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facial floto, A COUGH, COLD, ORSOKE THROAT ÉjVft Etaquires immeiliate nltontion, as noiLSjiifk rloci oftpn resu-ts in au incunable lJajtJtfBrown's Bronchial Troches BwífilKr wíl 1 most inv&riably givi'iaitUnl n-liuf Tor Bbomchitis, Astimiv, Catabhh, Comuwpttt ni. 1 Tiikoat Duiask, thj hav aioolhlng o [Toet. SINQEB8 and PUBLIC SPEAKERS use tliem to oli'iu nml trengtUn lla ri Owing to the gxil reputados and populaTlty of the Troches, many tcoríAÍMs nnd A"V Imilationl i're offered, ic-hir.U aregoodfor nothir.g. líe Biire to oitT-UN Ibe true BROWN'S BRO?JCÍ1IAL TROCHES. l_44inG BOLD kv!:uVwjiki:k. rfT teariMI HALUS feCa T VEGETABLE SIQÜJAN Wji1 ■ "HAIR ' tM59áfc 7&ENEWER . IT WILL P0&IT1VELY RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. U keeps the faair foom Falllng iut. It is the best drfMsing Id the world, mahing llfeleu, itíff, braahj liair, lu-aitliy, su ft and pIo8S7 Fr salo byall druggÍBta. It. P.HALL&CO. NMhoa, N. II. Proprietori, v,--í.r.;.i. CON5UMPTI0N. The Thteo Remedie a. (Sohxhck'4 Pimomc Sykii-.1' lur tUecvireof Coagbs, Colds, Bruncbitíe, and e ver y forniof Con.sumptiin. The [icciiliar action of tlns medicine ri eits 1 he ulccrs in the langa, promotes thc dttchnrge of thp corrupt matter by expectcrtitioii. Pudfies the blood, and thus curus ConsamptloB, when overy other remedy Ealla 'Sclien tk's Sea Weed Tople H Ibr fhe cure of Dyspepsui or nligesLíin, mul ill di-eaiea arlslog&ooi iiebility Tliis to"c invigorates tlie diestivt organp, 8tnpli6B tte place pf tfae gastrie julcewen thiíis deQoipot, and tben enables the patiënt to dlgeti the nloat nutritious food. It ia a sovereign remody foralloaseof indigestión. Scheiick'.s Uandiake 1'ilU," ojie of the most raluably nu-ilicincs c-ver discovered, being a vege table substituto for calomel.and havíngall tbe ose ful proptrtU-s asoilbed to tbat miocnil, wiibout prodneing anj ol Ita lojariouseifeotii To these th ree medid oei Ir. J. II. írchcnck of IMiiladeljihia, Otres his un ri va led kuccí-ss in the Ufa tin ij i oí I' ii tmonlo Consuinption The Pulmonic Sjrup ripens the morbtd niHttor, diacbargei iï, and pifriñev I he bïood. The Mu Ddrake PHll act upop tbeílver, temove all obstructions thereín mi , gives the organ a healthy tone, and cu re Liv-r Coipplaiot, whiob is onecf the mott i-roinicent causes of Cunsumption. The Sea Weed ionio I a vigora tea the power s of the stoniach, and bj atreugthening the diostion au-1 brinjíiug it to a noroial and liculthy conúition improve the qujjity of the blood, by v, hich means the formaüon of ulcers or tuberelee in thelungs becomes impossible. Thc combined action of theee medicines, agthue esplained, will cure every case of Connumption f :ho remedies are used in time and the use of them is persevered iu sufiicieutly to bring the case to a favorable teimination. Dr. tíchenck's Almana.c, containing a full (reatist-uii tbe Tarloua forms of disoase, bifl modeof treatmeot, and genetal dirooüonfl hov to use bis medicine, ean be nad gratis or sent by mail by adAresstng bis Principal Office, No. 15 N . Bixth street, Piiihidflj'hin, l'a. l'i ■;. a ol : Pulmonio Syrup nd 8ea-Weed Tonicjtaoíi,$l 50 per bottle.or T.5O the huil dqten M.uilrke Pili. 25 cents per box. Fof sale by all droRgisti ind dealer. pj.OÜIÍ AND FEED STORE IIT KTE"W BBICK BLOCK NO. 14 WEST LIBERTY ST. Delhi Flour ! AND ALL KIXD3 OF FEED AND COARSE GRAIN