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POR SÁLBI A honro aml !t acljoinine Univorsity gronTid! i Phe house ia two sforles ana has iríne ruoins, Oel lar, C'istern añil Wood líonsc Terms, r'ensOEable' I Muquiré al No. 30 South Ingalla Street. lWlrt S. DILLS. ' rALL AT THE CITY ARCAPE AND 8EE OÜR SPLENDID I.IXE OF CAN NOT BR BEAT FOR QUALITY AND PRICB. 125S CLARK & CROPSBT , Estáte of NatLan Grecnc, STATKOF MICHIGAN. County of Wawhtenaw. F8. At ft Mentfn of the Probate Conrt fot the County of Waehtenaw, holden at the Probate Cfllce, in ihe ' ity of Auu Arbor, on Monday, the twonty-ilret day f February.iu theyear onethouaaiulullu hundredand ecvi-iity. Present, Hiram J. lïcakes . .ludiré of Prohato. In the matter of the estáte of Naihun Groene, o ceased. Daniel B. Greeue and Libbeas ürew, Exccutora of the &$t wilï and testament of aU dereaed, comeinto Courtaudrepreseot that they are now pvcparcd to render their ñnal account as such KxeCDton. Therenpon it if? ordered, thnt Tuc!day t the twentysecond day of March nezl, al ten o'clock in the forenoon, he assisned for fficamiofatg and alluwiug snch account, and that the legateea. devïseea and heirs at lay of Bfttd deceased, and all other pcrgonB intereated in said estatej ore reqnfrcd t' appear at a session of taid Court. theii to bc holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann a rbor, in pnid Couuty. and ehow cause, if miy ther'; be why the eaid account should not be allowed : And it i further ordered that said Executore Rive D0tiC6 to the persons interested in estáte, of the i dency of eaid account, and the hearing thereof, by cansfng a copy of this order to be pubHhed in the Michigan Argus a newspaper printed and circuluting tn said County, three succeeaive weeks previous to said doy of hearing. CA true COpy,J HIRAM .1. BEAKES, 12&3ld Jutl'f! of Probate. Estáte of Abigail U. Carpenter. CÍTATE OF MICHIGAN. CotiDt of Wasbtenaw, es. At ti session of the Probate Court Tor the County of Washtcnnw, kolden ftt tho l'robatc Olllcc, in the City of Anu Arbor, ou Saturday. th ninett-enth day of February, in the ycar onc thousahd oght humlnd and seventy. PreflOOt, Hiram J. ïïeakes, Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the? Ettate of Abtgmll L. Carpen ter deceased. On readiutf ftöd flling the petición duly Vfrificd, of RofosCarponter, prajïng that a certaln Instrument DOW ou iU-j in tiiis Court, purporCiug to bc Iho last will and testament of tald deceat d, m ty be idm) t ! to prubate, and thal adrowfotration of snid est ite ma) be graotvd to Ira L. Carpentcr, or some otber snitable pereon ThereupoH H is ortlerod, that Monday, the fcwentyfint day of March nest. at ten o'clock in the forauoon, be aseigned for the hearlb of vald prtiti-n. nuil that the fegateés, dorisees and hei ra at law f said deceatsed, and all otber persons interested in enid eestate, ure renuired to appear at a eeeslon oí said Court. then to bc bolden at the Probate Offlcs. in the CitJ ol Ann Arbor, an-.l sh'w cause if any thero b e, why the prayer of the potitioncr ehould uo be grauted : And it isfurther oi'dcred, that Bafdpetltioncr give uotlce to the persona interested in s-.'O estáte. of the pcudency of p;ir1 petition. and the hearing tbereof, by caoiuDg a copj of Uilfl order to bepubltahed in tno Michtfên At-gus n newspaper, ritii(.'d