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A Farmer's Study

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llave you any room about the housa tliat atiavvera tho placo of study ? If yon' havo not, you want one. Every farmer,' wbo claims to be anything elso than a mero laborer needs a study as much as auy professioual man does ; and for that matter, he requires it moro. The farmer's homo is not ordinarily a very quiet one. There is much work to do iu it; thero a tho clattar of inilk pans ; tbo noiee of the churn ; ' the prattle if not the eryiug of the children. It is hard for any one to rnako mucb headway in mastering the conreóte of abook, under euch cirourastancea. It is "the pursuit of kowledge under difiioulties." Aa editor might write, or a lawver might stúdy, under suoh oireumstances, be cause tliey havebeoomeaccusí.omed tointellectual labor amid noiso and confusión. Necessity compclled them to labor in this way, but it took a long time for' them to becoms masters of the Situatioc But for a farmer to do it, whosa times for sludy aro liraited for the most part to raiuy days in summer, or to tbe bleak, stormy geasons in winter, the thing is pezt to impossible. Ho wants a cosy! little room whure he oau shut himself up with his books and papers. A farmer's study nead uot bo vary large or a vory expenisive affair. A room fifteen feet square would answer the purpose well. Six bouk ehelves, whialj should bo permanent ; running aoro'ss oneeide, would hold a respectable library and leave room for files of papers, magazinos, pamphlets, and farra account bookw. A few picturcs bu 'the other side, like "The Farmer Pays för All," wouíd do for adorumcut. A tablo with drawers, a few chaira and a stove aro all the íiiroiture tbat ia necessary. TwentyMvü -.loliaid ;ui 1 a few day's work with ihe plaue'and hand-saw would fit it up.' Such a room as tbis would be a blessing to every farmer's household. The house would bc more orderly, because heré vyould be placed pijpers that too often are scattcrod about, and being lost or ruined. liaiuy dajB aad winUr daye would bc turned io au mnch account, wiih facilities ior study are the brightest days of sumiller, The dispocitioa to cave the home ior tho tavern or grooery vould ia tnauy cases be taken away, fo he reason that there is a better place .o speud time that can not be employed n out door work. Nor is it tothe farner alone that such a room would be of comfort and valuc. Thfi children cóuld' u-e it dut ing the evenings when they aré ittending school, and thus derive more' jenefit from each term of school. Te tho' wife, too, BUfh a room wculd bo a blesa-' ng. Wi'.h her mauifold cares and per)lexitiea, with tho odor of thecoot'-ioom u her nostrils, with children olinging to ïer skirts, how pleasant would such a ootn be in whicu to rotire occasionally and read a book, peruso a uewspapor ot writo a letter to a friend. Every thrify, well to do farmer, who has provided a warm stable for hia horses, a convenent barn for his cattle and even a corumodious pen for bis hogs and a kennel 'or Lis doga, can certainly afford a place f retreat for himself. It would result n baving a better planned farm, a bet,er Oi-deied houge, a h&ppier home and. t)tter cultured mincls. A library of )ooks will accumulate when there is s jlace to put theia. Papers and mhgaines will be preserved when there is a ilace to put them oa file, and spare time' )e put t o good account when thero is an PPOrtuuitV fco ËDSnd it withnnt hninir


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Michigan Argus