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The Michigan Argus

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Publfched every Frlday :iurniag,in the thirdstorj of tbt) brick liiock, curuer ot M;iiu and lltirou Streelt A.V.X AttitOtt, HiCIi. Hu trauco uu Jluruii SLrcci jjpusiic Lu; Post OliiCL'. U1.IHI . roi, i:Jitor and rubllsfcer. Terina, $'.00 u Year in Advance. BA.TB3 OF ADVEKTISINQ: IT2 Hnesor'.csscousidcnd a siiiiari;.] 9PAOH. 1 w. :iv. Iw, :.,;. i;m. ly. lquare $ .f I tl.Oii $8.60 .■■Ti!.00 Tüquarës" I Wl J..Mi t a..Mi ö.oi'l 8.00 1 12.06 Tíiqaar'ás' I I 8.00 1 4.80 1 T.tO l'i.iiuj 16.00 M colnmn I 2401 :.?o [ '-." I íwfi 12.00 1 20,00 "Öêöinmn I 4..M) I .00 1 10.00 U.( 'l-3 column" TM ■■.■■■: lt.00 20.00 80.8 "l-ilnmn f.oo óö IQ.oo is.od es.oo w.oo ■ i nöinmii '■" iï.oo I6J n ig.oo 1 40.00 r.oo "o ARl'S IS DIRECTORY, nottoexceed (burlluus (I.OOnTcftr. ÁdTertlierftothcextentof aqnarter rolnmi ona tfsAy contract, wlll be entltled to have thcircardcin iirectory without cxlr:uliarL"'. Ucal HoOce ten cent pet lino for tlip flrstlneertoo, aI1( x í1111 ? I'111' l)r 1ti siibsi'qent iuaertio, bnt no notlce iuscrtcd for less tlinr il Spocin' Notiws oncc-and-a half the rates ofordlnnry advertlsements. Yt'.irly advertlaen hSV6 íIkí jirivílfte of ohnnrine hclr advortisement thrue times. Áddltluunl t'haii' .. t 11 Wil il 11 tk Mwa 1 I _ im gi8 win occnnnjeu ior. 1f Advertisements nnnrcomprtiiied by writfrn or ;crbnl dlrectlona will bepnblUhed three monthtnd hurged accordiugly. i.cgal Advertisements.firM insertlon 70 centt per olio, SScoóta per folïo for esch eubsequent [naertlon. i'hen a pttionemt'n( leadded to an adTtfrtlsaineni lic whole will be chared the same asfor first iuscrion. JOB FRINTING. Pimplili'ts, PostiM-p. Hand Itills, Circulan. Cartls, Bll Tickets, Labels, Blanki, BUI FTead, and other r:irtti(i of Pliiin and F;mcy Job Prtntínff, exocated n:th promptness.and ín the best possiblcstyip. e VHIS. -Wc have a Ragslee Rotarj Card Prees, in-1 larire variety of the latest stvlee t)f Card type whlcli enables nato print Oftrdfl of all kinds in the iicatest possïble style, nm! cheaper thnn anv other none Ín the City. Tliiíinej? dra fot men 0 all nvecitlons %ind profMstonSi 6a11, Wedding and Ttsltlog etrd.lrlnted on hort notice. Cali and BMSAinpies.


Old News
Michigan Argus