and drCDiattilg iu iald County, tbree B ■■- ccASlve weeks previou to said lay of hearlnff. (A true copy.j II1UAM J. BEAKÏÏ3, ]5S Jude of Probate. Estáte of Jerusha L. Judkine. STATE OP MICHIGAN, County (f Washtënaw.M . At asessiou of the Probate Court for the Couuty of WMshteuaw, boldun at Ui? Probate Office iniiie city of AiiD Arbor. ou Mobd:iy, the tweuty flrsl dny of Fubruury, in the yearone thousand eiyhï huudrt-d geventy. Preeent Ui ram J. Beakes, Judeof Probate. In the ;.:■ - : oí the estáte oí Jon-ena L. Jutïkiiis. deceasííd. on roadtng and fiHngtbe petit4ontdnl7 rerifledtof Hlchael Vandercok, praylng ilmt Vanneaa lei or som o othcr enitable perton, may bc ap Administrator ot' the estáte of sald flec Theruupon it Ie Ordered, that Mondny. the Uveiry-.irftE dny of 3Iarch, next, t ten o'clock in the fun-noou, be aaatened for tho hearing i said petition, and Lhat the heirsatlawof s ceasecd and allo-therperscoifllnterested in ail estáte are reqaired to appear at a BO&sion of aaid Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, In the City of Ann Avbor,aiïd show catisei ü;ii)3' therebetwhytfaeprayei of the petitiouer thonld uot begranted: Anditia lürtherordered, thal said petUIoner irivcnoticecotñe ?crsoiiíí interesiedin said estalt. of Ü:; pendency oi iaid peÜtloD, aneï the hearing cansí ng a ;opyofthb3 Order to be publlöhtd iu the .■' Argv$i a newspaper printOd and circnla'IiiL'iii said Coiinty, threesucoeóeive weeks previoui iu f :iitl üaj of lie;ïriiiL'. fAtruecopy.J HIRAM J. IÍEAKES, 128 Jutliuuf ('róbate. Mortgage Sale. Dr,ln.T bftvuiy been made fn the cboflftloñs of a certaln moraeé made b John Öeorge Klager to Anthony Bnike, john Burke, Jr., and vt rd lïurke, dated thQ nlnth day ofJanuarV, a. l. i-' and recorded ou the elghteenth dav ofjanuary, A. i. 18CS in the ofifce of the Register of Deed; for fV'ahtenaw Conntj, Micnigan, in Uber 3s of moj ou piij;e 236, which said mortgage was dnly a by the said Anthony Uiirke and John lïurke. Jr , to the eaid EUward Burke, by dt tl of astignmenl datcd the ek'vuiiili day of September, A. J). mh, which BAsigumeat wa duly reoordedln tbe Kegistcr's ortice ;i.l, on the elóventh day of Oetober. A. U. lSö'J in Uber 2 of asftignments.of ortgana. on pajp 3 5, upan which morlgage tueie Is nowcufmed lo bc due the sum of flve haoored and eevt-n dollar, beolricB the Htim of thirty dollar as au Attorui-y or Solic itor'a fee provided for Ín ?aid marteaffe; umi no Buít or pruceediuiis havinj; bet-n Inaututed at law to rerovtrr thesum now du andeoured byaald mortgage, or asy part thereof, now, thfrefon , by virtue of the p-'ivor of salo coutained in uaid niurtgajje, and tar virtue of the matute in gnch case made :ind provlüed, notice ie tacrebr given that on Sattirdny, the tweuty-first day of May next, at 12 ocloüb noon, of thai day, nt tho sonth döoTofthe Coorl House, in the City of Ann Arbor, OoODty ui Wn&btenaw, and State of Mlchlgas, (being the ilace ol holding the Circuit Court wiihïn aaid Couiifj. theffl will b.: sold at pabilo auction, to the highet bidder. thepremises deacribfd in said inort'iiL't', nr si muii thereof as rmy be nec;Hsary to satiM'y the amonnt due ou asid mortage w'ith the Interest and costa iucluöIngan Attorny fee of thirty dallara as üforesnld, which said premisos are dettcrihed as (olUfws : Tho sodthwet-iquarteroi