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200 DIECES OF SIDE STRIPK MEERIMAO D. PRINTS, Jl'ST RECEIVED AT TUK Farmers' Store ! AND KOR SALE X' 12 1-2 cents per Yard 1241 OUY YÜUK Looking Glasses Oï W. D. HOLMES, Ann Arbor, FOft 3 ltKAMI.iS. First, bopjiuBB haketpflthe best of Importcrl GJase, and a gui'd MSortmvalof square and ftchtop trames, anti vqIIb OHEAP I Soconfllj, becKusO thoy belong to hls business. II mak) tl vin a pecially, doeshli owuvvrk, UI) 1 Can itlfnid tO i: c:k::ea:3E:)e:r, i TMrdïy, Böcaust hft manufactures tliein , nnd enn and v Jil mil the CHEAPEST 1 of nn v one i u Ihe city. Ho alno sol Ik PICTURE FRAMES! Tbe cheapeai oí nar body in t lie State - as f ar as liearc f rom. NICE OVAL FRAMES FOR OO GTS. Picture Cord, Tassols & Nails! ÏTREXCH GAASS-Bj tin Itght or box- Tot Picture trfor XXOTTSI33 l 3 EAST III'! STREKT, AÏTJT ABBOE, - - - 3V1ICIÏ. 117Mf r adíes' fabhionable""" SHOE HOUSE. hl. tarhakt. 24 South MuIq Stroet, Dealer in LADIE'S BOOTS AND SHOES, THE NEWESTSTYLJES Kid? Calí, and Cïoth, Alwujson IjjuhI , aiid Stock and Work Guaranteed. 1F YOU WANT A BOOT, -A. GAriTER, A. BTJSKIKT, OR A SLIPPER, CALL AMD EXAMINE HTS STOCK BEFORE PUR CUASIXG. PRICES LOWEB than the LOWESTR. TARRANT. Ann Arbor.Maj 171h,lPf. POR SALÍS CÍIEAP! Al. 3Vf edium Hand Press In good condltlon. lnquire ut the AHGÜS OrFICB. Anu Arbor, Aug. 5th, 1889. Real Estáte' for Sale. STATU OP MICHIGAN, Coanty of Wn-htcimw, ss. In the matter of thu Eautc of Hummli Browning, adOOMOd. Nutii;: is llcicby ivcl), tlüit In puisuauco of au order graatod (0 the iimlorsL'n(-l Administrntor deboniinon ol tho catate of :ihl dMflMd by the Ilon. Jitüu of Prol'atc for tho County of Washteiiaw, on the twenty-fourth diiy ol Jaimrtry, A. I). 18Ti), there wil! foll it pul)Hc ventlne to the hi!irt bidder, it tlie dwdlllag house on the ircmises hert'iu detcribt'tl, in the Coimtvoi' TaahtenaW, in Mld Shite, on Wedneeday, the sixtcenth day of MarobiA'D 1870, at ten oclock iu tho foreuoon ot' thrtt day, (ubject to all encninbranccB by mortgae or otherwlM ezIstloK at the time of thedeath oiaud deceaecd) tho following deacrihed real estáte, viz: The northwest quarter of the southweet qiuirteruf sectlon elghteen, in township four aotuh of ranjre Heveu cast, coutainín,r furty acres more or les in :tii! State, . Datcd, Jannary2-lih. A. T). 1S70. 0HARLB8 (1. WIIEEI.Ell, 1254 Alminitrator ''■■ bonU iwm . Estáte of Robert Rooke. STATE OV MICIIIC1AN, Connty of Wunhtonnw, ra 1b here-by given. tliat off au Olderofthe Probate ('ourt for the County of Washtcuaw, inado on the thiity-llri-t day of.Iammry, A. 1). 1STU, tsix moBthg from thatdate were allowed fbr creditoni to pi r ent their claim agaiuet the cetate of liobert Hooke, Iftte of Mtid t'nünty denaaed, aud tlmt all credltors ofsatd toeoaaod are requlred t(i present their claimt to saiil Probate Cunrt. at the Probate üfllce, In the City of Ann Arbor, for examlnatlon and allowanoe on orbefora the fiiit day oí Angut, next, and that aoch claims wHl be heard before saifl Prolmte Court, on Saturday, the tw.nt v-thinl day of April, and mi Mondiiy, thu first day of AuglWt, nêxt, at ten (►'clock in the rorenoon of eacli of those days, Duced.Ami Arbor, Janur 31st. 1870. I1IRAM .1. BEAKES, 1!S6 t Judgc of Probtita. frfcCIlL T0WXSHI1 iïlEETCXG. NOTICK U hereby given, in accordance wttfi therequest In writing of thlrty-nine tax paytors of the townthlp of Saline, IntheCouuty of Washtonaw, that a meetlntc of ihe electora of Batd townfthlp will be held at the American Hotel, in the vil lage. jí Saline. In sald township, on Monday, liü.'Mli daj of February. A.D.1ST0, at nineo'clocte A. M , for the purpOM (if elector shall so vote ofpledglns theaid of fafcl towi.Uiu by loan to the "IV ledo, Aun Arbor and Northen d Comimnv," in thü constrnction of Ita Raflroad, ficcoraingtotne provieionii of the Act of tho L tnreoi the Stato of Michigan, entitled ■nActto ciuiblenny TownaMp City or lo ple aW, by loan or donauon, to any Railroad Company '■_:■■:. -i. ot orgunlzed, or