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tostT" In tliis dtv, on the I4th Inst., a largc sized dog halt" shfepherd and huil' buil, brindle, with whit spots, wnlte aroood neck and white Iu fuco; a short teil. $3 roward wlll be pald for hl return to the uudersiijned iu ücio, four miles wwt of Ann Arbor. JACOB APRIL.. Ann Arbor, Fcb. 2 th, 1STO. 1125'Jw. Esute of Joseph Marriott. STATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw. fs At a setslón of the Probate Court for the Connt ot Wasbteoaw, bolden ai the Probate Office in tb City of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the secom diy of Maren, iu ihtí year oue tuousand elght huu di'L'd and Beventy. Hrt:sí!iii Hlram J. Beakes, Jtidge of Probate In the matter of the estato of Joeph Marriott deceasedLewla S. Anderson, Admlniitrator of ?nU estáte comes iiito Coart :iu-l ropreaeots tlint be is bow pro pared lo reader nis liual accouut as snch Admiuistrittor. Theieupon it Is ardered, that Monday. the twcuty eighih day ol Match, nest, at ten o'clock iuih forenoon, be assigned ior examlnlng and alluwiug such account, and that tbe hel ra ft( law ofaldde l, and all o; her persons Interested in said estáte, are rcquired to Rppear at a sestlon of said Court. then to be holden at the Probiite OlHce. in the City o Aiiii Arbor, In said Couuty, and show caoaOi if ony therobe, why the laldacconnt shouldnotbeallowed: And it ifl fnxther ordered that sald Admwietrator give notlce to the persons interested Ín said catate, of the pendency of said account, and the neming thereof, by causing a COpy of this order to be pub llshed in "'hf Mi hi'jnn a rtjus , a newtpapor prfote and circuí fiting in said County. thrce auccessive weeks previo; to aaitl day of hearing, (A truc COpy.J 1ÏIKAM J. BEAKKS, 12J9 Jurl-;e ot Probiite. Real Estáte for 8ale. STATE OP MICHIGAN, Countj of Washtenaw. es. In tbe matter of the estáte of Gllbert öhowert, deceased Notico ími hereby gtven. thitt in purtoanca of an order (rranted to the anderaiffneO, Aaminisirator of the enlate of eairi deceased by the Hou. Jurie of (Probate tor the County of Washtenaw, on the twenty-etghtb day of Pebrnarj, A. I). isto, there wlll bê solcl at public vendue, to the hlghest bidder, at the olüco of ihe Township Cletk, in Sylvnu, iu the County of Waahtenaw, In sald State, on ThariiUy, the twenty-first day of April, A. I) 1-70, nt on e o'dock in the afternoon of that day, (subject to all encumbrances by mortsage or otherwise existing at the time of Ihe defltli of said dcccut-ed,) the folio wIng described real (otHte, viz : Commenciu thirty rods west of the northeast corner of section twentv tui, in township two BOnth of rane thrce said State thence wevt alosg s:üd -ection line to the northweat comer of .the east half of the northeast quarter of suid section twonty-two, thenc) outhon tne wea line of aald lot to the ceotvr of the Territorial toad f thence northeasterlj aloug the Dfbter of ;;iicl Territorial roatl u the place, of beginnmg, coutalning four acres, more or less. Dated, Februury 28tn. A. h. ISTO. QBORQB W. TÜENBXJLL, 1259 Admiuistrator. Estáte of Lucas Kitte!. TATEOP MICHIGAN, County of 0 Noticeis hereby uivcu, tbat byan order of the Probate Court for the Couuty of Vauhtenawt made od the twenty-elghth day of February, A. D. 1670, six nifHiihs froni ihat date were allowed l"ur creditors to present thuir claims agalnst the estáte of Lucaa KitLel, late of said Couuty, deceased, and that all credltorfl oi said deceased are reaotred to present lluir (.hütn to Bfttd l'rolmte Court. at the ProbMe Office in the city cf Ann Arbor, for examinaUon and ftllowance, oriorbeforu the twenty ninthday of Angnst next, and that such claims wlll be heard beforeeald Probate Conrt, on Satniday, the thinicth diy of April, andon Monday, ;ho twenty-uinth day of Angnst next, at ten o'clock iu the foreuoon of eacb of those days. Dated. Anu Arbor, February 2Sth A. D.. 18T0. 1I1HAM J 1ÏKAKES. 1259 Jndge of Probate. Mortgage 8ale. DKFATLT haring been made in tfco condltlon of a certaiu mortgage, exectted by John Dieh] aud iiargarettè CUebK int wife, of the city of Ann Arbor, Conntyof asbtenaw, Michigan, on theisth day of July, A. 1. 