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Editorial Chips And Splinters

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- Tlie remanís of Mr. BQrllngame are to be brought liome Tot Internaent. - Öome llterary curiosity hnoter hus futhered "Shoo Fly" pon Homcr. ■ - Milwaukee luis made bid for tlie State Capital. lts lager is relied upon to draw. - The motlon to re consider the i matiim of Judge Strong was withdrawn 00 Tuesday. - ïlic House has made the Cullom anti polygamy bill the special order for the 22d of Murch. - Anna Dlcklnson retcued a rery raiall andience at Kalamazoo. Wüat'a up in that iutelk-ctual vlllagt? - An exchange iys "Orant is itnprovIng." Reason : "He has vetoed a bilí and ï'efuscd a present" - and a porp at that. Xhe colored individual which has so long been in the fence, having at last got a Mat in the Senate, the country Is considera! sa re. - Kobert Collyer, In hls lectare on "Clear Qrit," last Saturday evening, spoke of Burr and Byron as excellent samples of "splendld devils." - The investigaron lnto the .ale of cadetships 's bot a Btop-thlef cry , rained to attract attcntlon from bigger Constressional swiiuiles. - The Mnine Senate tabled a resolution a few days ago providing for paylng its antc-legal-tender debt in coin. Maine is a "trooly loil" State. - The Htorcy-Lydia-Tlionipson "Blonde Burlesque Opera Troupe" are this week performing in Detroit. What Detroit edl tor will get whlpped '! - Storey, of the Chicago 'limes, pitched into "the Blondos," "the Bloudes" rctallated bywhipptog Storey, whereupon geren 1 law suits are to follow. - The jury in the Mordaunt divorce case havíng rendered a ver liet that Lady Mordaunt is Insane, the Prince of Wales aud his frieutls bna'.he freer. The Pope is reported as having detected a Paris Journal reporter, dlsgulsed as a Bishop, and partlclpatlng In the proceed Inga of Uie Ecumenical Cuuncil. - Ex-Secretary Seward arrived home from Alaska, ou Friday evening last, via Mexico and the West Indios, and was ten, krul the hospltallties ol Qotham. TIn: negotlatlOUB commenced between the late r. Burllüjcame and the Czr of Rassla are to be completed, alter which the BarUngame troupe will return to China. - The telegraph says tbat Hon. W. II. Scward attended divine service at Trmity Church, N. Y., Sunday morning last, and afterward dined wltli Thurlow Weed. Wliat of it ? - If the President sign the bill: 8,000 px-rcbels will have thelr dlaabllHles reraoved, -condltloned, we sup'pose, on their belng radical politicians. The rebels are i logitiinate radical recruits. - Ex-President Fairtleld, of Hillsdale, has severe.l his connection with the FreeWill Baptitte, jolned the Congrcgationalists, and accepted a cali lo a chnrch at Mansüeld, Ohio, at $2,500 and a parsonage. - üen. Butler solcmnly declares that if there is onc thing on earth he is superior to, it is a nowspaper man. Conceding that Butler has once spoken the truth, we shail venture lo insinúate that the sinaHost penny-a-llner on the N. Y. llcrald staff is infiuitely abov; Butler. - The Jeltersonlan test for ónice was. "Is he honest, capable, and faithful f" The modern test is: Is he a brawllng, illiterate radical or an ignorant, demoralized darkey '! Bither is ílt tlmber for a Senator, and to succeed a Cass, a Webster, a Clay, a ('al houn, a Benton'or a Wrlght. - The Adttrtiter and Tribune is evldently becoming disloil. Hear it : "JIuch that Isselflsh, dlsrcputable aud offcnslve in the history of the past few years, would . be wipod out, if the country could forget Gen. Butler." The model radical and Ne.v England saint to be slaudered thusly. - Ben Butler's protege, carpet-bag Whittemore, is evidenlly an apt scholar and the incarnation of impudence. Think of taking his scat iu the House, answering to his name at rollcall, and rising to put in his defense, after he had notitled the Speaker that his resignation had been tendered and accepted. A well matched layer and cliënt. - An Akgus subscriber of many year's Btandlng, assures DS that though no political