tliesonthwestqaarterofaectioa No. tweuty-eiu'ht, township Xo. one sonth of range six eafit : and Uso a strip ot" laud two rodfl in widtn, taken from the eouth end of the northweet quarter of the southwest gimrter of soctian No. twenty-ciyht township onc south of range six east. excepta strip of land two rods in widLh. taken from tbe eAStside of the first above doseriled javcel ; all the abovedescribed lauds belng iu the State of Michigan. Dated, Fcbmary 22d, 1870, EDWARD BURKE, R. Bsaiian, MorlgaE;ee and Assiguee. Anorney forMopfcagd and Assigaee. 1258 tpLOUKTAND FEEDSïÖEË" Iltf ISTEW BBIOK BLOCK NO. 14 WEST LIBERTY ST. Delhi Flour ! AN'D AI,L K1XDS OF FEED AND COARSE GRAIN Ceqstp.nily ou Jiand, and üeüvered to cuBtomera in any part of the city. JOHN G. L.U IÏKt: Kil. Ann AbOT,XoT. If69. 1845rafi SiÜËOïiED CAN BE HAD VERY CHEAP AT flüLL, BOBIXSOX & CQjS, jOTICE! The Berlatd EdiUoo of the School Lawa liave ln'cn received t this oftice, and nre rcady lor dislrilmlinn. Tovntïhi[) C'lcrks aac requeetcd to suiid in thuir ordi-rgat nn 'arlv Uay. lUTwq ' -TOnx J. ROBIS0N. Ann Arlior, Feb. 17th. 18T0. Oounty Ck-rk. DMINISTRATOK'S NOTICE ! AU persons indebtod to tho estáte of Chas. Tírutler are hereby notlfied that all account nol t.alral within ihirty days from date will be bandcd loau AttorAnn Arbor, January Sist. 1870. AUO. WIDKNMANN. 12.r5w4 Adminlstrator. PUÏSIOIAXS' PBESCRIPTIOJSS ] ACCl'KATELY ANU CARBFXÏLLY PHEPABjSD BY ! r. w. KT.1,1 f co.. nitra-Gisis. 35 DAYS mm and japan, VA THE Pacific Bailroad. A VERY CUOICE LOf OF' FINE FRESH TEAS Jl'ST RKCEIVEP AT C. H. MILLEK'3. GALLANOTRYTHEM QUALITY UNSURPASSED. PRICES LOW. "NJEW SPRING GOODS ! NOW OPENING AT C. H. MILLENS. A LARGE LOT OF BLEACHED MUSLINS, NEW SPRING PRINTS, TICKS, DENIMS, CRASH, LINENS, AND GOODS FOR THE EARLY SPRING TRADE. At Very Low Priees for CABH, OR IX EXCHANGE FOR Butter, Eggs, or Dried Fruit. g-REAT BARGA1NS IKT WOOL SHAWLS, DRESS GOODS, AXD ALL KINDS OF WOOL GOODS, FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS, at C. H. Millen's. 1257 rLL AT ÏHE Farmers' Store. and sec their Goods and Leara thelr Prices. EverythiDg in Dress Goeds Marked Down. PROCKERY! U CROCKERY ! IN PULL SETS OR PIECES, IN ANY VARIETY, AND OF THE NEWEST PATTERNS, AT A NEW INVOICE OF FINE UOUBI.E AND SINO LI Paisley Shawls ! plaid and str1ped shawls just received at the farmers' store. Bemoval. J. KECK $c CO. Hare reraoytd their STOCK OF FÜR1T0RE And Undortaker's Goods, To M&ck & Setimid's Blook, No. 52 South Main, and No.4 West Liberty Streets. THE LARGEST STORE IN THE CITY, AKD BUILt EXPRESSLY FOR THE FÜRNI1URE TRADE. TUEY HAVE NOW IX STORK THE. LARGEST mnJFINEST STOCK OF FURN'ITL'RE F. VER OFFERED IM TH COb'NTV, OF THEIR OWN MAXIFACTIKK, SITERIOR BOTH l.V QI'AIJTANDSTYLE, WHICIl THEY NOW OFFER TO THE I'IBLIC CHEAPEB TIIAN CAN BE BOÜOHT ANY WUE.RE ELEE N THK STATE. THEIR STOCK IXCLTJDES EVERY ARTICI.E NEEPED TO FDRNI8H TUE BESTHOCSE FROM TOK TO BOTTOM . Tifir oíd patrón And the pubü; LoetAli ar 1rhed to giTe tLein a'calL J. KECK CO. Aan Arboi,Januar% tülO. l.ij T IVE GEESE FEATHKRS Conatantly on hantfaüO'forsflTe by WAVE L ABEL. r I VER f AND SALK STABLF. A'SL'VSSIJ-, e RAMAGK. ('.nifr Mnin aml ('fithjrinestre't.H. Horero bovilfdon tiTm". S'coad hand' bnirrw1, C1I


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Michigan Argus