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The Democratic Side Of The House

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The Democratie sido of the Hourb is growiug Htronger every day. -Nut, of course, in numbers, hut, with tlio aecession of Cox, of New "ï rk, aod VoorheoB, of lndinn, both ready debaters, tbere seems to Iiave beu a consoli tiation of torees. As a result more is yieldod to iheei by the major i ty., and tio Hiore d)'9 a n 1 niglita aro vr-asted in fillibuBterinj?. The coun ry regarded our gagrule lpgislatiou as a sort of .war measure, aud so upheld and Aifended i ; and 8o long as it waB used alone to carry ou the leislative part of the war, it was vvell ; liut it was too dangemus a psrty weapon to play with beyond the lys wbeo it wis absolutely neces-nry. It will bu a matter of congratulation when tho minority shsü be somewhat Tonjter ; so etrong in fact aa to be able to forcé delibérate aotion in al! matters, snd to prevent) tlie previous ques'ion from being made a party macbiue for ooinpelling a strict partisan vote. ." t preseut ibe Deruooi'ats, wlien they bave a pbaoov, oan make a gond show in debate. Cox is slurp, (juiok, and witty. Voorhees ia ready, and has a voice tliat of itself attracts ittontion, booauso t is Bucb a wunderful relief to bave a memberspeak so tbat be can be heard dislinctly and easily, without leaning forward and opemng'thd uiouth and seting a hollowcd. hand behind each car. M irshall und Ueok ore men of ability, Rüd their positiou3 oü comniiHecs give ihera considonib'e weight. Fernando Woo-1, whalertr you may thin!; of him ia New l'ork, isouo of the best behaved mm in the IIouso, and bis bearing is ahvaya of the Representative folk dreatn tibou'. bcfore tbey cmie to Washington nnd sec the real article with iiis feet npon tbo desk ; and hear the roar that ries in the g.illeries as if ihe foundations of a new Babel were being pat io b.'low. James Brooks would do credit t) any Deaioeraiio assembly; and Eldridge, Ho!mn, nndíRndall can hold 'heir own witb all corners in a parïïament i-y f-kirmisb. With the virtual settlement of roconstruction, thé issues tbat have divided tbe Housa so long, and which have necessarily developod raucb bitter spirit, are passing away, and with thom ia gretit weasuro the asperitiea they oaused. At no time since tlie war lused has there been such good focliug aiid so muoh good fellowship between tho two eides of the House as now preTail.


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