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SherifTs Bato. Y YIRTUE of ote wrlt ofTterl Facías. Issncrt 3 out of mul undor the scnl of ttw Circuit Comt or Iho County of Washtenaw, to me dlreeted aud ellvered, and bearing dab thefiftnth dny of No. A. D 1S0U, in favor ui Ctarlstlau Maller, isamaading roe that of the goodi and chnttcls, nnd : theroof, thcn of the landa and lenemente of i,hii Orewleln and Barbara Sres-Jeto, tó mako the om of three handred aud niaety etght nuil m-imi ollars.dami i , and twenty-nlue and H-IUO dollars Mtaofaolt,] did o Ui" lStb day of November, . i'. 180, lcvy apon, selie, and takc the foUowIng escrlbed property. to-wlt; Lot nuniber four Mj u biock miinber three (8) m.nli. range two (yj imt; the south one (1} rod In wldth of hit unmbcr n(ñ), In bloes: three (8) norih range to C-j eat tb one tO rod in wldth o, lot uurnoer twelve 14) in block number three (8) north n o (; fan, and Ut nnmbor Ui, blocli :i norih ranea woeast, accordlng to the. recorded plat o! the city f Ann Arbiir, County of Washtenaw, BlaM of Mlohiïau, wliii h property j sh.-ill exposé fir sale, and wil t public auction, to thohlehi at bidder, on Moaday. he uih day al March, A. l. 167 , at 8 o'clock p. ir. 1 tlint day, at the aonth door ol the OurtHou e, üi hc city of n Arbor, Connty of Wnshteuaw umi Staioof Michigan. tcd, Aau Arbor. Jan. 11 tli 18TI). 1.'. 1 HYRON 1Í. POHTEH. Sheriff. Mortgago Salo. DEFA.TJLThaTtag'been made In tbe conditton of aeertain mortgaoe made and ecuted on the ileventb du ofOctober, A. U. I86T, by Km W. Wliitmore umi Caroline A. WWtmorei of tne (Uv i,f Ann Arbiir. Oounty of Wasbtenaw. aad State of Michigan, to Wlllam II. Parkor, ol Lowell Bfaasachnaettf, and recorded in thé office i hé Register ol Deeda of Waehtenaw County afore' said, on tlie r.'lh dny uf October A l. WÍJ atá o'clock p. ., In libar 87 ofmortpages on !':i and ihat theré ia now claimen u be due opon aid noie and mortcage tbouni of thrrteen bundred ml sixty-four dollars and thiriy seven ceuts alao an Attorney's fee of thlrty dollars shonld snj proceodinga be taken to Cbreclose saM mortgage. and iioi)riiciu:JiiiKat luw r eqiiity havlng been Inulto recovor sald som lOrany pari thereof; Now, thereore, luiúv hereby gwen . tbat by vlrtne of ■ power of rale In said mortgage eontalned, I ahauseUat n.iblic anctlon, to the hlghest bidder, on Satarday ttaeü&dcny of Aprli I8TO,atS o'clock e. u. of said dny, t tüo irunf duur of ttic Cuurt Boase In the city ofAnn Arbcr, In aald County, all that certata piuco or pareel ol land sttuated In the towneblp o Lima, County or Waahtunaw, and State of Michigan known, bounded and deacribed as (ollows, to-wlt Hein" tlie wuth forty acres of the norih oue bun dredandten aerea of the northeaat qnarter of ec tlon nnmber twenty-even , (Tj in townabipNo. tw (2j south of range nqmber fonr eetj aW forty acres o (aud Ue ïn.riii and ndjotoa Jmnesf üitchell's land. Jumiurv. ÏOth, 180. w 11,1.1 am H. PAi'.KKit, Uortgtgee. John N. Gott, Atfy. tor Mpetgaaye. -5 Mortage SAe. DEFAULT havlng been made In the condiUpns o aceftnln mortgaee made by Nathanlel,O. anu:. tu Thomas V. Ueonara, dtjed the ÏVtb day of Docem ber, A. 1). 18U, and oocorded on the lftth day of C)c tober,A. 1). 180, al ;'- o"eloek t. m., in the offlee o the Register ol Uccds for Waahtenaw Ooimtj, niobl gan, In llber 86 óf mbrtgag en Baee 176 ■ whlcl said inortgage was dulv aulned by taid Thomas P Loonardto Godfrey l Mld Frederlck by aaglcnmen bearlng date the 6tb day ofpebrnary, A.D. 1 -"-T and dnly recorded In ilu; Begiater'a office aforesaid on the -'■'tb day of March, A. J). 10", at -d o'clocl v. j.. in libur : nfmortgagee. on page 1TÍ, ']"'i wIik-Ii mortgase thcre Ie uow clalmed to be duo a the date "f ndi notlcê the ram of three inmdred and thlrty elz dollars and Baventy-flTe cenis, be Idesi reasonable AHOTjey'8 or Sollcltor'B fee prov.dud fo . mortgace and no suit or proceeding nt law o in uqulty hoving been Initltuted to recorcr the aam orawsart thereof: Now, tberefore, by vlrtne o ■.. er of sale In said mol i sage contained, and b vlrtueof the stamtoln sneb case made and grovldea nctlco hereby Eiren, that Dn Bataiday, l2Si day of April, next, at io o'clock In the forenoon o that day, al tbe toulh door of the Oourt Hoaae, li the city of Ano Arbor, Coonty of Waahtenaw and State of Michigan, (belng tb place of holding tb Circuit Comi wlthln sald County), tbere wlll be sol at public auction. tt tin olgheat bidder, the premlae descrlbed n said morteage, or bo mach thereof a may tenecesaary to misty the