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Bach & Abel's

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: ■_ Sccond Largo Stock of Fall and Winter Goods, bought since the E3rFUBlA.Tt 33ESOXjiI]Nr3E:, (EXCLUSIVELY FOB. CASH,) ia one of tbe Largest and most complete ever oüered in tbis City. 100 Pieces Hill's Semper Idem, yard wide, bleached goods, at 18 3-4 cents, reduced from 25 cents. 500 Pieces of Merrimac, Sprague, American and other best makers' Prints, at 12 1-2 ets. per yard, reduced from 15c. We sell J. & Coatfs, ClarFs O. N". T., and the Celebrated Orr & ITcNauglit Spool Cotton Thread at 8c per Spool. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' DKKSS GOODS, OF EVERY GRADE AND STYLE, AT PRECES I.QWER THAN THE LOWEST. Beavcr Cloakings, Flanucls iiiid Woolen?, Shawls and Blankets. Knit and Worsted Goods of ovary class aad variety, at prioos that oan not fail to give satisfuction. 500 lbs. PRIME LIVE GEESE FEATHERS, JtJST RECEIVED.] It ia our aim to keep our Stock so Large and Attractive, and tbe prico of overy " articlesolow as to raake it the interest of cvery purebaaor of dry goods in Ibis vioinity to do business with us. BCH Sz ABEL. NO. 2G MAIN STREET.


Old News
Michigan Argus