Jenstf.ntly on hand, and delivered to customers iu iny part of the city. JOHN i. LAlllKVCAi Kil. Ann A.bor, Nov. 1-69. IÏ-JjidCi DEiíOVAIí. J. SCECK $c CO. ILive removed tbeir STOCK OF FÖRN1TORE ; And TJrdertaker's Goodsj Tu Mack 8; Schmid's Block, No. 52 South Main, and No. 4 West Liberty Streets. THE I.ARGEST STORE IN THE CITY, AND BUILT EXPKES8LY FOB THE FUKNIIURE TRADE. THE Y HAVE NOW IN' STORE TUE LARGESTand FINEST STOCK Dl' 1-UKNITUKE F.VER pFFEUKD IN' TUIS CpfTNTY.OF TIIEIR OWN HASL'FACÏUKE, SUPERIOR BOTII IN QUAIJTANDSTYLE, WHJG1I THEY NOW OFFER TO TUE PUBLIC CUEATER TIIAN CAS BE B0UOHT ANY WHERE ELEEIN THE STATE. THEIU STOCK INCLÜDES EVERY ARTICLE NF.EDE1) TO FURNISQ TUE BJSSr HOUSE KROM TOP TO BOTTOSJ . Tbeir oi patrons aad ttie public geaerally are initci Lu jC' vu them a cali. J. KECK & CO. Aan Arbor, JiiDuary. 1870. 125t TnëvïnvöTcê OF FINE DOUBLÉ AND SINGLE Paisley Shawls ! PLAID AND STR1PED SHAWLS JUST RECEIVED AT THE FARMERS' STORE. SiLYlTMfi CAN BE HAD VERY CHEAP AT ; BULL, ROBINSON & C0% ! HROGKERY! i U CROCKERY I i IN FULL SETS OR PIECES; IN ANYVARIETY, AND OF TUE f NEW EST PATTERNS, AT j" IVERY AND SALE STABLE, AXTBLL 4c BAMAGK, Cornet M;iin tod CatlurtoeAreeU. Horaeiboard l eó on reasonahle term;. BecoQid hund bu ten and harueM for snlc. I262y1 J T IVE GEESE FEATIIERS ' Li PIHSTQTJALITY, , CünsU'.ntl"unlaad andforealey BACir ' ■ ABEL. "ShJBrföaü 20 Miles Away!" ; A.. A. TEEEY, (tíUCCESSOK TO ESMPSB 4; D1EUL,) Has on hand a kirge anti well Mlwtod stock oí ■WIZSTTIEiR, GOODS iuoluOing-a fuli lino if HATS-& CAPS! I,;itcst. ly les and best (uaUty. Ladies' and Gents' Furs, Gents' Furnisbing GooJs, Gloves, Collars, Neckties, &c, ( whlcfa will be soM at tho VEE Y LOWEST FIGUttES' ' fW Kcmember the placo, No. 15 South Maio Street, the old store ot Johu West. Ann Arlior, Dec.í3,lLC0. 1249tf T3O0TS AND SHQES ! FINLEY & LEWIS, AKE NOff KECEIV1NG A LAEGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, SLIPPEBS, RUBBERS, ARCÏ1CS, AND FUR LINED OVER SHOS: THE ATTEN'TION OF BUVEKS WHO WAN'l (JOOD GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICKS, is i.NviTED to our STOCK OF IMXll MA DIS CALF, KIP, AND STOGA BOOTS ! work which we will; WARRANT TU G1VE ENTIRE SATISFACTION OUR GOODS ARK BOUOHT FOR CASH, AND WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWEST CASH TRICES AND TROFITS. 1210 DROAD CLOTIIS ! [ CASSIMERES ! ; i FOR FALL SUITS, AMO GENTS' FÜRNISHI3VG COCDS ! AT C. II. MILLEN'S. rpiIEODOKE TAYLOR & CO., JL (SUCCESSOKS TO C. R. THOMPSON A CO. J Wholesale and Relall Dealers in GROCERIES & PRODUCE i FE U1TS, ! EXTRACT8, 8PICE8, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps and Oil, Tablo Cutlery, Plated Goodg, Looking Gla-sses, STONE, WOODEN, AND WILLOW "VSTA-RE House Established in 1850. No. 13 South Main street, -A-JfJSr AKBOa; MICíI Theo. Taylor, A.J.Kuthcrlanfl, 1217 V 'V.Wiu.l JACOB HALLER, DEALER IX CLOCKS, WATCÏ1ËS AND JEWELUY, NO. 22 EAST HURÓN ST. A.3STIsr AKBOE, MICH. MY STOCK IN'CLUDES American & Swiss Watches, Of tlio Deflt Manufacture; Gold and SlWer, L&dy'fl and (ent'e. SOLID GOLD RINGS, 1 CHAINS, LADIES' SETS, SPEOTACLES, SPOONS, irORJiS, Eto. y All Gooda warratteJ a: rjpprMopted , and .sold at 'i IjO"w :f:flxo:e2j3j ty PVKÏICLH.AR AITF.NT1ON GIVEN TO RK: PA1RIXG WATCHES, (,.ui;;s ANU JKWKLRY AMD WORK QUAKAMTKEp. 13.1 . , , 1 - ■ - DRY GOODS ! - CABPETS, OIL CLOTHS ! ÁT THE FARMERS' STORE


Old News
Michigan Argus