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DOTY'S WASHING-MACHINa ÜATEI.Y MUC11 IMl'ROVKH- AXH THE NEW Universal Clolhes Wringer. tmproTftd tu RoviUi'i PvBiiTOorB].BCoa vhiels iitnl tlit' Patk.ntStop, ar? now.unqtiegtw.ntbly f&r ■ peiior to nny tti])Jirrtns fbï wai-hmn tlolUwfl sver In vente 1, and will s.iTtr (ht-ir oot iwtte a 7ar, bjr sting labor anl elotta, Tliose wlio have used thein tñm t#timooj a feflows "We liiie ui' nuohlns tnuob ; qouM nt be periaadttötodo rit hout ir, ;n d irlth ui l f puty, we refli dial w re manten f Mie poettion." - Aw. -. 3coUtSÍ9kop M. ErCkurck. HJti8irnrtb one dU&r a wwk in uu famlty." - N. Y. Tribune. In the l:uin.lry of .ny houMtlier Is n pprpptual tTiank.KÍviii on Uoodaja i'ur the tnreotlpn." - Rtv Thvodore L. Cuyltr, 11 Kvery week lias piven it a stronger hnM npon the of the In ma te of the liiundry."'- Èt, Y. Observar . u I licartily caminen 1 it t economlKta of time, inoney, :in'l OO&tentment." - Htv. Dr. Hzlloirs. ' I'rictnï l'niy - Your ÏHt jiniirovpment of your Washing Machine is a complete suens. I ufturé yuii ur Mfichi ie,' after I fm 's Bfce, i thochtmorti ol to-i)üy than rvt-r, nii.l won ld m ï put-ted irilh uotier any froam&taaoMí" - Solen Robiêon, 11 Your Wtsbing Machine has been ïn dftUy usa In owr Uunrlrv. and the houekeper txpreuan hr'self asbJghlj plMd wiili i:. ït crt;tinlv aeeomplíshei a _ r tl er nmount of work, witli k-fs labor, ;ini dott not vvi-ur rlu[][(1 iicar si ranch as the oM fashfofted iraahboard. Bv usi ii j it , mie i :mii'!rt Is litqjen.('fl with." - li'm F Ha und, Super iniendewt of Infani Department of Si. Catherine's Nursery, H. F. Cif "Altera oonxtant uso of the L'x]t?bai. ("lothkp Wrinokr lor more Rnfoarymin in tui famllj I urn auLliunat-t] bj tl;# powei that bo-to orive it tho most umiuüliliepiaise, aml lo iriiioiince it au in'Hspeotobit i'ait e!' ihr iiucblner oí hcuakeplDg. Our ser va nis bavtaiway beB vllllne tn ae it, aml alwajs hare tiked 11." - fltnry f' ir J h, ■-,,, r, PUICES- A Fnir Offer. Bond tlicrctailjirico. War lier ill, Extra WringerfPj and weVlUftrnrard ettiier or Imtli mochloai, (ree of freight, to plaOM wlierp im y sellins; and -o sur" are irf thaj wül he Üked, that we nsree to rofund the moiipj il" any od frlb to return the biabhinea free of fri ;,;lir. aftel n raonth'a trial, eo trdlng (o dl reet ion. N i li xsbap1 , father or brother slxnil'l ptrtnit the drulKry of" waablng with the raadn, Qfty-two I e jour, when It oan !■■ rion hi-tter, mure exn-i]iiously, wlth leB lfibor, aml no injury tT{Begar iiiMits.bya Dotj Clotbes Wafther, and a LniverHal Wrisger. CaavaattM with excluiveríglit oí salo make money ii si nlllng thetu. S ld !) rlealeis genevally, fo wuom liberal (iiscounts are made, E. 0. BROWNING, Gen. Agent 1233tf S-.' OortUndtltrnt, Kew York. - E % g 3 I S S " 3 3 H 2 a . e 3 S - S ms .8 5i ? Hö i oí m CO y pL, ca P H f 3 "IOR A FÜLL LINE OF FLANNELS, PLAIDS, NAPKINS, TABLE LINENS, BLEACHEÜ GOODS, TIGKÍNGS AND DOMESTIC GOODS GO TO THE FARMERS' STORE Go to R. W. ELLIS & CO's i for choice Wines and Liquor s for Medical Purposes. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. jpfcdk A drossing wMch JjMjk is at onco ngrecable, cl m licalthy, aud ciTcctuol fjtjUUL 'l;1' preserving the hair. Faded or gray 'X Wyj ia"' !S soon retoreá , o -is original color ijM Wy with the gloss ana .