bed-füllow or adra'.rer of Greeley, he has taken the Tribune these many years, bnt when the nliilosopher of the white hat emnly proposed to teil, in flfly-two letters, " wliat I know of iarining," it was too much, and like " Capt. Scott's coon," he came down. Who blames him? - Ex-Secretarv Seward is thns wclcomed home by a ucwspaper wag : 'WillIe, wc have mUied yon, Wwlcomc, welcome home--" To which we presume Willie responded : "I'vc boen ronming, I've been roamlDg, W hyre the hoürty-suckle grww, And l'm coming, and l'ru cumlng, Wita tUeir blossome ou my- uuse " - - The "American Industrial League," of Detroit, is a modest association. In proof of the dec'aration, we need only gay that at a recent meeting it resolved in favor of the Schexck tariff now pending in the Heus?, a "bilí of abominations" wliich robs tlio industrial classes by imposing inercaeed duties upon cop per, steel, iron, cotton goods, eto., for the benefit of tho mine and inill owners oí Michigan, Pennsylvania, and NewEngland, and then heat the other end of the poker, and demandcd the "repeal of all tuzation under the internal rere oue laws, excopt on wh:sky, fermented liquors, and tobáceo." ïhat is it: - Shut out raw copper, liut out coal, shut out steel rails, shut out iron rails, shut out all manufacturen of iron and steel, and let home manufacturéis charge their own prices. - The sanie resalution declares in favor of free coflíee, freo spices, free tea Sec, which do not compete with home products. What a generous body ! Thk United States steaoier Oneida oo'.lided wilh tho British steamer Bombay, near Yokohama, January 2G(h. - Tho Oneida went down immediataly, and all on board wero lost - num bering 120 officers and men. Tlie Oneida was n third rato vessel, and cnrried eight guns. Her principal officers were : Com mander, Kdward P, Williams ; Lieut. Commanders, Wm, F. Stuart and Alonzo W. Mulduar ; Surgeon, James Stoddard; Assr. Surgeoo, Edward Frothingham. Late report says Surgeon Btoddard and some 50 of the crew were paved. The Suprema Court dectded, oo Mondaj', that the20th day of August, 1866, "is tobe recognizel for all purposes of litigation as the day on which the rebel lion olosed." Over three nnd a half yearB aeo, and the Union DOt jet recoustructed. Au Lduetriouii Cougrew, I thst'i a fot. The Detroit Journal of Commerce - wliat a inisnotner for a paper whinh favors humporing oommerce by tariñs - denies that tlie ex Ilcv. Mr. Stkbbin3 is ! the galarietl lecturer of the "Detroit I Matiuf.utu.'ers' Association,'1 at 82000 i I a yenr. We had the infotraation on whieh we basod the reiuaik from a entkmati of high staiidiug and whone ve raeity we could rot ijueslioa Aguiu, our cotenifioiary says : 'In the SCCOOd place, he is not npen to the epitiict npplied to Hev. Mr. Blanchard. He is ■) (ar from bclng a 'politica] prlest,1 tliat hc is nota clergyniau at all He hus uot tlie care of a Cluistiuu tongrcgatiou, and never had." Nuw, f we me not mistaken, this aame Mr. Sticdbins was ouce n Univer■a)it clergyman aud had charge of a Universa ist congrega tion, - sometimos suppoaed to be a "Christian congregatiou," thougb we hope tliat we ore mis taken as to his eupposed eonnection therewith, nnd if so sliail cheerfully do tbat worthy denominatioo tho justice to nmke the correcíion. Ab to another p irt'uu of Lié "carear," however, u-e are not midaken. He waa wont to perumbulate this State sis a minifter of the Spiritual faith, - not Christian, our cotempnrary wil! peihcps gay, - prefixed tho "Rev." to his naine, and for a year, more or lesa, ministered (o a congregation 'inthis city. Is the Journal of Commerce as eertain aud a3 correot in asserting that he is not the ealaried leciurer of the "Detroit Manufacturera' Associatioo," as whcn it asserta that he was never k clergyrnan? li 80, it proves just nothing and he may be drawing that 2,000 Bala'y "for a' of tuut." - The Journal of Commerce also protests agaJDBt cur iutimatioo tbat it is in favor of "chainirg comraerce,:' and adds : "There never was any joorna! more