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Ntw Víikk, Mtiruu i. " Themarked feature of tho week ia the reductiou b) the gold premium, the low figure of 115 havlng been reachcd This ia tho lowegt eince 1662. Tho espression of the Sonate adverse to any nercase of the curruncy, doubtless reflects the policy of the exccutiïe branch of the governmect on the subject, g aud the buil interest in the gold room haa be"ii I pleteK" demoralizcd. There seems now no possible cotingency that can prevent an oarly return to the specie standard, aud it rests very mnch with the governmenl tusay whether the slep shall be abrupt or gradual. We have so nearly passed the Rubicon that a backward step would be more disastrous than to go through. Somc commercial distress has necessarily attended our progi'ess thus Jar towards the specie Btaudard, and more will follow a nearer approacb The distres will be less uo doubt if the s:ep be graded. Apparcntly the treaaury departmant is nol dis posed to acceleiate it, for, of tiie lar;,';: gold balance Of over f Tt, 000,000 in tho treasury, but $2,000,001; will be put on the market duriug the month. The gold market reacted a little to-dny, closlng at 116)'. Monuy continúes easy. Cotton ia Btill downward, and cotton goods aro excited in fcympathy, anda rcdiiction of lc Her yard is announced to-day on soine makes of sheetings and prints. Although cotton muatnecessarily bc aQ'ected by th; fcll in gold, it Is hoped that a paule may bc avoided. Flour and wheat have ruled qt'.ite steady, with an advancc on the latter, and thia taken in connection with the decline in gold, is n favorable indication Corn improvea on the weck 6'a,0c. Oats uuchauged. Barlsy improveö. Forolgn frights are dull aud decliulcg, I which hclps the grain market. Wool has remaiucd vtry steaily for the past two weeks. The advance oí a lew weeks ago has brought out tho rcs:rre stock held in the west to a considerable extent, showing larger stucke on hand thao. was supposed. Wool has also been iinported to a considerable extent, and the wool resources of the country are therofore larger thau most people expected. There U probably no dauger that wool will suffer a relapíe, hut if tho above facts be true. the market may not realize the expectuüous of eome. Dktroix, March 2. Dullness Is still the prcvalcnt feature in alnvst all d--ptirimcuts of trade. aud not mach improvement need be h;oked for anti] the opening of navigation. The hest feature is a continuad stroug market in Üour and whcat. The receipls coi.titma uuusually liberal for tht; geason, aud tno market ia huoyant,. wiih ,1'rue transactions, ai.d a sllghl advaDCfl on wheat on the week. Most of the wheat on the market ia of Michigan grrowth, indlcaclng ttet sales by the fnrmcrs, aud from tliiA we muy also iuf' r that the erop now on the gronnd pro'miaes well. All coarw gralna are qnlet and noininaL Bean weak Butter is betier, and qaotattona are advnnced about lc. Drcesed hou ilo.öCKti 1.51'. Dried Iruii 19 lower. tiggs, weak. Hops flat aud nominal. Poultry, scarce aud Ürm tsceda. culi. Batcher'a stock rul es ftrong. Beef ca tle - fltstqaaHty, $fi50d; secoud quality, i.-r. ■:.'.. -Jö ; third quality : $33.75. Sheep, per iü'J Ibs., ".4 "Jy(ii(5. DETROIT PRODU'E MARKET.- The followlng quotutions repreaent the current net priceyrealized by coiumUtou dealers, aiul ure careiully revised e very week, fr the Aroos, by our Uetroitcorrespondcnt. Dedacüona frum these prioos fr c'inmissi ns and charges , will show ihe net rates t.' ürst hands : . 10c : Green per bbl. $ï.75i3.ü0 Bttrley- perewt., fl (l.u un No 1 Beeawax - per Ib. :: lïoans - white, $1.65 1.60 Butter- cs-ock 8u'@83c; firkiu, 2St530c pcrib., Cheest- Michigan Fnclory, l90. Dairy, M$)t. Cliickens- dressed. perlb. . 16(a'17. Cider- Pei 'm,1 ,4.uu Gorn-per 'u., 7n -; Tjc. Bggs- prdoi., sicllides - dry , per 1b. . H' : green, ï-fiöc. Culi ökiïiH - Green, 14u9ltC; dry, 2A80. Bheep Sktna- 40Tt lamb skins 4(%eu. Sopt - New, nerlbi, l-íync. L.-ird-pcï'lb.. 17(t,l-c. Oata- per ba. -M-i-lTc. Onlone- per bbl. -i Sc42.TI, Pot:i!oes- best varieties prbbl. , 140@l.f0. Tallou - -.■■ TurktívH - di eseeri, perlb., 19tíi20c. Whai- extni winti', :.'-'.i'ü(i.ï(ii No, 1.$1.14&1.U Amber, 1.05' AV AKBOR PltOIHCK UAKKËTS. Arqüs Office, March 3, löTO. We quote this afternoon as follows j WHB AT- White. 100@10Sc Red.Soc BUi K WlIKA T- 70c ÜORN- 86C.W OAT.- - (de. BRANS- il. 60. BUTTER- S&SSnc. EGQS- 16c. LARD- 18c. 11 v -?;;. .' is. woon- son j uo. APPLES-lirled- perlb. Tc. green 4r@$ooc. POTATOE8- new, S0Ö8ÖC. CHICKENS- 14c. TDRKEY8- 16c. HONKT- Me. POKK.-lu.60 ucr cwt. BEEF- Í88!O per cwt.


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Michigan Argus