amonst doe oo sal mortgage, wit Interest, and cotts. and eipensei allawed by law wbich said prandsea are di asfollowai tpOts No. one, Foor, Uve block N'o. t' l'.nnvii and Pullert Addltlon totne Vlllage, now City of nn Arbor, in the County o Washtenaw, in the staie of Mlcl Dated, Ann Arbor.. lan. "-Mli. 18TO. AUGUSTUS W1DENMANH. Admbüstrator of tlm Estáte ol Godfrey l. Prederlck, d KnWAKD E. Slawb?m, Attoniej. Wi4 Mortgage Sale. DEPAl'LT havlog been niade iu the conditlon o a cürtaiu mortffage made a';il eaecntedby Will am M. Jirown aad J.ara E. Brown, his wlft, o Manchester, In tlie Cuniy of Was-htenaw aad Stlt of Michigan . to Wllliam Holbert, of the City of .ni Albor, County of Washtenaw aforeaald.on thci'ih day ol January, A. I). iscii, and recorded la t)i oiii of theBegleterof Daeda tor the Coanty of Wasbte naw aforesaid, on tlie SOth day or January, U 1808, at 4 o'clock p. t. of said day, In libcr 35 o mortgagea, on page 109, whlch sald mortgage wa diily asólgned faj sald Wllliam Hnlbert to me, un ih niuth day ol December, A. l). lSOii, and recorded ii the offlee of the Register of Deeda ol aald County ol the lüth day of i eeember. A. o 180, at n ;, ovl ck a. .ii , In liber No. 2 of asuignmenta ol mortgagea, oi p i ;8352, and that there is now duo apon sald murtgag and bond arcompanylng the same, thesumoftwl thou;anil fonr handred and nlnety four dollars am forty-slx oents, also h:i AttorneT'a fee ol thlrty dollar shouldauy proceedings be taken to forei mortgage, and no procecdiuna at law or in equit haviii-; beeu had tu ree. ver said 8um or auy pal then-of. now.lhercforc, notice Is hereby glven, tha byvirtne ora jower or sale lo ald mortgaee con talned, Ishall sellatpabllcaucüom, to the lililíes bidder. on the 28ddy of April next, at a o'clock i ii of sald day, at the front door of the Conrt House in the city' of Ann Arbor, County aforesaid, al those ccrtiuM pleces or pareéis of land lylng and bi in" in the townehlpol Manchester, In County i Washtenaw and State of Michigan, known and ds ecribed au the souihcatst qnarter of the northeaa quarter of eeciion No. teu, aud the Southwest Qnar ter ot' the northwoat qnarter of sectlon number ele en,tn townahlp fonr sonth ol iane three east, a cordlng to the United States anrvey.containlngeUjhl acres of land , be the sanie more or less. Dated. Januai; ÍSth, 18T0. JOHN' W. COWAN, Johx Gott, Des of saic:. Uortgage. Attorne; tor Aelgnee of said Montage. lÜM Mortgage Snle. TJEFAüI.T havlng been made in the conditlon o J a certaiu oxortgage ezecated by Lorenzo Uavis, o Aun Arbor. Ulcblgan, on the 14lh day ! June. A. I) 1860, t" Bnoch .lames, of sald City, and record) d i the offlee of tbs Kegieter of Deeda, the, ïlst day o June, A. )) ltiii, at :iJi o'clock P.M, In llb mortgageé, on page TS, ou whlch mortgage there i clalmed to bo clue at tbc date of thla noiiee. the sa) of the handred and tour dollars and Beven cents, au that there wlll become due apon said ruortgase o ibu 1 llb day of June, A. 11 1ST1, the suru of tw hundred and eieren dollars and forty seveu centi and intareW from tho date hertof at teu percent besides the conU and expeuees of thia foreclosun hidnaing reasonable charges ibr Attorney's or Bolk itor's g.erv)ceft, and no snit or proeecdlng at law or i equlty baviug been instituted to recover (hc debt, o anv part thereof, uoticë is hereby glven, thnt by vir tue ui the power of sale iu said morlgase contained, shall'setl at public auctiou, to. the hl&liGSt bidder o the 2M day of April, A. D. 1 S70, at i o'clock in tb afternoon of that day, nt the front door of th Ooart House, In the City of Ann Arbor, in theCount of Washtenaw, and state of Micbbran, the premiae d Bcrlbèd in said mortgage, as foUoWs, to-wit.: Fiv acres of laud in the so'uïhwest corner of thé nirtl west ouartei of sectiuu uumber thirty-three, in towi sliip nuiniiir two (ÏJ south. in range number six (6, e:it. ín Ann Arb'T. in the County uf Wa?htenn in the .State o? Michigan, belng eleven dvftesaii eieren link.s la leatb, east nud weat, and elghtee rds vtidc, nurtU and ontb. Dated, Junnary -iih, 1SI0. DENKT L. JAMES and LYMAN IJ. JAMK8, Executoir? of llie last will and lestninent of Euoch James, late ol Waehtenaw Joitx X. Gott, County, deceasec Attornay for the Exacotort, &c. 1204 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT baylng been made in the condilion of n certain mortjiaga executed by Klias ltich to Hnr riet G. Ashby, on the twenty-elgnth day of Septem bcr, A. 1). ÍS.VI, recorded, with the power of Bal therein contained, in the offlee of