-S&. freshness of youth. i-?' Tliiu hair is thickened, falling hair chcckcd, and baldness often, though not ahvays, cured : by its use. Nothiug can restore the hair where tho ibllieles aro destroyed, I or the glands atrophied and deeayed. Bnt sueh as remain eau be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouliug the hair witli a pasty sediment, it will keop it cleau and vigorous. lts occasioual use will prevent the haiv from turning gray or falling oif, and couseqnently prevent baidness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparation3 dangcrous and injurióos to tho hair, the Vigor can ouly benefit but not harm it. If wantod merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Contaiuiug neithcr oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving ifa rich glossy lustre and a gratetul perfumo. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analyticai. Chejusts, LOWELL, MASS. paicE $1.00. Pold at vboIeMle tij FaUHaHU, ."IIEI.EY CODetroit. Al rQtui lby all druggista and uiercbandíád dealerf eVL'rywtiero. T ATEST NEWS ! ! WM. WAGNER, Has justopeneila large stockof FALL COODS ! 1NCLUDING OLOTHS, OASSISIERES, VESTINGS, &C. LATEST STYLES iND BEST QÜAL1TIES WlliCH UEOFER3 LOWER than EVER Aïso m Store a large stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND Gents' FURNISHIM Goods. GARMEXTSilADETO OKDEIlIN THE Also LADIE-S'and GENTS' MOROCCO SAÏCHELS No . 31 .South Mal Street- Esatn ide. CALL AND SEE THEM. WILL1AM WAÜNER. Ann Arbor.Seft., 1860. O EMEMBER TH AT HÜLL. ROBINSON i CO. KEEP A FÜLL ASSOBTMENT OF CROCKERY, SOLD CHEAP. 1245 yHCËiGTINGS. AND k Ft'I.I. ASSORTMKNTOF DOMESTIC AND HOUSE FUIiNlSHlNG 00 O D _ fí. H. MÏLLE'S, Finest Assortraent of Toilet Goods in tho City, by 200 DIECES OF SIDE STRIPE MEREIMAO D. PRINTS JUST RECEIVED AT THE Farmers' Store AND FOR SALE AT 12 1-2 cents per Yarda DU Y YOUR Looking Glasses OF W. D. HOLMES, Ann Arbor FOK 3 REASONS. Kiiöt, Ix'caust' hekefpathfl best of Importer) Glass tiinl a guüd assor tuien tof 04 ha re and archtop f raine, audjseUs CHEAP I Secondly, bpcause tliey belong to hls hwÍBP.ay. B makes tbt'm a special ty, doesliin ovDwork, ari'l can alTord tn netl Tbirdly, Bceausc bfi msnufacturf s thein, and cac ;■ i-ii wlll se)1 tlie OHBAPEST 1 of any one Í n tlie city. Heatno wils PICTURE FRAMES! Tbecbeapefit oí anybody in tbe?tnte- nfaras beard ir 0111 . NICE OVAL FRAMES FOR SO CTS. Picture Cord, Tassels & Nails! Fit KCII GI.ASS- hj tbelight otbox- ForPictures orfor house ghjvsbxisto : 3 EA.ST IH'RO.V STHEET, ANN ARBOR. - - - MICH. Fawes' FA8HI0NABLE Ij SHOE HOUSE. 24 Soutli Main Street, Dealer in LADIE'S BOOTS ANO SHOES, THE INEWESTSTYLES IN Kid9 Calí, and Cloth, Alwayson hand, and Stock and Work Guaranteed. IF YOÜ WANT A. BOOT, A. GAITEB,] A. UUSKIZST, OR A. SLIPPER CALL AND EXAMINE HI3 STOCK BF.FORE TUR CHAS1NG. PRICES LOWER than the LOWEST. R. TARRANT. Ann Arbor, May 17tli , 1 P69 . Xjööd'cup of O O 3F1 3P" 355 3S ! IF YOU WANT THE WHEREWITH TO MAKE IT, GO TO HULMtOBINSON&CO. pAKINGSrBEAVEBS, CHINCHILLAS ! ÁSTRAKAN AND SCARLET BROADCLOTH -A.T THE FAHMEE& STORE. FULL AND CHOICE X.I3STEOÏ' GROCERIES! MAY BE FOUND AT Huil, Robinson & Co's. . gOTICE! IT I=.i&.Y TO C3K3 TO TlIK FARMER'S STORE, And Lcarn their Prices before buying your Goods at othcr Places. TDOOTrf AND HOES! FINLEY & LEWIS, AHE XOW HECF.IVIKO A LAKGE & WELL SE LECTED STOCK BOOTS, SHOES, SLIPPERS, RUBBERS, ARCTICS, AND FUR LINED OVER SHOES. THE ATTEKTION OF BUYEHS WHO WAM (JOOD GOUDS AT KEASONABLB PRICES, is i.nvited io on: STOCK OF HAND 3IADE CVLF, KIP, AND STOGA BOOTS ! WORK WHICH WE WILLJ WARRANT TO GIVE ENT1RE SATISFACT1ON our. ooons ark BOUGHT FOR CASH, AND W1I.I. BB SOLD AT 'IHE LOWBST CASH PIUCE3 AND PR0FIT8. 