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MOTICBl ■ I ■ isert rdition of tbe School Lnws lifivc been 'eready for dlstrlbntlon, Towntblp ClerJo aie reqneeted o send i:i thelr ord'TW at nu Dï'iy doy. , v. .TOÏINJ. ■ Ann Arbor.Feb. lïth, ; ;mi:ity Clerk. Estáte of George Suttoo. OP UICHIG UT. Conoty of Woebtenavr,!! ' At ii 91 ■ ror the Coan ty ol ildenat the Frobatp Office. In tl ui Aun Arbor, on Thi . i : ui Febrnary, In the year oae hl linndred anti pcviitity. ke, Jndirc of Probntp. In the matter of tho Estáte of Qeorxe Suiton, 2a, e tent. On ronding and fllins the petltii ;',od,of 1 Dean, Qi 't he muy be lieensed to teil certain real ectate bclouing to eaid Incompetent, Therenpos t is Ordered, thnt Mocdav, the twentyof Uareh. next, at ten o'clock In theforelon,and f kin of snit'. } nndall other Interested In eald estáte, arereqnlredto ionofaald Court, then to be holden al the Probate OfBce, Is the City of Ann Arbor, and show canse, If anj therebe, whTthoprayeroftbe peUtlone not be granted : Aiü! it is' fnrthcr ordcrod, thnt said ■etitioner give notice to the next f kin of sald ncompf other personí intereated in ui.l 'earing leteof.b rderto oepi r printcdandcircu. thrt'D successive weeks previoua sald day of hearing. f trnecopy.) niRAM ,T. beakts. r-so.ïtd Jnügc of Probate. Estáte of Lowis A. Ruokmao. TATSOPUICHIGAS.Ooiuity of Vashtenftw,B8 O Atasessionof thcPrubntc Court for thcCounty f Washtenaw, holden nt tbe Probate Ofiioi;, in the ity of Ann Arbor, OD Taesdy, the etghtfa day of i'öbruary, in the year one thoueandeight liundrcd and scvcuLv. Present, Üiram T. Bcakep,JudffOof Probate. Jnthe matter uf the Estáte of LewisA. ltuckman sed. On readlngand flüng the petltton, dnly rerified.of Williaii' tor of the lost will and ■■ :isc(l, praying that he uny be licensed to scll certain real est&te whereof aid deliied siezcd. Therenpon it ís Ordered, tbat Wednesday, the ;wenty-thlrd day of Hfixob next, at ten oxtock n the forenoon, be assiguetl for the hearing of tltion, and that the leg&tees. den and heirs at law of said decensed and all oth'T persons interested in said estáte, are tequlred to Conrt, then t be lolden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann and how canse, If any there be, why theptayer of the jctitionershoiilrl nol And it isfurtbcr rleredfthat said peÜtioneT elvenoüoe totheperaoiu tndency of said petitlon, and thehearins thereof, by cansing ucopycf ibis Order to be pnbüshed In íl i ' ■'.■'■, ii aewspapei prtnteda&d circolatlng in saidConnty, four euccesaive weeks ptv 1 day of heaiIng. (A. trnecopy.) HUtAM ,T. BKAKES, I257td Jndgc of Probate. Estáte of Daniel Ilixsnn. STATE of MICHIGAN, Coüwti of Wbhtzv, bb. At ft sossion of the Probate Cowrt for tbe of Washtcnaw, holden at the Probate Ofticulii the City of Ann Arbor, on Monday. the fourtcenth day of Pebroary, In the year on eight lumdrcd and serenty. Present, Hiram .T. Beakes, Jndge of Probate. In the muiter of the Estáte of Daniel Jlixpon, deceased. On readinj and fUíng thepetition, duly verifiedot Fielder S. Snow, a certain instrument now on tilt: Ín this Conrt, pnrportlng to be the 111 and testament of said decCAscd, may be admltted to probate, and tbat be D&ay be appolñted sole Kxecator th i It is Ordered. that Frïday. the fleventh day of March, next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, be 't the hearing of said petltlon, and Uiat legatées, devisees and hein at law of eald !