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Mr. iíiDghatn íntrodueed a bil!, on Mouday, moidatory. cf the laws relatng to rates of post3gc, malcing Icttor po. tage two cent?, and one cent for evtry addiiioniil orc-half ounce or fraclion thereof; makiug the postuge on newspapers or periodicals issucd daily, weekly, moullily or at other stalcd periode, oue cent where nut exceeding four otinces in weighr, and one cent forevery additiouol oance or fraction thcrcof; papers circulaürig in the State and Territory v.'here published, or within cno hundred milos of the place of publication, to be exempt froni postage, and exchanges bf tween publislsers to be freo of postage ; on drop letters and uDscaled circulare to be one ceut, and one cent íor each additional ha!f ounce or fraction ihereof; manuscripts inteoded for publication not exceeding two ounces in wcigbt, to be thrce cents postage, and one cent for every additional ounce : The sujoud section multes it the duty of the Postriiaster-Uetiera! to establish a uniform and aioderatebox rental. Gate Posts. - A correepondent ofan Eastern paper suggests the following plan, to preveot the íuggiug of gato posts : "Set the hanging post three and a half feet io the ground, tramp well at the botton), on the side opposite to the gflte ; theu dig a trench six inches deep from one post to the other; in this put a tlirco-by-four scantling, or a pole of white oak, black mulberry or some other lastiog timber, geeing that it just filis tho spiico between the two gate posts, and cover with earth, and the gate will stand as you haDg it until the posts rot off." A Dry Portable Vixegar. - Wash well half a pound of white tartar wilh warm water, then dry it and pulverizo as fine as possible. Soak that powder with good sharp vinegar, and dry it before the fire or in the sun. Resoak it as before with vinegar, and dry as above, repeating this operation a dozen of times. By these means you will have a very good and sharp ponder, which turn8 water inetantly into vinegar. It is very onveuient to curry in the pocket, especially when tr&veüng. The Uuiversity of Edinburgh hag made arrangemenis lo enable ladies who wish to do so to study medicine, but in a separate class from men. Five lady student have presented theniselvcs. Id London there is a Female Medical Society, under the Pres'idcncy of tbe Earl of Shaftcsbury, which established a mcdicol college for woiaen five years ago, and oighty two ladies have during that period availed themselves of jts faciliüesj most of them have since startcdia business, and aro succeeding admïrably. The following advertisement for tho reeovery of a red calf was actually published iu a paper of Oolumbia eounty, Pennsylviiüia, in the sumnier of 1869 : ': Lost. - A Cnlf I!et. Ilis two behind legs was white. He was a she calf. Everybody what cati hes him gibs tre dollars." - LippmcoWs Magazina. Eussia is the place {'or queer socïctie. Otic reuently broken up ns composed of Btuüents who proposed to repeal niatnmony, property and goveroment, distribute the property, of ricli men, kill all officers of tl e law and cut out tho tengues of literary men who niight (rppose the movemeut. Tbeir scène of opcra-ious has boen translorrcd to Siberia. Two womon iu Tienton, N. J.f havo been eonfined iu jil for beirg coaimon Ecolds. Thercupon tho Cliicago Post mdign.intly coiiiinenis that "ílTi Anthony, who is au uucomtuon scold, has rever yet becu coii)ii:ed."


Old News
Michigan Argus