the liuistcr o Deeds fov the County ot Washtenaw, in the Slate o Michigan, at ou o'clock p. ■., on the slnsteentb dy of September, A, D. 18, lu liber No. Hof mortgage on paiíe T88, and by an instrument of assfgomen beanng dnti' the twouty-fourih day of January A. I) 180$, and recorded In the ofttce of tbe Kegister o Deeds aforesaid, at :i', o'clock p. u., on tbe aeconi day of November, A D. 1808, in libar 'J of menta of mortgages, on page 8Í4, doJy aaslgnedoy the said Harriet G Ashby to Lncy A. Olds. on wliich mortgage thoreisclaiuico to be due at the date uf this noiiee, the sum of twelve handred and ten dollars and four cents, prlucipal nnd interest, aud no suit oi proceedings at law or in chancery havlng been iustititted to recoirer the sum o due, or auy part thereof notice is, therefure, hereby gtven, thnt liy o the power of sale contained in said mortgage, which has iieoome operalive ly tlie defanlt aforesaid, am ín pojtfuance of the statute In BBch case made and provlded ,the k.:i1 atortgage wlll, al tlie Court House, iu the ('itv of n Arbor,' in the Coanty of VFashteniiw, and State of Michigan tthatbeiug the place of holding the Circuit Court wlthln said County) on the twenty-tblrd day ol Apiil, A.D.ISTU, at eleveu o'clock In the tornoon,be forcclosed by a sale of the premlses described iu snid mortgage, sabstanttally as lol] .ws: sitúate lownsbip of York, in tbe County ol Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, Inosscertaln tracts or pareéis of land known and descrlbed as the nortbweri qoarter of the soniheast quarter, and the eouthwesl qnarter of the northeast quarter of sectlon No. twenty-two (SI). In townsblp four sonth of range .i contalulvg eighw acres t aUooneoÜwradloinlng pareel of land, belng all thai pari ol the northeast qnarter of the southwen qnarter of said sei.tiou twentv tWO, Whlch llOS SOUth and east ol the Qreal Rldee Road, running throngh said laud, exceptIng tlieieirom two eres lylng in the s mtheast corner thereof, and bounded north by said road, east by the land hereln descrlbed, and south by owned by L. M. Hose. Uatcd, Anu Arbor, Jauunry 2ïth 1ST0. Ijl. C A. OXmS, Aaslgnee oC iiortjago H.F. fiRANOEE, Attorney. jl Mortgage Salo. DBFATTLT havtng lcen made iu tho condttlona of a certain raortuage made and executed M Gott(rled David Prederick.of Ann-Arbor, Co:iu',y of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, to Preeman !'■ Gtalpln, ol the lowuship of Kuueiiw. Countv of Washteuaw, and Sute aforesaid, un the. 8d dny of July. AD. 1808, and recorded iu tlie Reglster-e office of Waabtem;,.., CouBty nforesald, on the lith dny of .luly. A. D.1800 atso'clock a.m. of eaid day, in llber 86 of on pago 81, and that there is nuw duo and anpald apon sui.l mortgage, and noieraccumnanylnK the same, the sum of twelve hundred and slxty-flve dolían and seveniy-eevon cents, to with a reaaonable Attoraeyt le proYlded for iu sald mortgage, and do snit or prooeedlng t law or u eiiuit v haYing been instituted tu recover the same, or anypart tbereot DOW, therefore, notice is liereby ïlven on Salurd.iy, the lllth dny ol March, A. T 1870 ut 1 o'clock iu Uu; forenoon of said day. at the south door or tho Court House, iu the City of uu Arbor, In said Countv, by virlue of a power of tale In sald mortgage cmtalaed, i Bhall sall at public auction, to the blghest bidder, the premlses descrlbed n sald morteage, or so much theroof as may ba neeissary to satlsfy the amount due on said mortoage, vilb interest and eost nnd expenses alloweil by law ; phtchaald premlss ar deserfbed as fullows : The tstforn aen f the wt halfol the aonthwest marter 'ot SOCttOU number fourteen. iu towuship lumber two south. In range number si.v east, lylng n Ann Arbor, in said Couaty anfl state. 1) ite.d Ann Arbor, Dec. , 1W9. Kiim-am T?. Pi.awsok, Mortai;i-c. Ati'T.lbT Monsruoce. Ui'-) Mortgagb Salo. DBF AU If travin g been made In the condltftmsof a i cerUlu mort ■:.