- ma Interested In sald eatate, are retí:1 n of Bald ourt, then to be Dolden at the Probate Office, In the City of Aun Arbor, a i oy there be, wliy the prayer of the peUtioner tshonld not be grftnted i Anti it is furthez Ive notice to tbc penoni dency of uiiidpetition, and the hearinj; thereof, by ei ifthls Order to be pnbïlshedln the Michigan r prlnted and circalating in said Ctuwty, threc succeesive weeks previous tosaid day of lic; ■ Atrnocopy.) HIRAM J. BEAKB8, Jurltre of Probate. ■"1ALL Aï THE Farmers7 Store, and see their Goods and Learn thelr Prices. Marked Down, A NOTHER AKU1VAL . OP TIIOSE DELTCIOUS FLORIDA ORANGES, Attlie CITÏ ARCADE. Come quick, before they are gone. 1286 CLARK & CROI'SEY, Proprictors. A D1II1ÍISTKATOR'S"ÑOTÍCE7 X. AJÍ persona Indebted ( tha sítate of Clias. Bentler are hereby uotitlol i.uit all a nonnti not eettled ithinthir- d&to wijl btí banded tonuAuorney. Aun, .lainuiry Slêt.iVO. AUQ. WIDENHANK, 1255W-Í Adininistrutor. COTICE! ■rebyetven theco-partnenhip liorofer tbs name of Huil, Boblnaon t Co., is thla il, y olggolTed by mntnal consentí m. D. Harriman retfricg OEO. L.Iiri.I.. W1LLIAM R KOBINSOX, M1LI.IAM D. IIAHUIMAN. Ann Arbor, Jan. lOtli, I Q0-PARTNE11SHIP. The andenigned have asaoebted themsolves In a c-partr Ttheflrm name of Hu!' luon, and wfll continuo the grocery andpr bnsineasattheolditandat t llull, Jtobiiisini A Co. All business matten and ontttandlng accounts of the late flrm will be setllcd by Huil L Kobinson. OEO. L. IiriJ.. WiLI.:AM E.HOBINSOK. Dated, Ann Arbor, .Tan. lOth, lsT;. 1ÏB8 HROCKERYJ ü GÏIOGKEÏIY 1 in full sp:ts oh pieces, in any variety, and of the newest pattebns, at a new invoice OF FINK DOrni.E AND SIXGI.E Paisley Shawls ! VLALV AND STR1PED SHAWLS JUST KECEIVED AT THE FARMERS' STORE. SILÍER. PLATED CAN BE IIAD VERY CHEAP AT IIULL, ROB & CO'S. F IVE GEESE FEATHERS PIBST, Cülistilutly tui band mul ful" sale by BAGHSf ABEL. riVERY AND SALE STABLJi. Corner Usin and OattaarloQ streeta. HorMaboar. ■ tenas. Second hand bagaes, cat jrsand harnesg for sale. Ï262y1 "PBïSICiASS1 PBESGBIPTiÖNS AOGURATELT AND CAREFULLY PREPAEED BY I R. li'. KI, LIS A t O., DSUGOI813. 05 DAYS PROM CHINA AND JAPAN, rA. the Pacific Baiiroadv A VEKY CHOICE LOT OF FINE FRESH TEAS JIST RKCEIVED AT c. h. iir.i.v.iv'3 CALL ANO TRY THENÍ, QUALITY UNSURPASSED. PRICES LOW. VEW SPRING GOODS ! NOW OPENING AT C. H. MILLEIST'S. A LARGE LOT OP BLEACHED MTTSLINS, NEW SPRING PRINTS, TICKS, DENIMS, CRASH, LINKNS; AND GOODS FOR THE. EARLY SPRIKG TRABE. At Very Low Prices for CASH, OR IX EXCHANGE POR Butter, Eggs, or Dried Fxuit. g-BEAT BARGA1NS WOOL SHAWLS, DRESS GOODS, AND ALL KINDS OF WOOL GOODS, FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS, at C. H. Mïüen's. 125? tTüy yöuk " Hooking Glasses OF W. D. HOLMES, Ann Arbor, FOR 3 UEASOiïS. First, beeause heke'psrhe bpst of Imported Gin,. and a guod asiioriuuMiiof square and arch top frames , and Kells OHBA.I 1 uirtki'd tbem a spccia]t_v, (ioi'.shiK own wurk, and cun atFord t sell CHEAPER 1 Tliirdljr, Bceause he manufactures theva, nd cas aud Bill st.'ll the CHEAPEST I of anj onein tliecitj. Healso sell PICTURE FRAMES! The che pent ol anjrbody ia t hc Stat- as far as hear f rom . NICE OVAL FRAMES FOR SO CTS. Picture Cord, Tassels & Nailsï FRGVCH GI-ASS- bj tbc üght or boi Forl'icturea orfw 3EIOTTSS33 tjrliASailffG t 38 KAST IIÜRO.V STREET, ANN AEBOB. - - - MICH. T AWES' FASHIONABLE SHOE HOUSE. .- T.nn.A.isrrr. 24 South Main Street , Dealer in I Anir!3 QfMTP vin ciunrct Lrtuico Duuio nnu onucc THE JNEWEST STYLE8 ijst Kid, Calí, and Cloth 'Always on band, and Stock and Work Guaranteed IF YOU WANT A. IÏOOT, A GAITEHJ A. BXTSKIN", OI5 a. sucrr'Kia CALL AHD EXAMINE HIS STOCK BEFOBE rCJJ PRICES LQWER thaü the L0WE6T. Ei TARRANTr Ann Uth.ierS. ipOR SALK CUE AP! J Medium Hand Fress In good condltlon. ] n inlre nt tho ARGUS-CÏTICEt.' nn At'.ior, ASg. 5tH, ISfl.


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Michigan Argus