in favor of extending towurd it the utmost ex tent of freedom. lu fuct it is our ospeeiul interest and duty. We have alwajs adocated, for instani'e, tLe abolition, as far ss posi-ible, of the onerOU8 systetn of iuternal revenue taxatiou." Favoring corumeroe, wiih a vengeince ! "Abolish iutdinal revenue taxation," and inórense the tariff. Give tho homo mauufaeturer the coatrol of the market, close up oui' ports of entry, aod diive every sliip from the high seas. That's our cotempniary'g ideas of favoriog cotr merce; tiiat's its idea of "exteudii g loward it the utmost ex.teut of fieodoin,'1 - a supposed very etrong expressiou. Suoh commeree could be oarried on all day and all the year and all tUe ages ia a half bushel. "Tuke off the internal revenue taxe,s" and doublé up the tariff, "and our word for it, the American manufacturer, from hi& superior skül, will aud can compete with all others on earth." "Iuternail revonue : tases" are a mojern inven (ion, protection is the same okl hobby ; it will hardly do to make the one tbc base of a , claim for the othur. Try agaio.'s friends had a meetiug at Wsshingtor, on Salurday evtning last, at whicti it was seriously proposed to placo hira in noniiriatiou f the Presi'■ dency. The sober-second thought pre! vailed, aud the friends complimonted ; him, by resolution, "for services ia the army and out of thoarmy, in Congrcsa and out cf Congresp," and then went and . eerenaded him. Now, that wag a de cidcd improvemeut on the first proposi tion. Lett.iug off much wind uuder bis 5 windows is greatly prefcrable to set ting him up for President. As a A 1 ■ AA ■ ■ r - -" - - - " - - - - - - - - instrument ho is some himself, and oau play bis part; but as a Presidtjutial can didate, whew !. Two Atlantic steamers, the City ol Bos'on, of the ] untan line, en route f'rom New York lo Liverpool, aud the Smidt, from Brsinen to New York, have each beeo out now ueariy 40 duy, aud nuth Dg heard from tbem. "No news" is the phrase whrcb salutes the ears oí expectant and excited friends each morning, s their last utterance at night, and is the bnrden ot their dreams. The owncrs and agenta siill speak hopefnlly, but with falhets aud mothers and brothers and sisters, whose loved ones are enrolled on their paesengT lists, it is comming nearer and nearer to the hope that borders on despair. i - i The House Commitlee, and we don't know but the House (self, has come to the sage conclusión that it has no jurisdiction over, and can do nothing with, ex tnember8 of Cungrcsg reported as having sold their birthrigbt for a mess of pottage, that is eadetsbipH for filthy lucre. It i the first time in ten yearsor thereabouts that the House bas sliown the white-feather or given lookers-on reason to suspect that it did not coDsider-itsolf omtsipotent. Light is breaking. - This decisión will be a relief to Diuacitf, und had it como carlier might have saved hia long and damaging letter, Botii branches of the Minnesota Logislature have pasíed a joint resolution amendiug the constitution and giving the ballot to woman. The womon are to voto upon the amendment, - but in separate boxes. In the Ohio House, on Monday, a bilí to subniit the question of woman suffrage to a voto of the romen, was loBt by a vote of 41 to 30. It was a capital hit by Sonator Casserly on Friday laat, when repelling a t.aunt of tho numcrical weakness of the Democracy in the Senate, he said : "Ele thankei Gon none of theiu had been elevated to tl?e Benate by bayoneta over the heads of u down-trodden and oppressed peoplc." A dozen or eo Kadical cnrpot-baggers, tlio mero creations of military satrap?, raust have een stars about that time. Tuk Snpreme court of Ohio, on Tucsday, granted a writ of error in the Cincinuati Bible cae, setting the same down for hearing on tho seoond Tuesilay of Decímber. The opinión seenia quite Í prevalcut in legal circle, that in view of gome fermer decisioos made by the Court the decisión of the Ciuoinnsti court ilikl; '.o bo rerersod.


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