■■■. exe uted by i t on and Appalouis BI. Thompcou (hls wlft), of the ïlty of Aun Arbor, County of WtiBhtenaw, Mi-: thovillage ui Dextcr, County 1 udëtatoaforcsaid, andbearlng date Uw uiutli day i f ()■ tober, A. l. LS6C, and recordad In thé office ui tic HfL'i-t'T of Dccda ot' W.i-tii-'iiMV, ( ".111111 y . in tbc tAte of Michigan, ou the el even ih day of October, i D. L860'. at Tour oclock in the afteritoon. In'llber lot mortgages, on pnce 108 which said raortgage ! ra :fi;'.i.cii by the suTd Fïrmaïi (;. Rose toAretua i uun, dj .in! the twijjty sevftuth ! lay of Jaminry, A. I ■■■ mmenl was ■ mty of Vaabtenaw.oc the twentjMKvcnfh dwy pí Jim v. D. 1808, in llber onc, of Aslpimeuta of Mortgagee, by wttfcdi default tlie power of ealw Ui ai'l mortgazo baal ves and the Binpunt . tobe due tand uopnld) on aaid raorl and the note iccorapatiyiim the same al li. cotice ■ i; one thuuadud foiir huudred and thirty lollars :t 1 1 ' 1 tffghty-nlnfi cení i, nho au Atti i in-y'is fee ){ thirty dollars provided for n ■ io 8ufi or proceectlnxs ut law or In chnucry na vlug ■ ■ iver the tne or ju.y pan tbui ef, now. liii'iv (ii' iHjiirt' is iu-rt'by pVve.n, Ihat on Suturday, t' e twelflh day Of M;irrli, A. 18T0,'at umi OclÓck iu Ihfl tomnoon of iiul iy, ut the BOUth loor oí tbo Court Uou&e,4n wild Clly of Ann Arbor, Êy virtipiot' a power of sale in said mortff&g ■ n tt)int'l.l hall m'H atpnblïc h net ion, to tueWgheet bidden the premisos deecrlbed In èald niortgag nuücH tiiciTuf as naay be necesva to sativfo the mnouDt due on sald mortgage with interest and costa and expenses allowed by luw, the premitwa deeerfbed ts Ebllows : Al! tbose certafn pío !W or parcela of land, situated In the City of Ana Arbor, Connty of Wíishtpnnw, and State of tftehfgttn, kimwn, beutided and describid as r Mows, to-wij Beiog l"rs nnmberd onc fj. i '_'j. threc '::j. fonr M;.nnd flve ('), In biock nnmber ftvs (6) iorth f Hurou Urenet. iu range namber ten ClOj eact, accprdfng lo a rucorded [Iit (f Aim Arbor. Dutud, Ann Arbur, December l:ith, 188. AKKTTS DT'NN. Smi.Kv J. Tai i."i'Aeelgnoe oí Uonteogtt. ttoruey for Asalj l'J4S Mortgage Sale. "PiKl'WUír havín iioeu made in the oondlttos of ei xJ mortgnge ozecuted by Edward EUonhardt and Caroline, hiw witv, co Augosttu WMenmann, dftted ■luiuiury 'Jd,iöü7, and remorded in the ttftfiater'fl office in Waantonaw Connty. Michigan, on the 26lh January, lti". in tlberBS of mortgrtgee, on &i(6 810, by which defaolt the power of uule coutaiueu lu lald morUrae becaine operatWe. and no proceedings ia Iww or oqQlty haTias imvn toatitubad lo racpveittie debt éccured by sujd morteago or auy pATi thereot, and the Mini m one bnndred aml íHtty-lwo dóUarn belng now cljümcd to l)t' dne upou Buldmoi notlce is thorefore hereby Wen, that aald mortgaga wlij be foweloMd by ii wie of the presaisea d in eoid raortgiige, or somo pari thereof , tfr-wit : The followlngdescrlbcd land, iitnated on section thirtytwo, ín tne iovnhi( of Aun Arior, in Vaohtenaw ('oiiiity, Michigan, vlz.: Beginning on thev oí' taid BectioDf at a noiut 5 chniiis and B3 BOQth of norüíwe! corner of said aectlon, the ace east parálle] lo the north line of tbe eéctlon " chaina ■ uorth paraltel u the wept Itoe pf Baid section ' chaina and M?i Jinks, thence wc-t parallel totho oorth ïlnect the nectfon to the weatwc tiun liiu', thence Boatb 2 chaina aiul cc, . to thfl place of beginning, contalntue two ncres, ■ arfghtQf wnj ötje rod Ln widu on the eA0t siuèol the above described Innd, at public reu due, at tbo CÖnri Hèu$6, in the rity of Ann Arbor, n raid Cuiinïv.on the -(tli dav f February noon. Datcd Deccmbev 3d, 18ft. AUGUSTUS WIIJENMANX. N. W. Ciiki-.vkr, Auy. L2 '-. ! flííí;e Mortgage Sule. DEFAULT bavlng bewi made In the conditiflDs of a certaln mortgago, mido and excuteú by Qatt Irii-il J),i il [■'rii'diifk. :iml Jakoblna hit vufe, of Ann Arimr, Waabteuaw Uonatj, Michigan, to Traman Schram, of ihe same place, on the Ittb day i ffobruary, A. f, löeö. and reoorded in thu Register 's Office of Wauhienaw Connty Etfbre&aid, on the 18th day Pebrnary, A. D Í86, al ñ.1-. oclock A. M., ofeaidday in Liberitöof murtgagen, on page :84 whlcb uaid mortgage was dnly assjgocd by the ;L Traman Schram la B. U. SpmiUilng. byansftslgn mentd tedthel th day of MarcU, A. p. iSüö.andre corded In the ItejrJtJterfs OfRcc ol flaidConn y. on the ty of MarcJi, A. D. 1806, al '. . uVloi-k A. M., In llber 83 of morUcage, on page 402; whtch sáld morUcaffe waa agatn dd v asslgnefl by Ihe said );■ i! . Spauldinc to James F. Itoyce, uy an a?ajgnment dated tht; 8th day of September. A. 1 1865, and recorded in tbe Regwter's efflee ol wüd County on tbe Sïth day of Janoary, A. ÍK U68, at fi oclock P. M.ttn líber i of Awigttfl&enta ai Htvtgaita on p upon wfilcb nortgoge and the DOtw&ocompanying the eame.there ia now clalmed to be doe at the dat of tliis noticc, the fitim of foor buadred aml síxly threo dollars, and seventy-ntne cents beiddes an Ationii.