thatmayba bereafter organtsed, onder and by viriiie f ihe lawaof i ooetruction of lts road,and approTed Marchad, A, I. 1859? And i ii electora hare In thulr Baid wittten reaneat ed the su m of Twenty Thousami Dollars i20,000] is the amoimt o! ald to be pledged t v.ieh Biitlroad Company, by way of loan Inbond t. be issued by buco townèhlp in ocordance wïth sald act, . bqidb, nol more than 11,000 and notlew than $100, as aaid Cumpany thal1 requoat wlth coupons ,, for tha annual Interesi Lhercou, bucIi bonds Vodr;iw Interest at the rate ol seveo i r cent. perannnm. aodanch bonds andcoupoi ited ftr such Township by the Supervisor and Glerk of suid Townshipt Bw be dr&wn pasable at the office f the Treiunrer of sald County ; the principal tv bepayat ble In ton eqnal annual Lnatallments, the ubi iiüítallmriiL to become due on the firat ilay ofVebruary A i. ISO, andthe othèr Inetallmenta yeariy tbereafter, for the nlbe aucceedlng yeara ; and tïi i mdit Ion pon wlrich snelt loan ie tb be madu thut from and aftei the Üme wheu r-aid Company Bhall recorve Boch bonda trom i lie Btal e Treasnrer, whenever a-nd asoftenas said Company Bball mak' any dividend payabletothe Stockholders of said Company, pon the tock of said Company, satd Company Bhall pay into the office of the Treadurec ofsaJd County, for the use of said Towiiship. on the amount of such loau or the balance thoreoï tbeo ttnpftidt ?i eam equal pn raía to snch dividend then made; and when rach dtvidendf do nol excei ü the rate of seven per cent. pei nnnum for the time, aoch pavment lo be deomed aut; recetvedfls a i'nii payment of the interest to bepald b uaid Company tof jucb time upon the indebtodneH of Bftld Company for Bitclitoan; and whenever bucö dlvldenda Bhall ezceed the rate of Beven per cent. for snch time, theu the nmount of Buch e c ess over, and alter puylng snch Mven per cent. Interest, Bhall applj tnvrarda repayii s the principal of the Indebtedneci of Baid Company for the amount of such lonn, nntl Buch prinetoal BoaU be tl ercbyiully pald. And salí Company shall ttpon tno reoelpt of nuch Bonds, xé t-cutt and d'livcrto the Supervisor of ealdtownshl] tho ajETeemi-nt of said Company wiihaaid towashlj ui tliat effect. Such boiuls to be rxecuted and dellvtTc-d to the Sute Trertsurer to bfl dlBposcd of Iti accordaooe tritl the provialoni of Baid Act. The f ald Ald to bevoted apon the condUIon tbs Büld rfliiroad of Baid Toledo. Ami Arbor and Norlli t-rn Rallroad Company, shtili be constructed and te mals tocated vvithin on half a mlle cast of th tYiier sectinn of A(lri;iii and hicago Bi reets , tn the Tlllagi of Saline, and saM Oompany shail srect goodan suitnblt' btiUdinge at said polnt Dated, thibthduy of February. A. D. 1ST0, MYRON WKRR. ï2ö5 Buperylaor of Saline. gPECUL TOWÜSHIP H!Xs. "fV'OTlcK is hereby glven tiiat In. accordance witi li the request in wntlne or thirty tas-payiBS f ll1ton of the townehlp oí Pittefitíld, iu the Conaty o SVashtenawt tliata meeting of the electora of aaU towiishtp will be held at the Towu Hal) Jn sati townehlpi on Frlday, the fonrthday of Ma ch A i). i-;i. :t i .i ' ." ': ! kL, for the parpóse, Ctfelec tors shall Bp vote), of plcdging the aid Qf satd tows shJB iiy Uao, to the Toledo Aun Arbor and Noctb erliRallroad ' Q tus constraction of it Rallroad, accordiug to the provbtlons of the Act o the Leizfsiatuie ol the Btate of Michigan, entitlei ■ Au Acl to fiuibïo any TomsUipCity, orVlllage to pledge lts ala. by loan ordonaÜontoTiny RaUroo Company now chartered or organized, or that ma; bo nereafker ■■ -.-inluvii. ander andby vlrttie of th luwe of the stat: of Billchlgan, in the constniction o il road,"and apnroved lUUrch --il. A. 1'. 18Ö9. Aik fchafreuch eïeel I ave n i h sald wrritten roqnee fpfcíílcd the som pf f$0,OOOJ twenty thoosand dol lars.astheamottnt of aid to be pledged to such Hnil rotut Company, by way of loan in bornls tu be IsBjDfl by such township In accordaikce with Baid act, in Buchsuma notnvi'e than $1000 and npt leas tlwu -■in, aa sald omj l . wltíi conpon ;.niii'"i; Ju' ;u:.. ■ .! in : ■■!'