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Enforcing The Amendments

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Tho following is the toxt ot tho In o euforce the ameodment to the Constitiitioo, by tho House : 'Aa Act to euforce the XV th Ameiidmci:t to the Constitutiou." Bo it cnaotod by tho Sen te acd House of Repro entatives of ho United States oí America, in Coogreaa aseeniblod: Skction 1. It be the duty of the Socrctury of the Interior to appoint, or causo to lie appointed, three oommissioners for each election district of the several Congressional dh trióte of tho United States, to enforce tho provisions of tlio ñfttaotll ui;iendt;ie;it to the üonetitution. Tho Baid Consmisíioners for Buob purpose sli all have tho solo right to decide on tlio quaJifioutions of all volera nho shall offer to vote for members of Congress or electora for President and Viix-l'ro.siuent, and Uio exclusive autbority to teceive the ballots cast at uny BUoh election. tiüc. 2. It siiall bo the duty of sucli Commissioncrs to oertify the result of the eleotiOD iu their districts respeetivcly, duly sealedj to tho said Secretary of the Interior. 3. The Socro'.ary of the Interior shall oertify under bis baad wad m1 the naraes of tho persous who ippear to biui by the aforessid returns to be olccted membeia of Congress or cleotorn for President and Vieo President, and the persons who shall rocoive sucli icrtiQcatc of election shall hoïd the ofEce or exercise the autliority therein designated, subject to tlio sixih seolion of th e act. Sec. 4. It uball be the duty of the United States Marshals in their raspeotive distrio.ts to sustaiu tho Commissioners of Election herein providcd for in tho performance of their duties, and shall detail a suíBcient forcé of deputáes to seeuro order ut the elcctions herein provided for ; o ml in the event of the force of any suoh Marsbal prnving in adequate, tlio Mnrhai shaU have Uu , right to cali on t!:o nearcst commai;ui;i_ oliiocr of troops of the Unitod S'ntos 10 ' aid sucli Jlarslml to preserve i Seo. 5. It shall be the duty of the ', Secretnry of War to eo .-latioti tho troops of the Uoited Sia'es, itntriediately , any clecüon herein provided ior at oonvenient poiats adjncont to tí e i principal polüng p'aces i f the s:iveri] Ccmgrcssioniil disiricts. and in the principal citics a oommanding forco of sueh iroops shall be encamped in tbtpa ks or otlier suitable places of Euch citifg, nt and preceding any eleotion as afureaaid Sjsc. 5. A'l qujgiioDa i regard to the reguiarity oud f.-.irness of the election of racmbers of Ooiiits aball bo rei'errcd b.y tho Secretnry of tiie Interior to the liousc Of lii prosoiitativor1, whoghall bave exclufÍTe jurisdtctinn theroof; and in like ruanner all questioDS relattng to the eltíction of electora ior i resident and Vioe-iTeatdent sliall be relerred to the President, w!;o f hall appoint a committee of not lesa t'uan .breo euitable persona to examine ainl decido all fuch questions, auá whosa decisión shall be : nd conclusivo. t Seo. 6. ïbis act sball go into cCect wlien Congress shall, by rfsolution, duly deolare tbat tbrce-fourths of tbo States have ratified the proposed fifteenth amendment, and havo deoreed that the CoDstltuiion is amendd nccordingly.


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