1866, to Philip Bach, of the same place, and recorded, wiih the power of sale therelu coatttined in the oftlce of the Rogister of Deeds fur the Conntyof Waantenaw, In tbo State of HlcMgan, on the l'Jlhday of August, A. D lStó, at nvo o'clock P.M, In llbef ::i of mortjpiges, oa page 101. on which mortfjase and promissory ote accompanyin the eanio there is claiiued to bo dtie attiiodntcof this uotice, the sum of even huudroil and ninetyfour dollars and t"O cents, principal and iutertfst, beeides the costa and expenses of this foreclosare, and an Attorney'a fee of twenty-flve dollars, should any procoedinps bc taken to florecióse said mortgaje, and no snit or proceedinKs at law or in eguity ha ving been had to recover said sum or any purt" thereof. MoWi therefore, noticeis hereby jrlven, thatby virtne of the power of sale in said mortoage coiuainetl, 1 ahall sell at public auctïon to the nigheat bidder, on the 23th day of Hay next, at two o'clock In Um aftemoon of that day, at tho sonth door of the Court House, in the City ol' Anu Arbor, Conntyof Washtenaw, and State, of Michigan f íbeing the place ot holdiuü; the drenit Conrt vnthln aald County,) the premises described in said mortjiago, or so ranch thereof as may be necessary to satisfy tho nmotiut due on suid mortgagtti WÍth iuiorest and costa and expenses allowed by luw, whieh eaidprem iees are daeortbed u folio wst All the picce oi parcel of land beginninp at the outheastèrly coriiit of 'l'ravi'r's Addiiinn uiiinLu'r tWO tO tlie villaje of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Goooty, Ulohgao, thence northweaterly tlong the sontherly bouuds of said addition four chaina, tbence northeastery slonrhe W' sterly line of lot nnmber two iu Baid addTünn eleven chains and twelve links to the nortAwesterly corner of sald lot nnmber two, thence north flfty fonrdegreea ensuoncchaiu three and a half to landsdeedml by Abstalom Traver to Z. 8. Pulripher, thncesouth tblrty-ete dejirees east, alnnj said Pnlciphersland sixcHaius uud twenty-two link to the ea terly bonndaof saldaddlUon. tnence south forty degreev and flfteen mlontse west, niiie chaina and ftfly and onehiili Ijuks alon smh! ea-tcrly bounds ti the pWxe of bégfnn'ng, contaïntng Bve ecrea aud flftr-elghl huudredtha of au acre, bc the same more orles. DÖfted Anu Arbor, Fel. ÏSth. 18TO. pmr.rr baciï, Mortgagee 35 DAYS CHINA AND JAPAN, TI A THE Pacific Bailroad. A VERY CHOICE LOT OF FINE FRESH TEAS Jl'ST RF.CEIVED AT C. H. MILLEN'3. CALL ANO TRY THEM, QÜALITYUNSURPASSED, PfilCES L0W. EW SPRING GOODS ! NOW OPENING AT C ÏT. MILLENB. A LARGE LOT OF EÜEACHED MUSLINS, NEW SPRING PRINTS, TICKS, DENIMS, CRASH, LINENS, AND GOODS FOR THE EARLY 8PRM TRADR. At Very Lotv Prices for CASH, OR IX K.XCHANGEFOR Butter, Eggs, or Dried Fruit. gREAT BARGA1NS I3NT WOOL SHAWLS, DRESS GOODS, AND ALL KINDS OF WOOL GOODS, FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS, at C. H. Millen's. - 12S7 pALL AT THE Farmers' Store, and see their Goods and Learn their Prices. EveryfchiBg in Dress Goods Marked Down. PROCKEKY? U CHÖCKEÏIY I in full sets or pieces, in anyvariety, and of the newest patterns, at eTeaioval. J. KECK CO. Hare remored tfaeir STOCK OF FURN1TURE And Undertaker's Goeds, To Mack k Scbmiil's Block, No. 52 South Main, and Nb. 4 West Liberty Streets. THE LARGEST STORE IN THE CITY, AND BUI1.1 EXPRESSLY FOR THE FURNI1 URE TRADE. THEY HAVE NOW IX STORE THE LARGEST aod FIN EST STOCK OF KURXITURE RVIR OFFERED IN TH IS COU.NTY.OF THEIR OWN MAXIFACTURE, SUPERIOR BOTH N Qt'AUTANDSTYLE,WIIICH THEY NOW OFTER TO THE PUBLIC CHEAPBB TnANCAN BEBOUOHT ANYWHERE ELSEIN THK STATE. THEIR STOCK INCLDDES EVEKY ARTICLE NEEPED TO FUUNISH TUE BESTHOUSK FKO.M TW TO BOTTOM. Theï old pAkrons and the pb)fr generalij are ia rited togira tliem a calL J. KKCK ft CO, Aan Arbor.Januarj, 1870. 1251 BLOOMINOTON, ILL. NTJRSERY. 9th Year ! 500 Acres ! 10 Ghreeuhouses; ljirKCft,best tock and sUiyjiuig Sioiliti.'s. Al'l'I.K, ïntcliese. Transcendent, EKalop 1, ' hih! 3 erií. ATM.K ROOI' .{HA KIS. eboloa, inc'ndinftabore. ROOr-URAKTi, Pwir,]]iini, Cherrv. SEEJIS, tpple lVar, fco., WII.IXiOOSK, Minor, Lomhnrd. 'luniê.EVERCREEXS.ROSKS.l.lPOO, $100 Dahlioa. ladiolu,TuberoKe, (;KE.EMHCrsK. Ii.-!!inL' Piaiits, oud 10c. fut CaUIoKiiea. F. K. PHCENIX. 1HO11 POR SALE CHEAP! A. jVEediixm Hand Fress Id good laqnireatthe ARGÜS OPFICB. i.nn Arlu.r, A'.lg. 6th, 1809. MALL AT THE CITY ARCAIE AND SEE OÜR SPLENDID LINE OP CAN NOT BE BEAT FOR QTJALITT AND PRICB. 12M CLARK S. CHOiSKT.


Old News
Michigan Argus