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The Two Railroad Lines Compared

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ut tiic two rauroada to j-un North and South througb tiiis couuty, whlch is most llkely to Be bulU, and wliic.'i Ia most likcly mre competlng markets? First and lost we want coinpetlog mark [f thls is cot secured it is not atlvisuble to tax oursclvos to bulld :iiiy road. an Arbor route from Toledo to the ■■ ■ w Valley has already sabscrlbed und 1,000; wtth calla pending for leid, Lodl, York and Saline, whleh wlll sarely vote ald, making $506,000; and flrom Ann Arbor to llovvell j'ot to act. The towDS liavc voted comparatlvely small aums nm! wil!, If necessary, Increase the ald. Tiiero are severa! strong and powerUi compantes wü h which we cnn unitc our company, io-wit : The Michigan Sontbén) and Lake Shore, the Baltlmofe and Oiiio, and the Pennsylranla Central. To unlte with any onc of tbese compantea wlll secure beyond a doubt coinpcling markets. This road Coaches a largo number of villages and business polnts along lts whole lino, llow is it with the Ypsilanti route ? T.nrktr n( tlm mi Pattiiaan Pj!aI mul 1 i"'iv (IV WIV; IHïlj'. JJUL YVt II XUILUW 1 lili . Ypsllanli i.-i tlie only business point touchcd. Which road II most benefit the country ? Agaln, whlch rood wiU bc most likcly lo secure competlng markets '! The Flint and Pere Marquette Rallrood is a young compniiy, wlth v land grant, and has nol ab!e to mako any dividend, vitli an aggregate amount oi earnlngs less peran&um than any one of sevcral newspaper comin New York City. They c:ui doubtd and stock the road, but can tlicy compete wlth so powerful a company as the Michigan Central? Sonic say the M.C. Dompany is backing the F. & F. M. pany. u so, you wi.i nave no compeution, and Uie towns better not vote %d to get tliat -wliich wlll bc of no use to tlioin. Bnl if the P. & P. 31. shonld attempt to mako competiug ratcs wlth the "M. C, it is my honest and delibérate opinión tbat in less than six inoutlis tiio M. C. woulU compcl her to raake terras, and after Ihat you woulfl have no competition ; bilt the pco" ple woulil have a large il ebt and Uixus ivilh no valué received. It is perfectly preposterous to supposc that ayoungand comparatively weak company eau successfully compete with an oíd and strong company üke the Michigan Central. Without haring one dollar of aid-voted, the frlenda of the Ypsilanti road say tlieir road will be built, and our roaü vill not be built ; and the rcascn alleged is tliat the F. & P. Marquctte Wlll build it if she can raise $130,000. Ypsilanti in accepting tliis offer without any assurance orprobatotllty of thcrcl)y securin? compctlng markets, seema tohavefollowed the example of certain spinsters in acccpting the first offer of marriage, for fear they will ncver set another. Foranght 1 know, botU roads may be buit, but It seems to 111e tliat tlie road tbat eau secure the most aid to make the bed, and wlll afford the most business to the road when made, has the long cud of the lever. Competing markets for our productions, and a rcduction in freight is whaX we want, and if by aldlng the road we do not secure tliat, I say keep our money and let the road go unmade. Annta Dickikso.v is to ecturc this evenlng, at the M. T.. Church, bcfore the Students' Lecture Association. lier Ject, wc belleve, is " Whited Scpulchers," and is supposed to bc abont the Mormons, among whom, if Anna ioüows out lier procllvlties, she wlll class nll Demócrata, She has so ony been accustonied to lire hot shot uto the ranka of the Democraey that she wlll likcly forgct that she is not on the thread-bare i hernes, slaveiy or the war Well, she v.ill say something, if ïot smooth ar.i! palatable or womanlikc, ai;d something is more taan inost of the scason's lectorers can be crédito! with saylny. - Since the above was typed, wc lcarn that Akna's subject is : " To the Kemie" but what of, women, ncgrocs, or the Radical party, or what not, ivc are unadviscd. But ao matter, the talk wIU be all the same. St, Yalentiue'ö anniveraary was cele brated last Honday by the Youug America of our city, asslsted occasionally, we snpposo, by those wlio are older, but have not yct outgrown thcir youthful lollies. The üay is used by some to express in glowing terms the deslres of thelr heart to the " darlins of their choicc," while others givc vent to thcir sour dispositious, and scek revenge for somc Cancled insult by sending not vcry pleasin; notes to tlieir victims. It makes a Hvcly day for tlie postoffice clerks, and puts severa! cxtni two cent pieccs intotlio pocketsof Únele Saín. Those who dldn't get any "missives" should bcar up bnxvcly ander tlie mlsfortune, and keep in view the iirst of April vhlph wlll Soou come around.


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