(■-. Ui.Tr i . BJlChbODd t o draw LntêrcBt at the rntc o'. Beven percent pei auuum, and Buch bonda and coupons to be execatei for such Township by the Supervisor and Clerkd :-:iiii Townahipi and be drawn payablo :;t tbe office theTreasurer ofsaid County; the principal to h payablein (ivo equal insSallroents the flist inatal] ment to become due on the flret day of Bhr l D. 1ST4, and the other installm int yeariy thereaftej for the four t4) sncceediag vears ; and the conditioi apon wüu ii Bubh loan la to be made, that from aud alter the tinte, when said Compan . Bhall recelve éc! boiids trom the Btate Treasurer, whenererandi often as sald Company shall make any dividend pas iible tothc Stockholdere of Baid Company. upon th fiLoclí o) .uiy, Baid Company BhaJl pay int the office of the Treasurer of eaid Coïjnty, fui1 the uof auid Townfhlp, on thu amount of such loan or th balance thereof then unpaid. a Bum! pro rata Buch dividend then made; and when such dividend do nol exceed t ï i ■ raio of neren per cent per amuim for the tinii1 nt to bodeemedaod as full payment of the Interes! to be pald by sait Company for euch tbne npon the iudebtednefl Company for euch loan; aud whenever Buch (ïivit ciidö Bhall exceed the rate of Beven per cent, foi ene time, febeo the atnounc of snch exceas over, and afte paying -■■■i1 !i sei en pei cent. Interest, shall apply t wards repaylng the prludpal of the Indobtedness sald Company for the amount of suco loan, out such principal sbail be thereby fnliv paJd. And nU Company en all upon the repeipt of such honds. exe cute and dcüvor to thè Supervisor of said Townshl the Rfreement if Baid Uompany wjth uaid Townshi to tbal effl et. Snch bonds to be executed unddelivercd to th Btate Treaaurer fi !■■ dlsposed of in accordance wit the provUions oí si.iil Act. Sald ald to bevoted to sald Toledo, Ann Arbor uk Northern HaHroad t 'ompatiy upen i he folio wlng col dition, viz : the sald Kauröad Company sha crect a jood and BUttable freirhc and passei pot witliin lialf mile of Ann Arbor and Adria Btreets, In the vfllageof Saline. Dated, Plttsfleld, February ad, 1RT0 " i)AVH WILSKY, 1255 Supri visor of theTownship of J'; SPECIAL TOW.tSHIP SIEETIlUk 'jV"OTICL is hereby fuiven, that In accordance wit 1 the reqaeet In wrfdug of thirty tax paying eïw tuis of the towuship of j odi, in the County of Wad tenaw, tUat u inoelini: of tbe clectors of saul tOWS abip will Öfe beid at iliu Town ll;tll . ui eald towusht) on Tuesday ihe it dny of March, A. D. 1870, ai o'clock a. u . lor the pnrpose flf the doctors shall s vote)i of pledsing the aid of.aaid township by loa to the "Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Rallroa Company, In the construcüou otïU Railroad. a( curduiz tu the provinious of the Act of tbe begfah ture of the State of Michigan, eBtitled " An Cl i tnable any Township City or Vfllaea, to pledge it aid by luan ur doiuition, to any ELanoad Compan now chartert .-. -d, r that may be hereaffte organized, uudur and by vlrtue of the la w of u State i' Michigan, in tliu construction of ita road, and approved Murch 2üd, A. IJ. ldtfd. And that uc elector have in thelr said wiitten requcêt Bpeclflêi thu Mint of tueuty iliuuaaml doliavs, as the umoui of aid to be pleded to .such Kailroiul Oonipauy, b way of löau iii bonda to be tasued by Bach townshl in accordance wlth Baid act, in such sums, not mor than 91000, and not leM than $100(a4saiá compafi shall request, with coupons ansexed for the aonÓJ interest ilaTfou, BQCh bonda to dr.iw interest at th rate of cight per cent. per nnuum, nnd tich bond and coupons tobe executed fot sucb township by ih Supervisor und Clerk of said Towntehip, and b drtiwn payable at the office Of the Treasurer of sak County; the principal to be payable in ten equal ii stallments, the llrst installmeut to become due o thellretday of February, A. D. 1ST4, and the othe Installaientfl yeariy thereafter, for the nlne succediu. vean ; and the condlUon upon which Buch loan i t be