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QRENVXLLE, t r DEÜQÖI8T! 2SrL S Main. Street, 3Sast Sida, KEEPS CONSTAXHY ON HAND FAUNESTOCK'S LËAD, GROUND [IN OIL AND DRY COltORS, Oils, Varnishes, P-tty, PA.TENT MEDICINES! b s. xr s n e s , ;ÜURTON'S kTÜBACCO ANTIDOTE, COLGATB'S SOAP3J RAIR OILS Sf HAIR RESTORERS DRUGQISTS' SUNDRIES, FLAVORINii AND Handkerchier Extracts OLASS RUBBER, AND TRÜSS ALL OP BEST MAKERS, PURE NATIVE WiNES AND ZLIOX) OltS 1 ( AGENT FOR THE OREAT U. S. 1EA COMPN'Y. Prescriptfons put up wlth Care at all Hours. Store ope oa the Sabhath Irom 7 t 10á A. Mj, 12 o 2, and j t-j a M. GR VILLE k FUIXER'8 ACCOUNTS, "IF NOT SETTLED BV APRIL lst, W1LL BE I.EFT V]TH TUE PROPER OFFICERB TOR COLLECTION GEO. QKENVILLE. Marchitb, 1669. WEETE!Ml!MC 1 SWEETENING ! FOR YODR SUGAR and SYRÜP C3-O TO HULL, ROBINSON & CO. A FULL AND CHOICE LIÏsTDEOIF GROCERIES! MAY BE FOUSP AT Huil, Robinson & Co's. TjlOB TUE N EXT Sixty Days the Farmers' Store will Sell Goods Oheaper than any other Store in the city A GOOD CUP OF IF YOU WANT THE WHEREWITH TO MAK IT, GO TO flüLL, ROBINSON & CO. JkPZW OÖÖpB I io the' F ALL AND WINTER TRÁDE ! NOW OPENING AT O. H. MILLEN'S. fjLOAKlííGS, BEATERS, CHINCHILLA ! ASTRAKAN AND SCARLET. BRGADCLOTH FAliMERS STORE pOÏtSALE ! The snbscribers offer for alctlie house, and all or a portion of ilie groupda on Ann Btraet, betweeo póarth and Fffth 8traete, betng the reaideoce of (ba lw Tatuey Chapín. For term apply to C. A. Chapln. Also abont & acres on Millcr Avenue. 0 k. CHAPÍN, ) V. CHAI'IN. .Ir. ■ Ailiniiiistrators. S. S. WALKKR, J Ann Arhor, Aprli'-'Sth. )8!M. ■ 1215 , Finest ARsortmnt of Toilet - Goods inthö City, by piIE BE ARS ARE AHEADl -, 'OHNSON, THE HATTER, Has jugt oponed a Large Stock of LINTER GOOPSÍ Iliclwllng N'cwcst Stle o( BATS & FÜRS ! Wliichwill betold L,O"WEB, TKC-A.lNr EVER f ALSO A LABGE STOCK OF 3LOVES, COLX.ARS, SECK TIEES, HANDKERCHIEFS, SATCIIEL.S, CANES, Uinbrellas, Parasols, &c. Plfaso 'Danddxamine my goodibofore pvrcha ing elscwLcrc. NO. 7 MAIN 8T., - ANN ARBOK MICH. November, 18B9. I21tf tJALTl WALK INI! S. SONDHEIM SUCCJESSOR TO M. èuiterma& Co. AT THE OLD CLOTHNG HEADQÜARTEKS HAS JC8T OPESED A - i FALL GOODS ixcLccia CASS1MEEES, FEST1NGS, té.' All of the Best and I.atest Stj les, Tojither wlttl LARGE AND WELL SRLECTED STOCK 0 EEADÏ-MADE CLÓTHlNfy AND GENTS' FUKNISHING GOOP8, WITH THE LAROKST BlOCK O Bovs' and Youths' Clothing i i. EVEK OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. Whlch he offers at Greatly Rediiced Pflcéi Also a large lot of 5TBAVELING TRUNES Cr.OTHING MADETO ORDEK IN THE BE8T STYtE Cali and examxn Jor yourtthu I O. South "Mam Btreoti Is o. 8. South Msin Btreet. ANN ABnOK.SEI'T.,1869. 1022tf T AZAEUS & MORRIS, Practical Opticians and Oculists, LÜNDON, GreatBbitain, and HAKTFORD, CONK., V. 8. Save appoitiied jACOU IIALLER, Wutchmaker Si Or Ier, A 11 11 Ai-bor, Dlleli., Sole Agent lor the Sale of their CELEBRATED PERFECTE!? SPECTACLES, '.Vhi' h bare het n 6tpnii H useri in pfifct'Bfltfltn indUn ■ ' S1;; ti-. j'ii't - Wit ni.i 1 rri.Mliioh hey claim tlic aDanrcaestiODea Hilvánra-e o-ertliOKft n ordinnty DfetbA j roof of hich iri.y be M-n in iheir coOstantlj fncrtasÍDg businíis tíuiiDg hv afit Blght ycars, Ist. That from the perfect coiiBtrnrtioR ofth 141)868, the; n .s í-it Rril iTí-5-erre the sight, rendcripjl frequent chitngen unnecDssarjv 2nd. That thftj confer a brillinrcy anvl cïjuiinct. tit'-s of visjontwith km aumünt of ease v1 coinlort not hitheito onjojedby speet acle weaicrs. 8rd. That tlie materml frdïii wbiota the Tem ei aroyround ia mnufaetured tpMftlly Cctf optie pur- pnsc-s, öihï is pure , hard and briliiaiit, and nut liabl to become scrntclied. 4 tli. That tbS frr.iiu-s in #liicli tbev are et, wbeth er srold , silviT or ttötH, :uc of tbe tïtx-.s t ■ (nnlity Dd tiiiisli, and ttrfect in every rfspeci. They are fcëe only SnctacícB t ht rUKppvR l wkli as ttisT tuk sight. Arií-arc fjbtqpafa becauÁ tin i.i, nlwa ys lupïing itiany jeftTfl WitboK'igf befn uw..-. taryf J?=One of "the firm vill vifit Aun Arbor at tb Store of tbeft A rent every (out mniitlis, for the pur pose of' ti t tint' thone having dlfflcu lt 'f) f. v }■ n any speotMlfsaold by tbeir Agnt curinp thei ntriTlwift be exchant'd freeol cbarge ií no t propt rly fittf tl. 1 SWWE EilPLOY NO PEDDLERS.3 Go toK.W.ELUS.& CO'f j for choice Wines and Líqucrf for Medical Purposes.


Old News
Michigan Argus