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- - - - ■( Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair lo its natural Vitalily and Color. ! _ A, A dressing which Ji is at once igrceablo áSSs dP healthy, and eifuctmd yjSJNRft for preserving the lM1kL. Imir. Faded or gray aq9 g . jBafR iair ís soo?i restorcd ■EJPP Th in hair is thickened, fallhig haïr cheeked, and balduess often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore tho hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed.. But such as remain caá be sared for by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a paaty sedi ment, it -vvill keep it clean and vigorous. lts oocasional uso will prevent the hair froin turning gray or falling oif, atul consequently prevent baldnesa. Fi-ce &om those deleterious substances which make some preparation3 dangcrous aud injurious to tho hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harin it. If wauted mercly for a HAIR DRESSING, oothing elso can be found so desinible. (Dontiüuiiig neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cainbric, aud yet lasts loug on the hair, giviug it a rich glossy lustre and ft grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chejusts, IiOWEIX, MASS. PKICE $1.00, Poll al wliulcualo iy f'.iKKAM i', PHELEY TODetroit. At rctai lby all lruggistH and merchaudid? T ATES t NEWS í t WM. WAGNER IIh Juitoprned a large ntockof FALL GOODS ! 1NXLUDINQ CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, ■VESTINGS, &C. LATEST STÏLES AND BEST QUAL1TIES WHICIl UEOFER3 LOVVER tlian EVER Also t Store a largt stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING ASD &ents' FIJRNISHING Goode. OARltF.N'TSMADETO ORDEKIN TBEj LBcS3tl 653a D.C3& Alao LADIE'snd GENTS' MOROCCO SATCHELS'u'.hMal Str- Ka.tild. CALL AND &EE THEM. WILL1AM WAGNEB. Anu Arbor.Kept., 186. THAT HÜLL, BOBINSON 4 CO. KEEP A FÜLL ASSOIiTMENT OF SOLD CHEAP. 124S HEETINGS. PHI3VTSÏ AND A PUI.L ASBORTMENT OF DOMESTIG AND HOUSE FURMSII1NG G00D S AT G. H. MÏLLEF'S. Goto R. W. ELLIS & CO's for 3trictly Pure Drugs and Medicines ,Paints, Oils, &c.


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