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QRENVILLE, DRUGGIST! N"o. Ö Main Street, Sast Siöe, KCEP8 C0N8TANTLY ON' HAND FAHNESTOCK'S LEAD.GROUND [IN OIL AND DRY COLORS, Oils, Vamishes, Putty, PATENT MEDICINES! BÜXTSUE S, BÜRTON'S jTOBÁCCO ANTIDOTE, COLGATB'S SOAPS.3 H AIR OILS Sf HAIR RESTOEERS DHÜQGISTS' SITNDRIES, HAIR DYKS, FliAVORING AND Handkerchiei Extracts QLAS8 RUBBER, AND XCET-aLS.S-STR,! E S , TRÜSS ALL OF BEST MAKERS, PURE NATIVE WINES AND LIQUOKS I AGENT FOK THE O RE AT U. S. IE A COMPN'Y. Prescrlptions put up . with Care at all Hours. Storeopnnon tlie Sabimth from 7 to 10W A Sí J GR VII.T.K 6 FULI.ER'S ACCOUNTS, IF NOT 5E1TLED BV ATRIL lst, WILL BE I.EFT WITII FUE PROI'ER OFFICKRS ÏOR COLLKCTION GEO. GKENVILLE. March5th, 1889, 5weeteimingT SWEETENING ! FOR TODB SUGAR, and SYRUP OO TO IIULL, EOBINSON & CO. J FULL AND CHOICE LINEOF GROCERIES! HAY BE FOUND AT Huil, ïtobinson & Co's. piOH THE N EXT Sixty Days the Farmers' i Store will Sell G-oods Cheaper than any other Store in the Oity. good cup op 0O3e"3F"3ES3ES! , IF YOU WANT THE WHEREWITH TO MAKE IT, GO TO flULL, ROBINSON & CO. (jLOAKIMS BEAVERS, CHINCHILLAS ! ASTRAKAN AND SCARLET BRGADCLGTH .A.T TÜB FAItMERS STORE. T UMBER YARD! C. KRAPF Tliiftn lareeftnil valí Btookod Iunlpr arl, on Jefrnon strat, ín Cfc aootta part oí Ci t v. iVjhï will keep eenstantlY on hand un excellent varletj t LÜMBEE, 8HÍNGLES, i.ATJT, &O. whlob will be gold ns low rs cao ba ÉSordod in 1 hia maïket. Qufilitv aml prices pncli t'int co ene need to go to Detroit. CONKAD KRAPF, Anu Arboi.Oot.fat.18AO. 9861f pöïTsA' The smbscribcrs odor fcrpr.lctlip house, aniï all or n ptrri(iii of the groandf on Anu Btreet, btween Foartb aml PUth Streeta, being the retdm of the late Volney Clinpin. Portenna ipply to C. As Chapin. Aleo about 3 acres on Millar Ávriiae. CA. CHAPÍN1, ) V. CHAPÍN, Jr. V áiüáítnton. 8. B. KK, ƒ Ann Arbor,Airil'29t!i, 189. 1215 l Finost Assortmont. of Toilet i Goods in the City, by rpHE BEARS ARE AHEADÍ JOHNSON, US HATTEfy lia jii8t opencd a Large Stock o f WINTER COODS! In 1„.iiiiK Vi-vvfst Síyle of HAÏS & FÜRS ! Whicb will be sol, 1 LO"WEB TH_A_:isr EVER f ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF GLOVES, COLLARS, NECK TlEBy HAXDKERIIIIKIS, SATFCHELS, CANE, Umbrellas, Parasols, &c. Pirase oallandezf.'iuiae mygoods tMforepurch&ft Ing olaewbeie. NO. 7 MAIN 8T., - ANN ARBOS MICBV November, 1869. 1216tf JJALT! WALK INM S. SOIMDHEIM, SICCESSOR 1O M. Guiterman & Co; AT TIIE 0D CIiOTH.NG HEADQUARTErÏ IIA8 JDST OPïNED A' O 9FALL aOODB CL O TH S, CASS1MERES, VESTING S, $C. Atl of the Best and r.atest Stjle?, Together with a LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK O? READY-MADE CLOTHING, AND GENTS' FÜRNISHING .GOODS, TflTH THE LARGEST STOCK Oï Bovs' and Youths' Clothing EVEKOFFERED IN THIS MAEKET. Wlilch he offers at GreatJy Reduced Prieel [Also a large lot of TBAVELINQ TRT3NK8Ï CLOTIUKG JIADETO ORDER t N The best styli Cali and examine Jor yourtelveè 3STo. O. Sonth Miam Strefitt AN'N ARBOn.SEPT.,1369. 102St f JAZARUS & MORRIS, Practical Opticians and Oculists, LONDON, GrkatBritain, and IIARTFOItD, COXX., U. S. Have appointed JACOB HALLEU, Walilnunkfr & Je T-' eler, Ann Arbor, Mlch., Sole Agent ior the Sale of their CELKB1ÏATED PERFCTED SPECTAGLES, Which liave boen cxtonsi"T,ly uscil n Creat Rritain' HdPnitpd Statês.thiinsteiiit Mms. mul forirhich d th anaen&estioned uivHntajrefl overthos in ur.liniiiy ,fbpioof flviliich iuv bc Mts in thiir coustauiljr increasing buxinets i'.uring the fct eight y e lst. Tiut from tht perfect ronstructio of the lenses.thej nssist Br,.! i rK-rTe 11. c figM, renderinis'' frequent chancea unneecssary. Bod. Tiiat Iliey eonfor a brüllarcy anil distincfnrtss of vii-iou , with n amount L ese al4 comfort not hitheitoenjoetl by ppectaele earers. ttè. Tiiat the matprijil ttaa wbtch tbc I.enrro ara eround s manuíiictiirríl spprtally for optie purP')s-e, aml b pu re. hard an.T brilüuut, and not liabla to becoine scru:c!fü, 4th. Tu.iv (heframtalnwhlcli tbajara set.whetii i-r L'ol'1 . sih t ov st'-o!, :m of Ihe finwt 'piaütyand li , juni guuranteel portee', iu evi-ry rpsjjt'ci. Tiwy arrlhn only S:cciacles (lint rkllV ê Wlub as AeslBT hik riuht. Ai O a i f etemptAL )iecaut-ft tlic Mt,always lasting mauy ycu.s wüL ut changea being necessary. lJ"One of iha (lrm wlll Tlutt Ann Arhrir at th Store i f tbeir Aeent pvery foor montba, lur Uu pur, pose of Bttfnctnore haring dlfflcnll Ffjrht, hen n ■petaelMol) bj thcli Agcutforlng tbrl rtorvnlwlft beexcliancd free ol charge Unotproperlj fi 1 1 ■ i . ÏSWE EJÍPLOYNO rj:iM)Tj;RS..j) Go to R. W. ELLIS & C0's for choice Winos and Liquore . for Medical Purposos.


Old News
Michigan Argus