- fee óf twenty dollars prorldri for in aid mortgage, and do sult ■? proceodljig baving been inwtitutud at lïtw or in cnancery to reovcr the Mme orany port thfiieofi 2iow theeforei by virtue of ohe power of Bale contatnod v said morteage, mul by virtuu öf theetatnteln sneu cate made and provlaed, uoiicu is bereby ftlvtni thut on Satarday, thoTth day of Hay, A. D. (0 ötlock tn the foren oob of said dsy, af tbe Bouth door of the üourt House, in the City ol Ann Arbor, County ol Washtenaw, and Staff oí Michigan, (betng thcplaecof holding the Circuit Court wULId said Connty,) there wil) be M]1 ai public añctlon. to the highost bidder, Mir premlses described m sald mortcofce, or ho much iii, reof as ma) be nece&sary to ;lti.-1y theamoanl due on said mortgasre, v, ltb interest andeosts and exallowed law ; whlcb said premUea are describen as follóws: All the folio w Ing described plecee or parcelt of land sltauted in Anu Arbor, and Coauty of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, beleg the southeasi qaarter of the norüiwest qnartcr, and tbe north half of the nortbeast quarter ol the fouthwest quarter of sectlon uumber twenty-tbree, h township two Bonth of Btz t-aït, CPBtwfatPg sixty acres of land, more or loss, l'atcd, Ann Arbor, Peb. nth, lito. JAMES KOYCE.Aesignee. Edward R. Slattson, Attorney. l'25ti Mortgago Siile. DEFAULT having been made In tbc conditïon of a mortgáge given by SteptienB. BlcCracken and Lucinda, bis wü-, fco Klijuh W. Uorgan, to secare the payment of fnrther adv&ncea and premiums for In snrance amoug othor thinira, dated June íoth, a.ï) 1862, and recorded In tíve Hegister's Qffloe, In Waahtenaw County, June JOth, A. 1). 1302, iu liber 29 of inortgagc, at page 308, by whioh the powef of sak) therein contained beconie operanve. and no Snit or proceeding having been iBtitatod at l;iw to recover the debt Wcnred iii-irby or any part thereol, juk) the miih of :-:x htmdred and eignty onc dollars flCÖlj }. ing now i-laiini-i! to be dne theroon s tffotlce is hereby gWen? tbat uiil mortgam wil] be Ibreclosed by ;t sale "i" i he mortgftced premue, dworibed as lot Ñu. twérvú anú thirteenin block No. six. In Jkown and Fnltor'b Addition, in the city of Aun .■ibov. In the Oounty ol Washteuaw, iu the Btato of Michigan, or sonio part thercof, at public, vendue, at the Conrt llone, In Arhor, on the Mcl!t)i day of M;irch Dext, :i noon. Dated, December usth, A. tí. ÜEw. ELWAH '. MOROAN, J. Ki.nusi.ey, Att'y 1243 3t"ita: e. Commissionera' Notíce. STATK OF mCBIGANvOonnty of Washtanaw, ss. The unerslgned bayiig bcea appointed ly the Probate Oonrt for aald Couuty. Commissioners to rcceive, examine &nIadjut all cl a i ma nd demande ol all persons ágabist th estafe of Wn liara v. Gram, lntc of said Coiuity, deceased, héreby tftVe notice that Bis months fjcona date are allowed, by ordvv of said Probate Court, fbr credttors to prestí t thoir chtnn agalnst the estáte of said deceased, and tbat the wlll meet at the office of A. D. Crane, in the. villnge of Dexter. In said Connty, on Saturday, ihcsvcom day of Aprlli and Wcdiusday, the tonta day ol Au ijust nekt, at tea o'clock A. M. of each of taid daya to rtfottve, examine, and Adjnst said claims. Ddted, February íoth, A. D. 1ST0. 12B6v JÓiFñ CROAuklX, Jcommlaeioner Oomniissioncrs1 Notice. S" TATE OF MICHIGAN .Countyol Tbe nnderaldned harlog been appointed by the Probate Conrt tor eald Coanty, Coranslsaiooera to re oívc examine, and iidjiist at! cha! ms and demanda o all persons agfdnst tiu estáte of Th4)in;i Bentlej late of said Uounty, deceasedj hereby ííive notice that iix months from date are allowed by r der of said Probate Conrt forcredltors toprent-núlirir claims ag&lnst theestateofsalddeceased, thej will meet at tlse l'njbate offletí, in the eity ol Ann Arbor, iu sald Connty, on Satnrday. thw ninth day of April, and Frfday, the flfth (Viy o Angust, ext, at ten o'clock A. Iií. of each o s;ml daya, to receive, examine and aclju.-t. eait claims. Dated, February sth. A ï). isto. J08HÜA ('i LKLAND, ï,, . - lT HKTlICD'rr M. MOWKV, Jommwuioners. Kstate of George Sutton. QTATE OP HICmoAlT, Onnnty of WnsMonnw, pp O At a Bosaton of the Probate Conrt lor tbtfCouuty oi Washtenaw, holden al the Probate Office, in the City i.f Ann Arbor. on Tlnirtlav, the beventcenth day ol February, in the year one thousnud eiht huudred and reven ty. Present, Hlram J. BeakAs, Jndfre of Probate. Iu the matter oí the Bet a te of George Sutton, '2d, loeompeteat. On Mading and flllng the petition, dulv verificdtoi Sed;wick Dean, Guardian praying thatbomay pe H een sed o ecll certuiu real estáte oelonglng to said Incompetent. Thereupon tt i Ordered, that Monday, the twentyilrsi day oí March, next, ;u ten 0'cIóCK in theforenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the