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Saginaw Lumber Business

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-Thfi Jínterpnte, of tbe ötb, publishes it usual annual statement of the lumbcr business of the Saginaw Valley for 1869. From tliis report we gather the following statistics : Total number of Mills,. 83 Tuin! ïiumbur of Saws, 187 city, 68a,i al ? 8,754,000 Luinber cut In 1800 681,61 On hand DDSOld, On doek, soM, 14,526,000 n 40,-.1: Men employed ,., . 2,90!) Lath ent,.. Cl,7! Lalli shlpped, 4;i.UW),471 Lal h on band .,010,400 The business having been rathcr overdone the paft yenr, it is Inirdly probable Uiat the product of this -ear will be so large. ! The charter eleciion st Ryraeusc, New York, on Tuesday, was closeïy conteetêd. Tlie Kepublionns re olccted i Major Clark by 350 majority, one overseer of the poor and one justico. The Demócrata eleoted onc Justice, ono Qversecr of tho poor and two assessors. On Supervisors, tho Kepublieana carry five of the eight vvards. Tho Common Councrl stands five Democrats to three Repubicans. It cost the Stato $29,581 anti Boston noarly $12,000 to "reoeive " rresident Giaut far 10 liours last summer. But thero wero 100,000 strangers ia Boston, and tbc Ilub thiuks " it pnid." Some days Bgo tho Detroit Adtertiur nd Tribune iiitimnted ttiat Juaga :;, one of GttANTr(J new appointec o the beuch of the Supremo (Jouvt, was ikolj to bo rejected becauso of liaving, vhilo a jutle of the Pounsylvania Supremc Court, decided against Ihe legality of grecnbacks as legal-tenders. Our coomporary having laarroJ its místate, and that Judge Stboko deciJed iu favor of lesal-tendors nstead of aguiüst, snys, n Tuosdfiy's issue : "This fact may ïave a docidod iufluonce upon the Scnxta's action upon Mr. Btrono's uoiiiination." A.nd that it may is the damnable - excuse the strong languuge, the diet.ionary hasn't anothcr fit word so mild - feature of the oase. If a j udgo of the Supreme Court is to be selecteü not bocause of bis legal attainrncnts or abiïity ; not because of bis judicial training and eminent fitness; not because of bis mi bonding integrity and non-partisansliip ; but becauso lio has held some düpuled act of Congrossgood ; or rejected bocause be beid tLe 6amc act void, then t Congress just os we!l abolibh tbe tho Supremo Couvt at oocc, detbrone tbe statue of Justiee, and eet np Zack ClIANPLER, DlOK YaTKS, BKX BlTLEK, and John Looan in stsad. - Oñ' tlie sume piece is tbe now bill of Sonator Wilson, proposing to recon struct tbe Supreme Court, that :is to make two more Associate and two moro (Jirouits, íir tho purnoso ot : contiolling; the appointees, and ' Dg reveraal of the lato deciaion against ' tenders. Tben f thenew Supreme Gouit ehould Jare to tread on tho Conods] toes f.nd decido against the f of aoy uct of Coagress, anotUcr gtruotion can bc indulgcd in. Ureal 'm Congrega ! Ir was u trerr.endous oackle over n very stoall egg, tliat made a few days ago by tho N. Y. Evening Post, in oongiatulating its readers aud frec-traders generally, over the aaoption of the follow'iDg r8olutioa by the Kadiaal látate Convention of Conneoticut: rtesolced, That wc favor a tartffabnndant tor revenae, and is (at as posstble so devlsi-xl as to relieve labor, eqnallze the bardene ed, encourage i diversifled Induslry, ■tlioning monopolies. We rli-nrrp.'it o ÍYpíinpnt. P.hnncpR In tnrifi' tlon as deranglng tbe calcnlationa of capi. Lnfilctlng unforeeeen suHerlng upou labor. "A tariff ahmáantfor rtrenue,'" and so arranged ns to "equalize the burdens imposed, enccuroge a diversiüed industry," &e., &o. What more could E. B. Ward & Co. ask ? An "abundant tariff" protecting "a divorsificd indus'.ry" is the Yankee way of cxpressing it, and the seccmd sober thought onght to convince the Tost that there is a mocstrous big cat concealed in that meal tub, and deservcs. Tho way to test it is for the ' rost to keep an eye on tho Senato and Houee ro'l calis and Hawley's paper, and aeo f tho Iatter condenins the votes . of the Cooneoticut members in favor of ■ protection of the baldest kind. Tkoy ! will so vote at everj opportumty, and _ will not bo ceosured by the Hawley ■ organ. A secón "Danikl" has come to judgment, this timo iu ther person of ons ■ Moses AV. Fuld, of Detroit, wlio nsserts that "the duties on iuiported salt are wholly paid by foreiguers." He eays . that iu 18G8, imported salt averagod i 30c. a bushei, at whioh price the imports amountcd to $2,830,827; that with duties at from 18 to 24c. per 100 lbs., the mporter paid 81,130,225, which was saved to tho country and paid by tho foreign producer. Now, if Moses W. Field knows anvtliinc. ha Irnows Ihat the Detr.áfc nierchant adds to tbe prico lie pays for goods in London or Paris, the duties paid to the gorernmcnt, the freights paid, the insurance paid, and Uien a per cent. of profit ou first cost with duty, freights, and insuraneo addcd. Grivo bim freo freight and no iosuranco premiums and he can sell liis gnod3 cheaper, vrhetber purchased in New York or across tho border. If across tho border, and no duties to pay, lie oan sell choaper than if he pays 20, 30, 40, or 100 per cent. duty, and to tbe full amount of both duty and the per cent. of profit he would add to it. So with tha salt. Tho bushcl of Turk's Islaud Salt sold in New York at 30 cents, could have been given to tho consumcr at 18 cents had no duty been laid upon, the importer having added just that much to its cost. Tho home-man ufacturer fixes bis price at tho price of tho foreign article, p!us the duty, and not the importer at the amount of duty, lesa than cost. Mr. Field bad bctter try again. ■■-- - 4 1 i M In tuk Superior Court of Cineinnaü, on Tuesduy, a decisión was rendered in the "Oible cuse :" that is ia tho matter of tbe injunction issued by Judgo Sto&BS ogaingfc the Board of Edueation, restraiüing that body from enforeing its resolutions. prohibitiug the readiug of the Scriptures, etc, n the pubüu school of that city. ïhrce sepárate opiuion were read, Judgea aud Storer maintaining jurisdiotion, adjudging the relief praycd for proper, and ordering that the injunetion bo made perpetual Jude Taft dissentcd. The oase is to be carried to the Supremo Oourt of the State. Tui House Ways and Mean Com' mitlee, by a vote of ö to 4, proposea to ! promoto the Infernal Itevenuo Bureau , to tho dignity of a Department, mate its head a Secretary, and givo L!m a seat in the Cabinot, whieli will no doubt greatly please Conimisslocer Delano, tliough it is not ao certain that the rovenuo will be either botter or cboaper collecte!,


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Michigan Argus