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The Christian Convention Of Washtenaw County

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In accordancc with the caü of the com ; mittee of the last L'nlon Chrlstlan Couvcn tiou of tliis county, a similar convcntio met ut the Methodist Cburch, lu this city on Monday, the 21st of February. TJie conrentlon was called to order at 2 o'clock p. M. The flr9t half hour was spent inderotlonal exerciscs, condocted by Rev. Mr. TinDAI.L, "of Vpsiiuiiti, lifter wliich D. B. I Gkeenb, of Tpsllantl, was chosen Chalrmau, aud Uev. N. S. Bi.uto.v, of Ann Axbor, SecretAry. D. McInttkb, Rv. L. R. Fisk, and D. Wood, were appolnted a commlttee ou baslDess. It was votod that the pi-ogramine published by the committee calütig the convention be adopted as the order of business of the Convention. 1 Tlit íhst topic- "The object of public tvorehlp"- was then cllscussed. The subject was oponed by Rov. Mr. HiibbclI, of thiscity. He was followed by Mesare. Erdman, Plsk, TenBrook, Taylor, Tindall, ■ I Kedzle, Hartson, and Qregory. Aftcr a sliort time Bpent in devotional exerclses, the seconcl topic was taken op - "ipirituality and secular pursuits." Mr. Gregory, of Saline, led In the diseussion. He was followed by Messrs. Erdman, TcuBrook Spence, TlndalJ, Burton, Wood, Taylor, Hartson, Kedzle, and Cook. The time for the exercises baving arrived, the conventlon adjourned nntil evening. The audlence met at 7 o'clock, and after singing and Draver, the anbiect of t.hp "Hilu in Public Schools" was Introdaced by Kev. Mr. Tiadall. The iliscussioii was continuuil by .Mus.srs., TeuBrook, Cook, Clenients Mclctyre, Gjssne, Erdman, Taylor, Noble, and Hubbell. The convcntion then acljomned uutil Tuestlay moruiug, at 9 o'clock. TUESDAT, 9 O'clock, A. M. H&lfan liour was spcnt in devotional ezerclsea condacted by Trof. Olhet. The subject, "The ChristUn Use of Mony,' was then discusseU, iiitroducetl by Hev. N. B. Raodall, of TpsIIantl, who was fol owed by Ifcssra. Gregory TenBrook, Tay or, OIncy, and othera. The following resolution, offered by the tiulnesa Commlttee, was adoptêd, vis: Betohed', TUat the President and Secretai-v oi ihis Conveotldli be and they are bereby autliorized to cali auother similar Convention, al auch time and place in tnis eonnty as they may thlub advisuble. The second topic for Uc morning was tueu uiKeu ..p- "íne uiiristian Observance of tUe Subbath." Rev. Dr. Loe, of Ypsilantl, led the discussion. Messra. Erdman, Teiilirook, Vortluy, Qreene, Barton, llubbell, Kedzie, Randall, Tlndall, took a part in the diseusslón. Bev. V. J. Erdman presented to the convention a cali tot : natlona] conrrntion, for the parpóse ofMcarlngan amendment to the Constltntlon ofthe United States, recognizing Almighty God and tlie Christian religión, to meet at Pittsburgh, March 3d askiug the appointment of delegatts to suid convention. Tlie cali was referred to the Business Commlttee. Tliis comunttee subseqaently reponed the followlna reolution, viz ; Jubileert, Tiiat the followlng namnl perbods, vlz: D. B. Qreene, D. Mclntyre, and A.TeuBrook, bu aud they aro liereby appointiHl delegatea lo represent tbe County of Wushtemiw in tlie Nutioiinl Convention o be held in Pittsburgh, on Thursday, the 3d day ofMarcli next. at 3 P. ií., whlch has ;en called by the Nutloual Association, formed or the of securiiii; ai nmendment to the L'niteil otates Constlta tion, as expressed Id the culi. The last topic ot the programme- "2Mperance"- ivas Introduced by Uev. L. R. ■k. uftiT whlcli the conven: Ion atijourned to 3 o'cloik r. u. Prayer by Kev Dr. Lee. APTEKNOOK SBSSIOir. Prayer by Rev. N. B. RandalL. The .liscu.ssion on Teinpciance wus resucaed, remarles being in:i,l: bj Messrs. Tlndall, Carpenter, Lee, Mclütyre, ICeüzie, Randall, TeaBrook, Knlman and others. The followlng resolutions, oflered by the Business Committee, werè discusscd and adoDtud : Rêtofoed, l. That what s anmlxx lu a secular usage, ciuiiiot bc lavylul In a sacred service. 2. Tüat a vicious thing in a holy place is out of place 2. Tiiat the standard of Temperance at the Lord's table, should be at least us high as at. ïnan's table. 