next of kin of tfald Incompetent, antfall other Interested in said esUte,arerequired to appjeai ut a sesslon of said Conrt, then to be holden at Pro).in- Office, in the Ottr of Ann Arbor, andehoTïOttase, il' auy there be, why the prayerof tbepotitionersbouie notbcgrauted: And it is furthcr ordered; that sald peUtloner giye notice to tbe nexl of kin of aid locompetentand all other porsona interesled v;ir of the pendency of sa petitinu, and the hearing thereof. by caashta aoany ofthWOrder to be pablishcc n the Michigan Argut% a newspape porti latlue in said County, three Bocccsstre weuts previout to said dav of hearing. CA truecöpyó HIRAM J. P.KAKES, l53td .Tude tï Probate. Kstato of Lfiwis A. Ruckman, OTATE OP MICniQAN.Oonnt.v of VVashtenativ.eB O Atasesnion of the Probate Court for tittiCouniy of NVashtenav . lm Men at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the eltjMh day oí February, in the year one thousand eight huudred and serení r. Present, mram J. Deal f Probate. Iu the matter of the Estáte QfXewlsA. lïv.ckinan, deceased. Ou readlngtUQd flllng the petition, duly vcrified,of Wíl Mam M. Qrfgory, Kxecutor of the last will and testament of bat he imy be ■ i to selhcerbdn roftl estáte wheeof saiddeceased died 1 1 Thereupon ie i Ordereff , that Wednesday, the twenty-tbird day of Marih nct, at t6D ?cloch in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of sald jeti;ion. and Ümi the legateer, i ml beirs at l$w of suid and all other Interested In sal i re r qniréd to ppear at a sesslou i' smím Conrt. then to be tolden at th.e Probate i kfflee, In the Citvonn Arbor. nd show eaiise, Ifany there be, why fheprayerofthé etitioner ahonld not begrauted: And il Isfurtherore red, tbat :iiil petitloner glvenotlce tb the persone itereated in saiaeatate of ihöpendencv ofsaldpet' .on, and the hearing thereof, by ennsjog acopycf tils Order to bepnollshed In the hgusf ewspaper prlntedand cfrcolatlng In said Coonty, bnr sne ka prerlous to sald day üfnéaiCÁ truecopy.J HllïAM J.BKAKÜS, IfltTtd Jadgetff Proltate. PHYSICrAÈS Preserlptwns . , Accuratehj and Carefully Prepared hy R. W. ELL1S cè Co. Estáte of Daniel Hixson. STATBorMIcmGAN, CfwvTropWAHiiTxirw-, èi. AtttSi : Cuiirt fr the Ouunty ■ law, bouten al the ï'robateOJUceln the City )Í Aun AxbüC, OU Muiiduy, tki lu;.rt't lüh dav of Tebrnary, iu the yvar o&c tbootand eight hnndred Present. Htv.'tm .". ï-ipaXt. .TiuIl'C of Probntc. In the matter of the Ertate of Dauiel Hixson, on readlngand AHng thepetltlon, duly verifled, ot ' H.r 8. Sii-jv, , prajVu-í lunt a certa ïn lustra ni i -i 1 1. Dow on file ín tais Court, uurporltng to be the tast wijl liiid irtumi-iit of sitid dueeased, muy bu admltled to probate, And that w ney be nppointed tole Kxi'ctitur thereofHheroupon it Ifl Ordenvl, tlmt Friday. thecicvnmU Uy ül March, next, at ten o'elock'ln the foreuomi, bea#&!gncd for the hearing of said petltfon, awl that the leñatee ud heirs at law ofaaïd deoeased, iiint all other persons lotcrested In :lid estáte are required ti appear . ofuaíd Courfc then lo be Bolden si the Probate Office, inthe City of Aun Arbor, and show canse, llany therebe, why thejiruverofthe peüdoner Büould not be grauteds Audit'i furCherorderod ChAtsuld petitionerglveuotice to the iterestêd In akletatê, of the pcudeócy off Bttid pt'tiLioii, and tb hearing thereof, bv causiug iv copyofthla Order to be publhtliedln the UUhigan Af'i'y, i newspftper printed and circulatiug Ín aiö County,three ek prevjoM uaH dajr of hearing, Atruecopy.) III RAM J. BBAKES, kzSitú Judtïc of Probate. Estáte of Ezra Etongbton. STATE OP MUJiIKiAN. County of WtatMcaijhr, ft At a Nsalon of the Probate Conrt for the Cuury of Washtenaw. hoidea nv Uut Prwbate Ofllee, in thV City of Aun ArborroD Aíonday. the Bevt&thday oí Pebrnary, in the year one thousand elgk! humW5 and Hc-vitiiy. i. lUram J. Beake4,JFndge ofProbat. In the matter of tbc Estáte of Ezra HHMtfiUlÉi. deceased. On readincand liling the petition, dnly vcrifled, of Alberl L. Boughton, inning Ihat hu may bc appointed Admlnfetrator of ïhe estáte of said ueoéabed Therenpon it la ordered tiutt M Tidny, tbd seventh day of Mar oh, m-t, at ten o'cïuck in the fbrenooutbeassLgucd ftr the hearing of eaid petitloB, and that tne heirs al law of sald (l■lJ■)[t'd, and all other persona Interaated in raid svtate. ato required to appear at h hi1oii of said Court, then ti be holden at the Probate Office, in the Ciiy of Ann Albor, and show causo, ifaiiy there be, why the praver of the prlitluner bhotild not be jrriiiurd : And it Ufurtner vrderedt