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The Michigan Argus

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Publishcd every Frici:y coming, in thethirdstor of tlic lirili blöck, coruur ui Alaiu aud Uurou Slrcul ANN AKiiK, HIGH. Entraaca uu llu.-uu Sire; sppusitotao l'usi tiJlii, li. I'O.ïii, KJüor anü I'ublisber. Tenas, $:i.00 a Year in Advance UATE3 OF ADVEltTISINQ : [12 lines or leps considurcd a snuarc] PAO, . 'ju. 6m. ly. _ - i ■ 'i S.IK) 1 12.00 -.i l__yitM[ 4.6(7ÏTio 1 10.00 16.00 1-t eolomii i i.fio lï.OO 40,00 "lj26.Ö0 HM W.00 c A1Í1 'S IX DIRECTORY, nottocxccod fourllncs (4.00iyenr. .Vlvertiserto the extent of a qu.irter column ona ro irly ;ont?act,wtU e entitled tohare tin Directory without extr:i cii T.oc:il Notlcea ten cents per line for the dn C,.7i, ■:-',■: i - c mts ■■! Hm' for eacb snbfl Ion, luit no nottoe tnseitod for Icfs Umn i ■e-and-a half the rates ofordliiitry KdTertisementff. Tearlv mlvertlsera havs t!ü privilege ofchanitttig i' times. Addltlon pc 'ill be ctiarjod for. rs'" N by wrltten or rort willbepublished t!ireemontie,,iud hftrged :ircor(lhiLrly. r.ogal A :.V('rt!'uiints.flrpt ítisítííoti 70 cents p : Insertion. wIh-ii :; poatponement Is ddded to ah adrertísement he whole will be Bharged the Bftme asfor flrut inserion. JOB PRINTXMG. Pami'il"ts.P"sti'rs. ll.imi lli'l. Circuíais, C:inl Bill Tickets, LabelB, Blanks, Bill Heads, and oth r iri .'tií's of Plaiii and Pancy Job Priii;iiu'. execnte with promptncpe.and in the bei tyle. CARD8.- We hve Rajóles Rotary Card Pree Knd a large variety ofthe latesl styles of'Card type Ich enable ns to prl f all kimls in 'the lien - and cheaper than any other fionp ín :'. n of all avwitlomand profea1oa, I'. .11. Wedding andVisltlng orils.nrinterl onshortnotiee. Csllnnd t Q. E. FRÜTHÍNGHAM, M. D., PHYSJ V. Offlce over Drustitr1. No. T h'ür.Mi s( 1. Reeldcnce, So. ." npson strcut. Office hours. 8 to 11 A. M , and I'. M, GEORGE GEENVILLE DEALBR IX DRUGS and Medicines, No. 6 South Main 8treet, Aun Arbor. íTn.r.. i;oj;insont&co. :ERS, Produce aèdComml mts, Hb ELLIS & KISSELL DEUCÍGI8TS, and d ■ :,re n Paluti Olls, ctc Ko.ü South Miiin Street, Ami Arbor. THÏÏüDÖKËl?AYÜm"& C0 DEAI.KKS in Groceries, Provlsions, and Country Produce, No. la South Main Sirect, Aun Albor. JOHN KKüK & CO., DEALEKS In Pnrnltnre of all kinds, No. 33 South ■uui Street, Ann Arbor. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, ATTORXEY ana Connsellor al Inv, R 'n8ul ■ ilion of at promptlj attenced to on ïlberal terms. of. oor Bonih of First National uk, up BMtra.ttontb Uain Slreet, Ami Arbor. W. H. JACKSON, Bor to C. B. I'ortur. Odicc. corner Main and Ilurna Struets. over the store of R W' Irbor, Mich. . -.idmini if rcqulred. W, P. BREAKEY, M, D. r:r,s,vlAX AX!) . Ofüce at residence, ir of Htmra and División Strccts, r.rst dooi K-'' rian Church, Aun Arbor, Mich. E. J. JOHNSON, PSALER IN HALS and Gapa Fki-s, SirnwGoods1 Pnrnifhhig Gouds, &c , No. T Soath Ualn . Ami Arbor. BLAÑ D & WHEBOtil1 LIVE and Fire Insurance Agesta and dealers In Rra "te. 01 i Street. AIsj si W. D. HOLMES,, AdV.NT for the Florence í liio.nmi dealer " Picture, Frames, &c xu. ;:_■ Ka.,: Huron stiüt.; LEWIS C. ltíSDOÑT" PEALER In II.irdw.ire. S!5vos, House Fün.ishiii" Ooods,Tis. -reet. BACII & ÁBÉL, DEALERS;:: Dry Goocls. Grocerii-s, Jtc, &c. No 2tí Souih M:uu Street, Aan Arbor. C. H. MILLEN, DEALER In Dry Goorls, Oroceries, &., &c No South Main Street, Aun Albor. 8 L AWSON & SON, pROCF.RS, Proviblon aiid Conimission Merclumts rad dealers In Wat d Piaster, and Plaster Paris, N iron s:roet. 8. SONDHEIM,t IV'üolüSAI.f: and retaU dealer In Ready r.ide Cloth1 FurusGood. (Co. 8 Sonth Main Sireot. WM. WAGNER vb.M.i-.K in Ri-ady Made Clothiug. Clothg, Cassimeres acd Vestiug, Hata, Caps, 'Trnnks', Carnel Jiags.&c-, 21 Suutli Main Street. GILMORE & FISKË7" F00K8EIXBR8 and Btatlonera, Hedical, Lswand College Text Books, School and Miacellaneous liouks. No. 3 North Main Street, Grcory lüook Auu Arbor. FINLEY & LEWIS, DEALERS In Bootf, Shoes, GaiLerg, Slippeis &c , No. 2 East liaron Straet. K. ÏABRAWT, LApIES' Paehioaable Shoe House, No. 24 South Hain Street. 15. cm)&BYjñnn GREGOR1T HOUSE Regalar Office Hours, 2 to 3 o'clock P. M. Q kTck é1Ty, r GLA.SSWAEE & GBOCERIES. J. & P. DONNELLY oíd , " '■' "cri;8 &-.ll to bé oliatupuMially l.w prieer. ., '"■1'i:lst HurcnSuect,Ann Arbor11-8tf J..V1-. DONXKI.LY. QÏtFlINE OF HÁCKS r ROBISON & BAXTER, Prop's. ■MShSuSSfS? ttídSTDai t0'an' from the lErfuMerala ƒ■?. ana e]pgant turnoutsfuró?,t i calla. !■.:,,. teasonable. atnSl , atCuok''1I"i''1 or ■'"iKirulHcepromptattended to. lïUtf JOHN G. GALL, ., -,_ DEALEB I0NT FRESH AND SALT MEATS, LAK O, SAUSAGES, ÏUr., ' Crder.,,li, ;,,.,! ,nd promptly iflled vvitl, the best Aaa Arbor. Sept. leth , 1 I235tf jjB. O. . POBïEJ " Office in the NEW BANK BLOCK, AKN ARBOE. AH Operations on the liatural Teeth, PMFOItMKD mXB CARE. UNSURPASSBD FACILITIES AND EXPBHIENCB TIISG AHTÍF ÍCl A L TEETÜ, TO OIVK EACH IXDIVI.' VA!.. itura of tki proper .to, ,;,„,,, coi,ri finamaèU natural expreíaion. I044 HE LARGESTAND Best selected stock of Plaid Plmsjalsothönew and elegant PLAID REPS to be had at the 1:Uu FARMEllS' STORE. pEOPLB'B DRUQ STOfetíT B. W. ELLIS & CO. MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMPANY OF DETROIT, MICH. (ESTABLISHED IN 1SC7 JOIfN' J. BAOLEY, PatsiDIKT, JAI un 3. i'aüua.sii, Vici' President. JBO. T. I.lO'iLTT. Secretarr. JAMES O. WATSOH, Actnary. D. O.FAÜRAKD,J1. 1)., Miifical Exminr. A SnocMtflll Xichifrnn f ,ifo Insurance Oompal orKriiztid for Ihe l)urlíue oT furnisliing Inurance upon iives at THE LOWEST COSÍ COMPATIBLE WITH Absolute Security and for 'he further purpose of KEEPIJffG 10'Ilf AT IIGJIE !.iu)i harstofora hu bMi eut East, ATES AS LOW AS SAFETY l'ERMITS. EiNTIRE MLTAL1TY AKD STRICT EQXJITY Uarkib sjatem and prevail in tl. e ditribution 1 MJHJJAJL DITIDEiDS Tü Tilt: ÏNSURED, Whf1,bj irOTisíons of the irtate Lax. and by htir own torme, ALL POLICIES ARE NON-FORFEITABLE IN.U 1UXCH ITRXISHED ITON ALL DESIRABLE PLANS. All (1) lil'ST KE4TURRS of the Old CoDijjanks ADOPTED,lItheir KHRORS AVOIDED. SECURITY, ECONOMY, EQÜITY AXD THEE WEST, ITS MOTTO. i L2ST For Agencies apply at tlic HOME OFFICE, Bank Block, GriswolJ Screet. 