to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of nn Arbor, aud show cause, if any thcre be, why the arayer of the petitioner s hou ld not be prRnted : And it isfltrtker nrtirred that said petitloner t;iv$ aotice to the persons interested in said ostate, of the pendency f said petitlon. and the hearing fchreof, by ■:tuiiiL' ii copy of this order to be publUhed ie the Anut, a newspapcr printed and circnlating InsauJ CouDty,tUree suci:eesivc weck-BprevioaPtnsaid aaTofhearlDf?, HIRAM J. bkakes, Atruecopy. Judceof Probate ViSlitd Eötate of Thomas Wl.ite. STATEOFMICIIIOAN.CuNTTOKWASiiTEKAw,8a At aaession of the Probate C'onrt fortheCouut of WjiiiU:nnv, holden ai the Probati Office, in the city of Aun Arbor, on S;tturday, the fifth day of (hruary. in the year one thoneaud eight hun drfd and Pt'venty. Present, IIlramJ.Beakefi.Judge of Probate. Iu the inutter of thu Estáte of 'Ihomas White, decc:trted. WlUiam Cheever, AdminNfrutor of gaid esUtc, comea iuto Court aud representa that he is now p-epared to rendcr his flnul accouut as such Adminiatraior. Thcreupon it is Ordercd, tbat Mrnrtay, the aeveuth day oí Manh next, at ten o'eiock in the fon-nocA hc asaigned for eiamiiiing and allowJsg such account und that the heirs at ïaw of said deceased, and all other pertui)! interested in v&'-.ü estáte, are reqoired to appeai at a session of said Cjurt, then to bo hulden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, In yaid County, and show cause, if any there be, why the said ueount should not be alallowcd: And :t is farther ordcreri, that said Admiu i-;tifttor rivc notice to the persons interetted in said estáte, of the pendency uf smid account, and the hearing thereof by canatag a copy of this Order to lx1 ptibliehed in the Michigan Ar,m, a newtpaper printed and circulatinj; in aid Connty, three suc-. (A trueco?.) U1UAM.I. BEAKES, 126tl Judccof Probate. Estáte of Keirou Costello. STATE 01' MICHIGAN. Oonnty of Washtenaw a. At a scssion of the Probate Conrt for tho Countv of Washtenaw. halden at the Probate Office, in the diy of Aun Albor, on Baturday. the tlfih duy of Peb. r;i:iry. in the ycai one thuusand eight bui.dred and eevfiity. Present Ilirnm J. Beakc?, Juige of Probate. In tlie matter of the Ksüite 01 Keiroa Costcllo, Jr. düctused. On readingnnd fllin the petition, dul.v vcrifled, of Juhu OoaLuüo, prayiuy thut :i certain instrument now on fllcin thií Coiut, to be the lusl will aud testament ofuald deceased mar be admitted to probate, and th:it he aud Johu 11. Erurts may b appolDted Bzecnton threof Thcrt'upou it is ordeied, That Monday, the seveuth day of March next. at ten o'clock iu the forenooD be asslfned flor the henriug ofsaid petition, and that the leñatees, derlseea and heirs ut law o j said deceacd, and aU other persons iBterasted in said estáte, are ieiUÍred to appeu at a seesion of aid Címrt, then to be holden at tbc Probate Ollice. in the City of Aun Arbor. and show cause, íf any there be, wny the prayer of the petUloner should not be granted j And it is furthur ordered, tbat said petitiontr í;ive notiee lo thept-rsous toterested iu aid estáte of the pendeney of said petition, aud the hearing thereof. by canslog a copy of Ibis order to be published in tlie Mickigan árut, a newspaper priuteü aud circulating in tftid Comity, three neoeasfre weeka previOBfl lo said day of liearintr. (A true coiiy.) IlIKAM .1 BKAKES. l-5ü Judye of l'r-.bate. Mortgage Siile. DEFAUIT havins been made in the conditions of' u Verlam ïnortgau. made aud executed by GuttMedDarid Friedruk, and Jakobina Friednck, hia ivifu, of Ann Arbor, Wnshteiiaw County, Michigan, Lo Traman Schram, of the same place, "on the 17h Jay of Kebruary, A. 1). 1866, aud recordad in the Iic;_'istfr'ti Olnce of Wa&nteoaw Couuty aforesuid, on, rlio 18th day Febrnaiy, A. D. i$(3, ut V o'clock A. M., of aid day in libur B8 OflDOTtgages, uu page '-84 : wliich oald mortgago was dnly asalgaod by the safd Trumau Schram o K. H. SpaoldiDg. by au assiu moot (l'ted the ïTth day of láarch, A. I). 1SC5, and re-. Lurdcd i tlie Keister Office oí eaid Coun y. un tíia yof March. A.l. 16tí5, ut 9X o'clock A. M., Ín líber 3ü of norteaos, on page 402; which said,, mortfRWQ waa aaiu duly assignt-d by the said JC. 11.. Bpaaldlnc to James F lío vee, by au ae&Knnient dated the Bu day of Septembttr. A. I). 18U, and record-, ed in the Uejiister's office of suidCuunty on the 27th day of January, A. 1. ISO, at 5 o'clöck P. M., ín líber 1 of Assiyuments of Mortgtgn, ou page 656% upon which nortgftgSf and the note accompaoying tlie íame, there 8 now claimed to bc dtie ai the dale of Üm notlce, the snm of fotir hundred and üixtythroe dollars, nnd scvonty-niuc cents, besidt-s au Attonii'vS fofl ot twt'uty dolhtrs provided for in ñnt inorijj-íie. uncí no suit or procecdiuíj haviní been taetítated at law or in chaucery to reever tho cíame or Jiny part thercof : Now, thercíbre, by virtuo if the power of stile contaiued il bhííI raortage, and by virtuc Of the atatute In sucb cate made au4 provided, notice is herebr uriven, that on Saturday, Lhe Tth day of Uay, A. 1). 