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Prince Arthur To His Mother

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Tho líiclinioL'd JSxamtner, tbrougb Inc snjierprisa ot' its Washington eorrespoiiJent "Pickles," and tho oourtesy of Jbe (ii-iiVU Legatiop af the CapUalj is ennbled to i lint a copy of'Prinoe Arlhur's Jutter to 1 ilr mulhor from Lat city, as follüws : Was::ix(tox, Jan. 2. Dear P.lolher. - I rcincmber having road somewhere that tho good Priuoo Ludwig, of Wurtemburg, in niucli dm; ;ih to the bast wy to briog up his cbüdreo, wrote to Rousseau, askiDg his adviee upon the pubjcct, and that singuJar man retorned au natwoi commcncing : "Si f cris Ie malheur c' eire t:o Ptïneé," &c. Little did I know tiil I caiue here what roason hc bad to v?rite iluis ; but ooyr I liavo loartíed, dear raother, that iï ii nut so nwfal jolly to Vie a Prince. My trip to Washington Les Dot been a regular lark, on tho contrury, it i.s thus lar btjresomo. I callcd to-diy upon tlic President. He is a BrtUkll man, witli largo feet ond iiands, a penare Ui ad, and smella fearfuily ot' tobacco smoke, Tiicy teil me that lie liíhts a cipar every night beforo going to bod, and don't tuke it out of liis mouth till in the mornisg, but I scarccly kuow whether to believe this or not. I savv a great niany queer peoplo at tho Exccutive mtnsiop, wlio pecnied to talk through their noses, and diün't know what to do with their hands. The ladies, however, wore not so awkword, aod it was as much as I could do to koep them from pulÜDg me to piect!. It was a great relief to get away, dear mother, becauso you kuow I hate Buoh familiarity oa short aequaintauce, and some of these Anicüicans won't w:iit eveu to be introduccd. There is a gaotleman hcro by the namo of Dent. Tlioy cali him "General." Ho is clnunbcilain at the White llousc, and a right jolly follow. I like bim. Ho says he thinks of going to England noxt spriag, aud I have protnised liiin a letter to you. I oftan think he would make a ood lord. He shuns tLo cotntnon folies, and ouly afsociatcs with the elite. Mi Sumner, whoin you have Jieard of so often, was over kind to me. lie looks like Lod Clarendon, and is very UDpopular. He mentioned to me that be would like to explain lo mu bis course about Ihe Alabama n)atter, but Mr. Thornton advisod me to avoid the subject, and l will do so. Mr. Butler, of Slassachusotts, called upon me this eveuing. I don't liko bis looks. He has a most sinister face. Ha is a sort of man you would ha! o to meet in any lonely placa of a dark i.igi.t. I got rid of kim us soon as I could. One thiua 8truck me particularly bere - there are more nogrocs tbaa white people. Thcy live in mud buts on the outskirts of the city, aud are fed by the government. I Dever see aay of tb om at work, and Mr. Chandler told ma that inaemuuh as tbey have slaved all their lives, tbe gove:nment thnuglit they should have sorac rest. Most of them are big and fat and lazy. Altogether, motiier, this is the queerest place I ve been in yet, and I chalí only be too happy to get out of it. Tbe Colonel and Fitzroy do notbing but swear from raorning" uutil nigbt, ' they are so botherert with invitations on my account. Alas ! llousseou was right ; to be a Prince is bad enough, but to be :i I'rince and live in a republiu would bo impossiblo. Adieu, dear rnothcr. and with love to Louise, Leopold and the rest, I remaia Toot aií'cctionate son, ART1ICH PATRICK. reooipts and espenditures by warrants for tho quarter entiing Dec. 31st, 1869, was issued Saturday. The followiug exbibit is made : pnrs. Eevennc 79,898, Mlpcellaneous sources 11,020 Loansand treasory notes... 23,975,880 2i Rep4yment8 a ,984,300 os Total 1116,874,291 37 Balance luTreasnry Depart inent gept. 'CO, 1868 ....... ]80,0M,857 8G Tofal $236,389,149 28 Givil and mlscrflaneons.... 11,445,903 05 U w, SaTy, Interior, and Indiana aud Pensions 25,280,965 45 Interest on putLic debt.... 25,-iBD,3iO 4 Purchaac of Uuiled [States D f0; 40,271,015 28 Kcilemption of tiie public 5,442,712 00 Total $107,925,012 07 Balance in Treasury Dec. 81st, 1809 128,468,287 16 The b'aloncfi September SOth, by tuis statement, is f4,661,194 40 in exces of the balance aa ptrblffehed in the debt statement of October lst, 1SG0, and tho balance December lst, is SG,529,798 18 in cxcpss of tho balance as publitihed in the debt statement of January lst. These difFerences are acconnterl for by the fact that the expeoditnres are all known and included in the monthly Btatcmenls, whilo the rceeipts being tktu from tho returns in lbo oiHce at the close of business on. tho last day of each month do not includc the entire receipts for tho quarter.


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Michigan Argus