4. Tnat a proper observance of the Lords snpper does uot requlre the use of intoxica ting ov fermented vvlucs. 5. That the use ofsucli wlne byChristian Ch urebes at the table of our Lord, teucls io encourage its use elsevvheic, mkes sume brothers to stamble, and often is a hiudrance to the progresa and saccess of the temptrance cause, and ouglit to be dlsaontlnaed. Resolved, That tliis Convention reccoinmend the organlzation or local Temperaoce Öocietles in every town In thls county, for the parpóse of bolding tempemace meetlugs, pledglog the ptuple to absttnence froni th oseof iuioxicatlog beverages, and for the geoiral promotion oi' thls cause. Resolved, That we believc in the trnthfulness ol'tlie Bible utterance coataloed in Proverbs xxxi -1, 5, that "It is not tor kiags to drink wine, nor tbr princcs strng drink lest they drink and fbrget the law, and peryert the judgment of the affllctsd." Also In t!:e teachlnga oí Exodus xviii. 21: "Moreover thou shalt provide, out of all the people, able men, suchas fear Of tnith, hating covtiousness; and place such over them to be rulers oí thousands, and rulers ofhondreds, and rulors of fifties' and rulers of teus." Also in the truth as' stated in 2 Samuel, xxiii. ,'i. that "He that __„„. ,,, s oniiiuui, uui, , mai "ne tliat ruleth over men must be just, ruling In tlie . fear of God." Also tlmt it is true, asstated in Provcrbs xxlx. 2, thaf'Wlien the righteous are In authority, the people rejoice, luit wlieii the wlcked beareth rule, the people mourn." Also In tliat otliur truth, as siatcd in Proverbs xiv, 84, that "Rlghteoosncss exalteth a natioii, biit sin isa reproach to any people." And tliat it is the duty of all Christians, when exerctslng the rightof suflïage, to reincmber these tr'uths. Ou motion of Rev. G. P. Tindall, the pastors of the Churches in Arm Arbor wcre requested to niake inquiry and publlsh for the Information of the Churches of thls county, how a suitable article for use at the Lord's table can be obtained. Tbe Secretary was instructcd to fornteb a sketch of the procecdings of tha Conven tion for publication in the papers of the county. The sessions of the Convention were closed with a season of prnycr. D. B. ÜREKNE, r o „ President, N. S. BiniTox, öecretaiy. M u. Editoh : I asked a man Hvlng In Sclo f they were golng to vote aid to our railroad. 11e sai-1 if they knew it wonld come that way they would vote iil. I wonld say to the people ol Sclo that the waj to know the roadla coming tlmt way is to vote a liberal aniount of ald. The road wlll go trhere the most ivid is ralsed to make it, and if the people wait to knovv whlch way the road is golng before they vote aid, they will flud it is not golDg thelr way. There will bc astrong COTnpetltlon north of Ann Arbor, and the route oflVrinj,' the most ald will get the the rond. ocio oughl lo be Up and dolng Now is thdr time to act. Delay will be dangecoÉk The useful aud the leautiful are ac mirubly combiiU in the Amrricin Agria turiii tot Mareta Jst,- an advaiice copy ivhicli lias come to hand. The cover Fro tlsplece now gires One original sketches 1 each paper. Perhaps the best "catt piece" ever publisheJ wlth letter pres adonis the fint inside pnfrc ; & Hexica rbrashing Jlachine Bcene is the leadlo niddle Cartoon ; anda "Street Scène " i China, describeil tu the life In a chapler b I Carleton," glves usa conception of tha country almost cqual toa personal visit V medlum-Blzed, Conveuient Dwelling, (tal y iUastrated and descrlbed, aflonls man; ilots to all wiio are btilldtng or Improvlnj belrHome. Cuttlng up Beef, Maple Su ;ar Making, isriui (mplements, Frulta lowers, Huusuliold Work, Xuts lor Boys ml, (jtc, are the satyects of otlier en ravlügs- lnall, betwceu foity and ilftj' lu iiisjoiie paper. Exposure of Humbtigs Valksniid Talks on the Farra, etc., etc., II óp tin: ampie pages of thls iournal, renerlog it one of the most nsefnl is wel] as neof the cheapest aoy wbere pnbllshed, for ie Arm, the garden, the hougehold, (the Ule ones Included), for city, Tillase and ountry. $100 a year, four copies for $5. hanqb Judd & Co., Publlsher, 245 roaway, X. v.


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