thatsald jjetitionur elveaottoe f tbc persone interested ii: :i:d eetate, of the puudeiity ofcuüd peütlon, and the hearing ilnretf, ly can&fngacopy or thla order to be pabllshed in Ene Mi ■'■'■ " -i1 ■-(., a newapsper print cd and circolating i:i siiid Countv.threc sncoeBslvcweeka provlonftQsald diiy of heaiinx, 1IIHAM .i. HKAKKS, A traecopy. JndLe oi Probatov. t260td Estete of Samuel J. Freernan. STATE OP MICHIGAN, County of W.i.shtei aw,s At a Beaslon of the Probate Conrtfor the Conm of Washtenaw, holden at the Probato Ofticcm iIil City of Ann Aibor, on Taeedöy, tbc eihth úny oi Pebrnary, in theyear one thouvaud efght hundied1 and a.eyvnty, Prestrut. HiiiUn J, Benkes, JadL6 of Probate. In the matter ol' the cstiitc of Snmuel J. Freenian . et!. On readbigand flling the petition, duly verificd, of Wüli.tin -Geer, praylng that u certa in iiir:nn-ni Dow on file in tnts Conrt, purportintí tobe (he lnct will and tet:inienl ol gald aecdaaed, maf bc admití d to probate t aud that he inay be appointud iole tor Ihereof. TheVenpon it is Ordered, thftt Mondny, thr m-velith (l;iy ol ttarch nexL. at ten UC)oC,k in ihc forenoon, be aeiilDed forthehearluofaatd peiltiun and that the legatees devïseea fthd helra :t law of sa ld deceasedanda'jloihef poreènflitttfrosledliiMildBtaH; are rcqolred ïo appeor at a eawioD of id Conti then to be holden t the Probate Office, in the riiy of Aun lrbor,ancl show canse, Ifany tln-iebi, whythprayer ol the petftfoner nhonld nol be granted: Aiodltte ftirther ordered, that saUl petition er _-i-. e oottca k the persone interested In saín estáte, of the pendency or sjiifl pirtiiion, :tnd the beartnjr thereöf, bv causiní a copy ofthto Order 10 be pabliehcd in the Vichüian Arfjus, fi aewapapec nrinted aud clrcnUUng ín said county. tbroc uuccessiTe weekt previonB to faiddny of he.-u'injr. fAtruecopy.j FHKAM J. BBAKBfi, 12W Judire of Probate. j8tato of rJ1lï' iiias AVIiite. STATEOPMICHIQAN,Coi mv oi Wasiitü At a BQision of the Probate Conrt fortheCount) ol WaBbtenaw, holden ai tbe Probate orín .. in thï city of Ann Arbor, on Stlmduy, tlie íiíth day of Kebraary, In the yeai one thonuand elght nnudred and M-venty. Present. Hiram -T. Beaïes.Juo'geof Probate. lu the matter of the Estáte of Ihomas White deceaaed"Willïani Checvcr, Administra tor of .aid cstalo, comes itiio Courl and representa (hut he is now pre pared to render hiá fluul account ae tinch Administrator. Therevpon it Is Ordered, that Mondar, the neventh day of March next, at ten o'clock in theforruoon. be anigue for examinlue aud allowiog tucb ac cowü and tbat the heira ;ir law of said deceased, ano olí otber personshLierested In Baifl (--tate, are required u appear at n ftession oi said C'onrt. then to be holden at%ke Probate OfKce, in the City Of Ann Arbor, in BaJd County, and show canse if any there bc, why the eaid acconnt should doI be alallowed: And it is fnrther oniered. that sald Admliüistrator givo notice to the persono íntere&ted In Bftld estáte, ol Lhe peud iicy ofsald acconnt, and the hearing thereof by eansing a cdjïyof ihisOrdtrto be published in the , a new&itaper prmted and cïrculatinj? in said County, three suo ':■■: vtok provlous to eaid day of hearing. CA truc copy.) II1HAM .T. BEAKKS. 12-"-ötd Jiuiircof Probate. Estáte of Keiion Costello. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waehtenaw pí_ Beatón of the Probate Uonrt for the Coilaty of Washtenaw, holden at lhe Probate OfQoe, in tiü city of Ann Arbor, on Satnrday, tbc fiftli day of Fehruaiy, tn the yeaa one thoosand elght hundred aud eeventy. .! Hiram J. Beakei, Judcfl of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Keiiou Costrllo, Jr. di-cr, On reaiUng aud filing the petition, dnJy verit":t'd, (f JohnCosteJlo, prayfaag ihat ;i eer tai u lustrument now on Ule In thTs üonit, to be tbc laMwltl and testament of said dectasea may be mliniiteü i probate, and thül ho aud Juhu 11. Kvarts may bcixppolutcd Execnïöra threof Therenpon it is ordered, That Mondnv, tlif sevei t;. doy ó:" March next, ju ten o'ciock ín the ftrenoon, be nsslgncd for the bcarlug of sntd peütlon and that tho legatees, desoee and hetrs :tt law i f f-aid deeeaedi and all o bei persons interested in büIh equïred to appear at a ee--iimol' said Court, theu i be halden ;tt the Probate OAJce, in th City f Ann Arbor, and show ca ase, if any there be, wli v tbe pr.