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A dis tinguished soldier of iho late war, witb whom the writtr bad the honor of serving at Vicksburg and elsewbere iu ihe Mississippi rulluy, nnd vvho is now the governor of a Western State, was announeud among a list of speakers who were to address a meeting on a certain occasion at Chic.igo is a "battle scared general." If the careless compositor had added anothcr r to tho italicized word it, would have been nearer the truth, and also what the editor wrote. A New York editor (bus introduced some verses: "The poem pabliahed this week was coinposed by au esteemed frieud who bas laio in bis grave für mauy ycars lor lus own atuusomcut." Tho following senteuce from a recentlv-p'.iblished sensation novel shows the great iinportuneo of correct punclualion : "He enters on his hoad, bis hul met uu Lis fect, armcd saiuinls upon liis brow : tlicre was a cloud in lus rigbt h:ii;d, hid fait!, ful sword in bis e) e, an augry jrlare be sat down." A female compatriot of the rrepressiblo Truiii uot long piuca addicssed a inournful conununicalion to a Uuffalo paper : "By gome füDtaetio tríok oí'your tjpe setter, my speech iu St. Jniues' Hall on 8atarday evening is suddenly t6rakBt4, and so ünked to that of Mr. Traiu tbat I nm unido to run off in an eütircly tiew vein of eloquciicn. Among iiKuij otber exploils, I am made to boost tbat I neither nmoke, nor ebew, nor drink, nor lie, nor steal, nor Bwóar, as if eucb aecomplisbment-í wcre usunl among Aiuuiican wonien ; tafl wliirevor I refrito my bouored cüuntrymen as 'white males,' I atn reported na haviDg addrees' ed iheïn as 'white tuules ' All these are very goed jokes if credited to the prinh i's düvil, but not to those wbo repre kent au impopular idea and carefully weigb Lbeir words."- From thê Murch ttumotr of LippintoWi Magawuu,


Old News
Michigan Argus