1870, at 10 o'cióck in the Ebreaoos üí" said dajr, aL tUe SdDÜt duor of the Conrt Iluusf, iu the City 01 Ann Arbor, Ouuuty af Wnshtenaw, and Btati oi Mirhlan, fbein' the place of bolding the CircuitCourt wSlhln said Coxmty,) iherc ivill be ?old at public auction, to the highuüt bidder, :he premises describid in sai'l mortirage, or so much ;hereof aa may be neCMMi? to eatisfy the aroount tne on said mortgture, with iutcrebt andcosts and ex- jenses allowed by law ; which eaid premises are de Kribed :is follows: All the followinj; dtscribed piecea r panela oí land situiUed in Ann Arbor, ai.d Coanty ïf Washtcnaw , and State of Michigan, beiejí thetoutheast quarter of the northwest quarter, and the. ïurih half of the northeast (marter of the eouthwest qnaiter of oadtoa munber twenty-three, in township, two aonth of ranye ?ix eafit, contaiuing sixly aerea of IiintJ, more oj les?. l'atei!, Aua Arbor, I'Vb. Hth, 1STO. JAMES P HQYCE.AssIfrnee.. Kdwakd Ii. Si.awson, Attomey. iïoö 8FECUL TOHSSHIP HEET1C. NOTICE is hereby givcu, that in accordance with tin: request in writiu; of thirty-nhie tax paying elector of the townahlp of Saline. intheCoun:v of Waahtenaw, that a raeetiu: of ihc elcctors of said tOWBSblp wiU be held at the American Hotel, n ihe Vilhlge o( Saline. In said township, on Mondtty, ■hu 28th dav ofFebruary A. 1) isTu, atuiuvo'clock A, M . ft the vmruose üfelectorgshall sovote.tof pledgIng theaid ofVaid lowcshlp Vj loan to the "Toledo, Aun Arljor and Northern Railroud Com.kliiv," in rlie conatruction of its Kailroad, acjurdinu' N lu: provisión? of the Act of the LcgislaT6 'l he Stjui' of Michigan, enlitled "4 Au Act to isableaoy TowDship, city or yfllaee to pledge iti ii'l. ly !o;'.n or donation, to aay Raikoad Coiupauy iow cbartMed or rganlzod, or that inay bc pxre. iftor oiL-niiired, under and by virtne of ihe la%t-8 of IheState or Mlchigari. in tlie coustruciion of II oad.":uul approved Barchïdi A. D. I8t9; Anti hal sneb electora have in their said wiltten reqneat ipecified the sum of ïweiny Thousaiui Dollar f80,0011) :i the amomt of aid to be pledged to such. Kailroad Company, bj waj of loan in boude to be ssued by such tnwnshij) in aocoMance with said act, 11 gueb Boma, DOt more than íl.OO'and no.!, tcsu thifti! (100, aa Bald Company shall reqoest wlta couponi uinexed brtbe annaal interest thereon, such bouda o dr:nv interest ar the r.ite of seven per cent. peranium, nd Mich bonds and coupons to be executed fi neb ItownahlpbytheSnpervlaor ud Clerk of said rowiiabJPi aud be drawn pajable at the office of the rivusurcr of said County ; the principal to be pay. lle in U'ii i-Qiial ammal lBBtallmeoU, the flrst nwiHineut tolecomedue on ïït&tday of Kebruary, V H. K-o, and tbe otlier instnllments yearly thereficri fur tbe niiie rooceedlng years ; and the conlitlon npon wbiijh sucli loan la to be made that frora ml alter the time wheu ïid Company shall reccive uch bonda tronj tbe. State Treainrer, wheneyerand aala Oo'mpany shail make any dividend layablètothe Stockholdèi uf aaW Company, npou he stock of said Company, said Conipaur anallpw uto the oMce of the Treasurer of said Conuty, fox henae ol said Township, on the umonnt of 8uc6 louu or the balance thereof then aupaid, a siim equiq pro rata to such dividend thon made : and when such dividcmlsdo nótexceed the ralë ofeevon percent, per apanm tol the time, inch payment to be detmtd and nsc'eivedas n fnll payment of the Interest to bc paia b) said Company for -uth time upon the iudebtedm-si ui taid Company for snch loap : and wheaeyer surft diviilemls shall exceed the rate if eevea per cent. Ibr such lini''. Uw tl'e imonnt of such oxtees over, and aftsr pajiig uch neven per cent. interest, hnllapply towardi repaylng the pnndpal f the iudclitcdoe of said Company for the ainimnt of euch oin, until such principal shall be tbarebj Wij pald. And said v hM upon the receipl oí xich Bonds, exe ;uti; apfl d livefto tljt Supervisor of said tortsip the agreemint of said Company wiiheaid touehip to llint effeet. , . Such bouds to be exectited and drfivi-n d to th Trcasarer n be dlspoeed of In accordance with the provisions of lid Act. Thetflidnldto bevoted upon the condition ths; saldrailroadof said Toledo. Aun Albor and Northern Railroad Compnyi shall constrncted and remain located withm ouc half milo .':isi of the inter ctlon "f Adrián and I btcago Btreets.ln the village of Saline, and Bld Company sikuil etect tood aud ouitablc bnildlnoa at sni'l polntDated, thls4t5 in pf f '"JñVIbB; I2r,,-i Kupt-ivisiir ol SaÜne.. t"aí3ies' kTd1íí.oves IN AU TIIK ISTEAV COLORS,AND TUE Best in Quaïity at C. H. Milfep'e.


Old News
Michigan Argus