made, that from and after the titne when eal Company Bhall recelve such buds fro'm the Stat Traasurer, whenever and as oiten afl said Compan .hult make auy dlttdend payable to the Stockholder of Kaid Gompaay, upon the stock of aald Compan laidCompauy Büall pay into the office of tbe Treftc rer of naid Oounty, for the use of etúd Townehl] on the amount of Biich lonn or the balance therco then unpaid, a sum equv.l profata to Bttch dividen then made; aml wheu such tli;tlendy do not exceei the rate of elght per cent per annum for the time such payment to be dteemeel and received as a lul payment of the Interest to be paldby BaldCompaii tbr sucli time upon tüe Indebteanesa of said Compaja for sueh loau ; and whenever Bttch dtvfdesds BhaJ] ex cecd the rate of eight por ceut. for tuch time, then ihc amount of'sucn exceBBOver, and after paylu Buch elght per oest. interest) Bhall opply towards re paying the principal of the Indebtedneea i nidCom pany Tor the amoïini of sucb Iban; irntll sach prlnci pal shall be thereby fullypald. And Baid Compan; e ti it 11 upon the receipt of SUCQ bonds, execute ani deltvcr to the Supervisor of said Township the ügtee ment of aaid Cumpany with Baid Towuship to tha effect. Such bonda to be exocuted and delivered to th State Tteaaurer to be disposcd of in aocosdaxtce witl the provisions of srtid Act. 'il i f condUiona of tho aforesald aid tobt as ftdlows Thai the said Kailroud -hail le. lortUed. nncl be with Ín oue half a mile eMl of the .junction of Ailtian aiu Chicago streets. iu ihe vUlagja of Saline; and als that the said Company shall ereot good, andöiiitabl passi ngi r and fretght buildings at said polat on aali Railroad. Dated, Lodi, February 2d, l -Tn. EQBERT I'. HARPER, 1255 Supervisor of the Township of I-odi Attachment Notice. NOTICB Is ïieri'by given that on the cvontcontl diiy of December, A. i. elgbteen hundred nvi sixty-ulne, n wrlt ol attachment was Issuvd out of the Circuit Court for the Cotuity 6ï W'Ashtenftw, In favo ot Alocuo Clark and Edwin W PreeaOi plalntlffs against the lands, teaements, goods, chattels, mon eys and efltats of Jacob Pulkerson. defendant, for the Bum of iwo hundred nuil nlnetymix dollars m ■ ■■ven cents, that said writ of attachment was returnaoie on Taesday, the 4thday of January. -A. D efghtoen hundrafl Beventy. and that it appean from tho return of eaid writ that property bas been at t-M-iieJ liieieon, aud that Baid delciulant could not bc found. Datcd, Januaiy, lSth, 1870. AL0NZ0 CLARK. BDW1H W. FÍIKE8E, E. B. Woon, l'hiiutlrts Attomey forriftiiitiffi. lïïtówfl Cliancerj Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Tho Fourth Judldal Circuit, iu Chanc-ryI.EONAItl) A. WILLIAMS, } VS. L JOANNA WILLIAM8) Bult pending tn tho Circuit Court for the County oi Washtenawiln Uhancery, at Ann Arbor, on the 2d day of Pcbruary, A. 3). I8T0. Due proof by affida. vit" havbig been made th&l tiio dofendant. Joanna Wiüiains does not retde with ■■ tion ol ciii ('ourt. ami thal the Sheriff óf thïs County la nnable to get service of procesa on the .said delendant ; on moiion of Crauicr, Soltclcor for the complaiuant, it is ordered by the anderslgnedi oneof the Circuit Court Oommieslonera for the Connty of WükIitennWi that aald defendant appear and answer the of Complalot Bied In thi.s oaujM wlioin two monthfrom the Sd iay of February, A. D. 18T0. and it ík furt her ordered that copy Ot tliis orthtr be pabllshed In the Michigan Argu$, a public cewspaper prinh-d and pnbllflhed in BaJd Oountv ol Waahtenaw, wlthin twenty daya after the date of thifl order, and i bat Büèh pubU iitlon be contiued once in each week IbralxaucoeBsive weeks, or that a copy of thls order be served on Baid defendant, pereo Daily, at least wenty daya befowi the time above prcecrlbcd for tho appearance of sald defendant. Dated, Pebtuary2dr187O, SHII.EV G.TATLOB. Ouc of tho Circuit Court Commlsaioners for Washtenaw Cotiuty, Mich: ü. CBAr.B.3oUcitorforCouipVt. lSOC-wtf


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Michigan Argus