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Col. R. M. Johnson

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Tliis disílnguíshqd politiciun, patriot ! and hero, aceordingto the popular usage of. the. words, is well known to be verv closely conueeted wiili the colored peoplo, lio being the acknowledgod father ol two tnulfttto daughtérs. A mnjority of the voiers of the United States supporled m amalgnmntor W the Vico PresidencJ Hut the Colono!, like most of the Soulhefji patrióte, is abo a Slaveholder-, Severa! pf hts liego bondmen ".re now in Canada. A correspondent of the Vermont F reeman t'hus nárralos the escapo of two of ihom of the name of Chinu: "It appears that Col. Johnson took Mr. Chinn's oldest son, Maree] lus, on his firsf elcctioneering tour for the Vice Prcsideïicy,and that the boy lcfl hï'in at New York. Johnson triedto obtain infornialion rcspecling the boy's whereabouts of Arlhur TVippan, Esq., whooflered tobring him Ibnvard on condit.ion that hh f ree papers should firsl be made out and signed. This, the Col. refused to do, and was highly offended that Mr. Tappan should queslion his honor. Strange, indeed ihat a man of Mr. Tappan's inlelligencc should suspect that á southerncnllcman couiddoany thingthal is not honorable! TheOld Col. took Mr. Chinn, his body servant, in whom he j)laced unbounded confidence, with him, on hissecond olection tour, the timewhen he and Van Buren were beaten by Harrison and Tyler. But, like his son, he too chose to be a man, and left Johnson at Detroit, crossed óver into Canada, and has resided hore ever since. The Col. has written him two letters urging him fo return to his service - one of which contained some rather severe threats if hedid not. 'Ladwick Daviess,' one of Johnsoti'sslaveholdingcompanions, has álso visited him at London. and used his best endeavors to persuade him to return."


Signal of Liberty
Old News