-iyer tif tlic peUtioner should itöt be grnntod: Andltis furiher ordered, that si'l petitfoner give notice to the persons luterested in said estale f the pendeiicy of said pétltfoD, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to bi pub}ir-h4-d in the i '■. :i bewspaper printea aud eirctriatinR iu said County, three succefisfi u weeks previous to sahl day of heftiingj fAtruecopy.) HIRAM .T BEAKES. 1M Judu'e of Probate. ü-itate ot' Benjamin Avery. STATKOF MICHIQAW, ('oinity of W.nshro-naw, ?s. At n Bession of the Pcobate Gonrt for rfae County ol Washteuaw, holden at ihc Probate Office in the City of Anu Arbor. ou Wednesd.iy, the nlnéteénth d-iy of .January, in tho year oue thouennd eigbt huiidred and seventy. Present Ifirnni J. Ueakes, Jndge of Probrft In thtf matter oí the estáte of BeniainJn Avery, deceasëö, Qranden P. Avery and Wlllïam D. Avery. Adiuiuistratorfrof snid estáte, come Inte Conrt aüd represent laat thej ure now prepared to rendcr their ftunl account a such Administrntors. PheKopon it i ordered, that Monday . the twentreighth day ol Febrnarj next, at ten o'ciock in the forenoou, be assicnetl for exarainin anti allowin? such account, and that the heirs nt law of aid !- ceased, anti all other persons interested in said estáte, nrereqalred to appear at a twoaion ofsaldOoort. then to be holden nt the Probate OfllCB, in the City of Ann Arbor. in satd (County, and shOW rutisp. if any there be, wby the id account nhould notbe allowed : And It ÍS fUTther orderd that eaid AdinmÍPtrators glve npttce to th pereons iuterested in said estáte, ol the pendencj oí sald account, and the hearing theveor,by onn&iag a copy of thie order tobe pnblished in the Michigan Argiu, a newspaper priuted and Circalntïng In Raid Connty, thrce sucecssivo weeks prevloas to siiid Uav of hearlnqr, CA tme eopy.j ' 1IIKAM J. BEAKES 1206 Judpc ot Probate. Eütato of Lucas Kittel. STATE OP MTCinCAN. County of Washtenaw.fis At a se ss ion of the Probate Conrtfor the CquntJ of Washtcuaw, holden at th Probate Office in tas city of Ann Arbor, ou Kriday, the twentj-eiIirft day of Jiimiary, in the year one th ns ind eight uvndred and seventy. Preeont.HIram J.Beakes, ludge of Probate. In the matter of tbc estáte of Lucas KIttcl, deceased. On readipg pd fllingtbe petition. duly verified.oi Thomas Kittel, praytng that Emanuel Mann may bx appointed Adniinistrator of the csUte of said deceasedi Therenpon it Ip Ordered, that Monday, the twenty-elghth day of Frbruary ntxt, attéBociock in tlie fofOBOOlU bí aaaigned ïot the henrinc of sald petition, and that the heirs at law of salideoeaëeo, and all other persons interested in said eéwte arerequired to appear at a sessiou of said Ctmrt, then to be holden af the Probate Offlcé, in the City Jf Am Arbor, aml show canee, lfany there be, why the pmyer of the petltlonot should not be grastedi Anditi fortber ordered, thatsaidpetlttoner give notice toto persona lui#retediu said etate,of the pendency oi tïtion, and the hearing thereof, by candinga copy of tais Order to be pnbilBbed in the.iAv'jrt i ne-wspaper prlnted and circula' iqgsald Oonnty. threeanccossivo weeka proviousto snïddny Of he:r fAtrnecopy.j HIRAM J. BEAKES, l ■_;,,■) Judce of Probate. Estáte of GÜbert öfaowera. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Ooonty Of Wnshteniiw, f. At a aeaslon pf the Probate Court lor thoConnty ofWashtOnaw, holden at. the Probate OlHce, inthe City ol' Anu Arbor. on Thursday, the Ihirterntb day "f Jannary, in the year one thousaud eight huudred and ■vniiy. Prescut, Hiram J. BeaJces, Jndge of Probate. In the maUer of the estáte of Gllbcrt Showers, . On n 'KÜtigriiiulfíing tho petition dniv verïfled of I 11 Admfnistrator witli the will nnnexcd of -■ ; ■ praying thnt lio may bo llcensed to selíccrtaín real estáte whèreof said de. ceased died selscd ■ Therenpon ir [g Ordered. Miai Momlay, t!ie twcntjN elghthday ofFeUruary, i!.it. ai ten o'ciock in t,h. 'orenoou, be-as&igned for ihc hearing of sald pLtitioa, and that the leñatees, do visee ni cl heivs at lawörwkid d, and au other persona taterested ba aald etate, are required to appear m a session of eald Court thèn to bo holden .11 the Probate Offlce, in the city oJ Ann Arbor, and show uaviie. t a&y Hutu W"."''1) the prayer ol the petitloner houhl nol bo graat ed i And it la furtherordeo&d, that said peUtioner sive dcm leeto theperonE Interested !n sala estáte ofthe iun petition, &nd the heartne thereof, bj ñaulaga copy of thi. Order tobepublUhf3 Inthe S a newspaper prlñted and CUfcolating n gaid county, fóur euceessive VOftbl lír'viou t aid dav of hearing, (Atrnecopy ) WRAM 3. lïFIAKER, u , ti! Judce of Probate. Go to E. EI'US & CO's for choico Wines and Liquors for Medical Purposes.


Old News
Michigan Argus