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DOTY'S WARHING-MACHINa LATF.I.V KUCH IMI'ROVKH- ANUTIIK NEW Universal Clolhes Wringer. Improvort with Uoweiis 1'atkst Doit.leCog vmi:h,s iiml the PatkntStoi1, arenow u;imeti naHy farad pet i ir tn any apiHr?1ii-i Foi w:inhinii clothes bver in ventiel, and wïllsaw thi'ircost twicc a jear, by saviiijr Ii1ir mirt clathe. who hareusocl fltcrir give testimnny a follows 'iWfl Üke oip machine mucli cpud mt bo ]:tto do without Ir, nu! it li the u'A of Doty, w fcol tlnit v are masten ol the positïon."- Rcv. L, Scott, BUkoo M. E. Chttrch. MI i-ivnrtb one cl)Uar a week in any family." - A'. }'. Tribune. Iit tlie lnuniiry of mj hounethere ís r perpPtual thank tgiving oq if ondajrs for ihe iuvcntiun." - IUv TUodorc L. Cvgler. .1 .v(,j.y 1Vcek lias glfttn it itrongw ii"i'i apon the ds oí tlie Inmatefl of the laundry."- N. Y. Obstrvtr . "I heartily cmniontl it to economists oí time, money, aml content ment." - ïiev.Dr. Pellotes. ' Prlend Doty - Vuur lat Improvement of yoax Wahïn: Mftchme h a complete BuccesM. I aMUCe yuO uur Mac hl ie,' nfier ji jear'fl nse, is thonghtmore of to-day titan dtot, and woiild not bé partod with uiulor ;iny ircumtancee." - Soiun llobisou. 14 Vodx Wasbing Machi de han liefn in datiy iie in our laaadry, and the hoekeepr exproisu hereslf as highlv jilwiectl with ii. It ortínl accompHshei n greatei aqaovnt of wprk, with irsn libofi and does not th ar so maoh' as tho old "Ca sBlöned i'v usinglonolaandreti Ls -ü-pensed with .' - ïf'rn. F . Honifi, Superintendent of Iufatit Dêpartvitnt of St. I 'irsery, ft. 1'. 'Cüy. ' Aftera consta nl ue of the Ukivsbsai CLOTHta W!;;njí:h lor more thán foor ycai In nui fmnily I am autiiorizfil by febe ' pQW ra th :t be:'ta jive it the most unquaHfle ' piaiw, an I ■■ ron mnce it an Indis ile part of Ihe muohinery of bounekeplngi Oujf aervAnts bevalway been willing to ase it, and always hatf llkad it.t! - liiry iV,ird BeceherJ PKICES-A Fair Offer. Sond thrtftü] rice, f7MbrJ14, ï'xtra WringorSP, and ve införward élHier or boUi mchineii, frÓBoJl I . to placea where no i FeÜinp; amï so sure aro we Uifty wi-l ha Hkcd, tïiat we nffiee to re f umi tho money if any one wishcü to return the W8 f ree of frtibt !fïer-a rao nth'p triol, aecording todi 1 1 ri tone. No husbapd, father or brother nliould permif the ■ v of wnehincr witli the ! anda, flfiv-two daj-s in -, wl'fnir c;r ta done better, more xpegl ttoëilj, wtth feè labor, nrl no injury tthogar naentSjba Doty fluthos Washer, and a L'nlrersal Wttager.' CanvBEers wlth exclusive rlglit of sale malte monoy fast selliütf tlitm. S AÚ b) i'.ï-;iltr goncrnllv, lo w'hmii liberal dipcounts R. C. BROWNING, Gen. Agent, 12:ir,!f 82 (VrtlaiHlUtreet, New York. ' 8 U 3" á s a SS k h 3 Sí " S as 8 tu U H2 -s J h uT ? h S 1 Si fö i oí s I 2 mí; 3 sf H H ai.S moor n H t F " ia"1 ■ "POR A FÜLL LINE OF FLANNELS, PLAIDS, NAPKIN8, TAliLE LINENS, BLEACHET) 6Ö0DS, TICKING8 AND DOMESTIC GOODS CHBAP, GO TO THE FARMERS' STORE. PHYSICIANS' Prescrip tions Accurately and Caro I fully Preparod by E. W.ELL1S&C0. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair lo' its natural Vitalily and Color. ÉA dressing vhich is at once ngreeable, healthy, and eíToclual for preserving tho hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color vt'th the gloss and jKg fresJme3s of youth. "S3E" Thiü hair is thickened, falling hair checkeil, and baldness oftcn, though not always, cured V)y its use. Kothing can restore the hair wliere tlie follicles are destroyed, or the glands atropliied and decaycd. Biit pucIi as remaiu can be saved for uscfulness by this application. Instead of fouling the liair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. lts occasionnl nsa will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling oif, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from tliosc deletcrioiis substanoes which make soine preparations dangerous and injurious to tho hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. It' wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing clse can be found so depirablc. Containiug neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a gratciul perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical akd Analytical Ciiemists, IOWELL, MASS. PRICE $1.00, Sold t wholesale bj iaíihani, .'HEI.EY roDetroit. At retai Í bynjl druggistH and mercliftndiaa dealerítíTerwhere. T ATEST NEWS! ! WI. WAGNBR. Has juEtopenert c largo stockoí FALL COODS ! ÍNCXÜDKQ CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, &C. LATEST STYLES AND BEST QÜAL1TÍE8 WHICH nEOFKRS LOWER than EVER Alto m Store a large stock of READY-MADE CLOTIIING AND Gents' FÜEFISHING Goods. GARMENTSMADETO ORDKRIN THEJ i3OL3ü 5t3ü aas Alo LADIEind GENTS' MOROCCO SATCHELS No. 21. Sou tli Main Street- East.i Id. CALL AND SEE THEM. WILL1AM WAGNER. Ann Arbor,Pe-t., 1660. JEMEMEEB, TIIAT HÜLL, BOBIISOi I CO. KEEP A FÜLL ASSORTMENT OF CROCKEEIT, SOLD CHEAP. 1245 AND A FUI.L A880BTMBNT OF DOMESTIC ANO KOUSE FURNISIUXG GO O BS AT C.H. MÏLLEF'S. Goto R. W. ELLIS & CO's for strictly Pure Drugs and Medicines .Paints, Oils, &c.


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Michigan Argus