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Loss Of The Steamship Golden Gate

Loss Of The Steamship Golden Gate image
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Ban rraneiiíco, .Maren i. The steamer C"loraio brings intelli genco of the total lnss of tho steamer üolilen City, Febrnory 22d near Poiat St. Lázaro. Th (rolden City 'eft htro Februury 18, foi Pan;ima with a valuable carg , ïnc'.nding a cargo of teas receivod by tttè China steamer, a heavy treasuie liwt and about tuur bunilrud passengers Ou ihe morning of Üie 22ii, aboul 7 o'clonk she went ashore near Poiot Lázaro, Lower CiHturuia, about fifieen milt-e Trom thu Baj of Suotn Maria. T!ie passenger, baggage and treasure were lauded'wi'h little (iifficulty, the sea lie iugfimooth but ihe Incation barren and far frotii any habitalion. A party was mtnediatelj sstit to Point Lázaro to ereut a signal and keep lookoit for thu Colorado, which was signaled abotti iioim of tl'.e Ü4th. It whs inipossiile for the s'eamtrto reoeive the sufterers aboird at the ecene of the dis oster od Rccount of the heavy surf, and they were compelled (o wlk to Smi'a Maria Buy over a ba' ren waste, andetidured great sutferings from hnnger and thirst. Seveml poggengcn were loet in the Band billa and uudergrowth nd were Kfi beliind by the steamer. Only a small quairity of provisioi b ar.d water was saved from the wreek. It was fortuuate that the Colorado arrived po soon or intense suöoring would have resulted. When tlie wreek cormnenced breaking up and the c-irgo driftig g aahore cask containiiig liquur were broken into by the paseiigais aud drunkenness and disorder enued. Fesriog that bloodshed would ri'sult if the order of thiugs was not put a stop to, a stiong party was organized to destroy the liijuor as fast as it canic ashore. The passengere had no confidence in Ciipt. Couistock and paid no nttention to bis orders. An indignation meeting heidon the Colorado, pafsed resohilions that in their opinión tha wreek of the Golden City wasdue to tho inoapability or gross earelessness of the oommanding oflicer, a:;d inuch unnecesnry sufifering ashoro could bo traeed to the same HOu&e. The passeners with but few exoeptions, reiched hVro by the Colora do to-night. The baggage and treasure are left on tho beach under proper guiird.


Old News
Michigan Argus