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DOTY'S WASHING-MACHINS LATF.I.Y MÜCH ISII'IIOYKD- AXDTHE NEW Universal dot hes Wringer. [mprortd wit!, l!owKH.'.-a'AT5iiTlmiii.itCoi whïiu and tb Patk.vtStoií, rnowimiquimW}i farsupJsi te aly appariitiis for washlnï lollin ever n Tepted,andwUliaTthriroittwIat J'i y 'T' ing labor and clothn. Th nho hmr md JwmIt taattmony follows uWe HtiR Om machine mucb ; coul'i not be persiiftiluiUui'u without 1t, and wllfc tin oid of , we. lVr Ihat .-;irr in;i-'..'r nt the poëition." - Rcv. L. StOttjBitlup U. E. Ckurch. "Il la w..rlli one dollar x week n any faimly."- -V. Y. Tribiiie. ' lu llie lnunilry of m hometheri' 1 perpetual thaoksgiring on Homlaja fr iho iuoniiu."- er 1uvtlort ƒ.. Cuyltr. " week h8 giren it a atrongsr.hnlJ dpon tli.' ftlToctimi-s uf tbj lülMklM ot thf. UuaUry." - iV. X. Obeervtr. " 1 licnrtily commond it to economi:tf üï time, BMUM7, iin.l c'irit.-uiiacn!. ''-Kev. Dr. ]ltllmcl. Frioml Doty- Toor last ImproTuntnt ofyojr WaKhinif Machine sacomplotc uccei. Iauroyou 'oor Macblie,' atter a year'i Dié, i tbouglitmont of to-da] thaaorw, and wonU net l.c jiteJ witb uuJcr anj Iroumstane6t.n - Solon llobiton. " onr Wüsliin.' Hachiaa bas been n dily us in oor Uundry, and the boasekecper e)reeii hersulf ss highly pleoned wilU it. It c.irtniiily Meompllbl Kreateramoimi o( w( tk, wuh k'is labor.and iloes not wear the eloltaennear so mucli astho uU fhiune') irath-board. üy nalDglt, laundlíw i 'lispeníert witli."- Wi. T Romd, Himrintmikal of Itifant Departnmt of St. Cctihcrine's Nuraory, It. 1'. Cily. "Aflnrii ue nt the üitaiClOTHKí W'rinok a lor more tbafur yn in rui fnmily. 1 am autliorizc'.l lv i!i ' powen tliat be.'to live it tlic most unqull4dpiai8e,nd 'o pronounee it " indipuiBAble pari bf the inacVilnerj of hcusvkeepingj Our servuni !:iiVt:!hvF.'i--n irilllBflfto-IMfl il,al alvraja hareliked {." - Hinry If.irJ lltecher. PR1CÉS-Á Fair Offer. Scml t!ie)tailpricp. Wnher 14, Txtr Wringer P, umi ■!■ wfll Corward nlMiet or botb in.-inii.', Irvr ut f riight, lo plnces wfacr no H celli; and so ure thsy wiíl be Ufcetl.thiU tro to rvfunj the miinr; if nv onu iti to return t'.io maohlOes freo of fixiglit, aftir'i trial, aao9TdUl( tirdi rpetionp. Hobabad,-hthr or bmther nhoul-1 permit lie Smdgsry of waabliig -it)i the banda, Bfty-two dys in the jour, lien it can ba done bettcr, mor eiipeditiously, with lese latiir, and no iiijury lothogitments,bftt Doly CtoUMW Waaber, anU a L'riiTersul Wringer. QanvaaMra tli eoliMirlghkolVe makunoney faut Belung tbett. S ld by dtalira (otnlIjTi to triu.m liberal disoonnti are madf. E. 0. BKOWNING, Gen. Agent. 123."itf 3Ï CurtlaniltMtrcet, N'ew York. Ú Í H S I ï W ps" sa ti h ;-é i ; N CQ rt 3 W UI h s ü o I ' 3 = S Cö g „ S j s 3 0? 8 o P u g H g a l h á y O H 2 HO Ph ? POR A FULL LINE OF FLANNELS, PLATDS, NAPKINS, TABLE LINENS, BLEACHED GOODS, TICKÍNGS AND DOMESTIC GOODS GO TO THE FARMERS' STORE PHYSICIANS' Prescrip ! tions Accurately and Care fnlly Prepared by E.W.ELL1S&CO.


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