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Baiting The Wrong Bull

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The IScw xork Ihrald s.ivh : It wa announced n ilio j 'urna's the other dny tliat Mr. Burt, th-3 lcgul agent of the Enliah Erie ri:ig. hud arrived in ilrs city (rom Europe, brinaing wik hi;u tbc L-20,000 wliioli the Eic i era' protection coitmittie bave raisod by the inapositvu of a tsx pf one shilling per sliar for t! e pu'pose &Í fettitig iheir ' case before JuJgo Wuodruff, of tlie : United S'atc.s Surremo Court The I Clareudon llo'el was betisged ilio fol lowing day by crowde of lawyers, ihü fouglit their way i:ito the prjfenco of; the dÍ3'inguihtd orr va:, and announced ! tlipir willingnes: ti ac ept a retaining fee agairiPt the Krij or any other I poratioa. 'i'h bewililered siranger prottetcd that he kuew nothirg abnut the Krie, and deolarod that ho was not au! thoriz'd lo give any retaiuiüg fees. At this iLe lüwyi-rs vrinked ut him, as ! ub to say ''Burt, old boy, you're smart, but il won'tr do." John Buil becaine ! exaperatfcd at last, nud, ringing the bet], he suniiiioiieda posse of waitt-rs and ordeied tlieni to ehow hia unwelcome visitors-t" the door. Over huudred more or le-a eiojnspt liwyers ca'lod at i the Clarendoii ywterctay, but Mr. Bun ■ inBistB upon it that ho i ''not iu." I: appcars that the object of this detnon! ëtratiou ia tho wrong man. Ttue, hia name is Buit - he admits that fact - Ijut he is not the Burt. Kis namesake, who ha chargoi'f tjje Britisb gold which in to be diitributcd sinoug the lawyer, is yet ''lo orrire." If snybody wants to be eaten up let him go to the Clarc-udon and ask one of the clerks for "Air. Burt." i atience Lag ceised to be a virtue oo the Boutheost corner of Fourth avenue and Eighteenth street.


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Michigan Argus