3.2? L. M. THAYER.Gen'l AKent. FRKD. L. IIAHX, Agtnt. mJyl A. WiDENMANN, REAL ESTÁTE AGENT, A XX ARBOR, Midi.1 OFFERS POE SALE: 53 acres of Innd, within one ha!f roile from the city tobo solJ in whole,or parce!, u follows : 24 acriM , n secti-m 19, in the town of Ann Arbon erlogontfae eatt on tbe road leading to Cornwellí' iaer milis, and on the south on 15,'s' una situated on the nnrtliwcat comer of tlie liorliam ruad and the sai.l (.'urDircll Fnctory roid. (Tliís Nuneor tlie handsomest sltultioni id ihe neiglilorliood of Ann Arbor.) 13'í acres improred land Joloing the abore 15'í acres and frenting Ciorlinm Koad. riandwltha new tivo story frame house nn pson, 8poor 5: Thompsou's additioa to the City of Ann Arbor . 71osof Ts acre each,on Thompson, Spoor Jt Thompscu's Addition. Sacres of lan !, wltb a splendid gro70, joining the Firemen's Park on the West. 1 Houm aml IJ Iota of land, with Barn, WaahKitclirn, House, and a number of modern improrements, od the northwest corner oi Fourth ;ind l'ackard Btreeta. 1 IIousc and Lot in the 2d Ward, on South Ijbertv Street. 1 Hona and 3 I.ota in the 2d Ward, ncar 2d Ward KSchool House. 1 Houee and 4 Lot, near the M . C. R . R . Depot. 320acresofland in the soulh of the State of , oun, near the Hunnibal St. Joseph Hailroad. 2 City Lols near 2d Ward School House. A. WIDENMANN, FOREiGN EXCHANGE BROKER, ANN ARBOR, MICH. SELLS AIID BUYS DRAFTS, ISSÜES LETTERS OF CREDIT ON ALL PRINCIPAL PLACES InGIlEA.TBRITAIN'.GF.KMANY.KRANXf:, SWITZEKLAN1), etc. If y direct coiinections with Enrope e-nable me t offer aa l'air ratos as anj Niy Vent House. KemcmuRr, I ara not an agent of any house luthia cuuuli'v, bul I n liaving direct couimunicaUoo with tin baat hoaaealn Europe. COLLEOTIONS IN EUROPE Bï l'OWKI! OFATTORWBY OH OTIIKUWJSK, W1LL UK l'liüMI'TI.Y ATTENCED TO. PASSAGE TICKETS per Bteamer to and from Kw Ycik to all prlncipalparle cf hun.]. f l il uil asfollows: From New York tüSouthampton, lUvre, London lirciaen oi' Hamburg, UtClafa, 2dClns. Steerno. „ . ... $10. Si. $23 in Gold. Return tickttu, 26. 135 61 ; i From aboro place to ow York, lstCla.a. -iciass. 3.1Clana. S1JO S7S. $M u Gold. From Xow York to I-iverpool, í'nliin, SSO to tlOOCnrriTiCT. ateerage, $30 in Currency. From Liverpool to New York, Cabla, $100. títetrnf . &. WIDENMANN, FIEE INSURANCE AGENT AiIXnST ARBOR, Kor the Howard lDíurancc Co., in New York, one of the oldescanü bet.tCoiïiimuiesiu the country. The Teutónia Insurance Company in Clevelsnd The honorable and afe management oí thifi institutiun hu made t oae f tii-' inost reliable Pire luauruncf Cohipaniefl Ín tUo Wcbt.a


Old News
Michigan Argus