1210 rpHEODORE TAYLOÏt & CO., (SUC(. KSSOKS TO C. B. THOxrsO.V t CO.,) Wholesale and Retai! Dealer io GROCERIES & PRODUCE FJ1UJTS, EXTRAGTS, SPICES, Crockery, Glassware, Lampa and Oil, Tatle Cutlery, Plated Goods, Looking Glasses, STONE. WÖODEN. AND WILLOW YARE House Estntolished in 1850. No. 13 South 3Ian street, AN3ST ARBOR, MICH Theo. Taylor, A. J. Sutlierland, 1217 V 'V. Wliulun, Real Estáte for Sale. STATU OF MICHIGAN', C'ounty of Wtahtenaw, ss. Ie the matter of the Estáte of ITannnh Browning, deceased. Notice is hereby jjiveu, that in pnrsuance cr uu order granted to the tuidersigned AdminIstrator ásbtmU non oí the est;ite of f-aid deceaseel. Mr the Hou. Judfte of Probate for tho County of Washtenaw, on the twenty-foiirth day ol January, A. D. 18T0, tlicre will be sold at public vendne. to the highest Sidder, nt the dwellins house on tip ise8 herein desciibt'd, iu the Vi.htcna', iu eaid Slate, on Wed'sday, the sixteenth tlay of March. A. D 1S70, at ten o'clock in tho foreuoou of hat day, (subject to all encumbrances by m i ir.otbafwlBe ezistlng ut the ttme of tbedeath ofgald lecea&L'd) the following descrilwd real estáte, vi. : The nortnwest quarter of the sonthwest Quwterof sectlon elghteei), Ln townsbip four south of raupe Beven ea&tj contaiuing forty acres more or lees in Bold State. Daled, Jaouarr 24th, A. D. 1ST0. CHARLES O. WHEKLER, 1254 A'lmimstrntor dtbonit non. Estáte of Ilobcrt Eooke. CJTATE OP MICBIOAN, County of Waïhtenaw.ra O Notice is hereby given. that by an order of the Probate Conrt for the Oonnty of Wasbtenaw, madi on the thivty-flret day of.lanuary, A. 1). 1GFT0 montlie from that date wv.rv allowed for credltorti to ireseut their claim agaitiet the estáte of Roberi ionice, lato of ftftW Coimty deceased and that ;iil creditors of said decensed are reQidred u present heir claims to sjiid Probate Cotirt, at the Probate OiHcc, in the Cily Of Ann Al'bor, i':)r cxaniination ;md illowance on or before the flrpt day of Auntït, next, and that mich tlaims will bc hcard before sidPro)ate Conrt, on Satnrday, tlie twenty-third d;y til' Ai)ril,and on Monday, the tirst day of August, ni'xE. tl. ten o'clock in tho forcuoon of each of those teys. Dated,Ann Arlxr, Janu.'irj 'Hst . lTO. IIIRAM J. ÜEAK1CS, 1Í5CW4 rudye of Probate. Chanoery Notice. OTATE OF JIICHIOAN. Tho Fourth Judicial O Circuit, in Clianccry. LEONAliD A. WILLIAMS, 1 v. S OAXNA Wil. JAMS. ) Snit pending in the Circuit Oourt for tlie Couuty of Pashtenaw, in Chancery, ni Aun Aibor, on the 2d ay of February, A. D. 1870. Due proof by affldVt, it haring been made that tlie defendanl. JoanDa Viliijims doos Hot reside wlthjo the JaiisdictloD r his Conrt, and that the Sheriff of this Cuunty ! imblc io ju-t s'■r 'u-' ui procesa "ii soid delendaut ; on motion of 1). Ontnxer, BoHcicor for the oompl&tnnt, it Isordered by the onderalgnedi one of the Ciruit Court Commléeioners for ihe Connty of Whenaw. that c;iid defendant appear and answar tho ütl of Oompiatnt led in this causo wtthln two ïontlia from tlie !d i.-iy of Kebruary. A. U. 1ST". nd II is further ordeced that ■ oopy of tliis order bs xiblished in the èliohifan A-tt.. a public cewspaper irinted and publlöhed in said County of Wushu nuw, 'lthin twenty days altor the date of tliis order, and tint such pabllcatlon bc contiued once in each week oreix succesaive weeks, or that a copy of tliis order te Berved on said defendant , personally, at least wenty days before the time above prescrilicd for the ppearancQ of said defendant. JJated, Febmary 2d, 1"7". SIliLEY O. TAYLOR, , One of the Circuit Court Commissioners for Washtenaw County, Mlcb: D. OKMnB,SolIcitorforComi4'í. 125.Tw6 i Mortgage Sale. "EKATJLThnvliiir bren made in the conditions of ' f a certain roortgage made and esecuted bv-Gott ■ íed David Prederic oí Ann Arbor, County of u.i.-henaw, and Bute of MlchigaOi to Preemftn Gtaipln( f the township of Superior, County ol' Washtonaw, ii.1. State aforeeald, un the 3d day of.luly. A 11. J88i and reoorded in tbc Ki „ritcr's office of Washteow Connty aforesaid, on the nili dayofJoly.A. ). 1800, at ï o'clock A.M.ofsaid day.m Uber86of - lorlgagcs, on pago si. and that there Is now due nd anpald npon said mortgagei and note acoomaiiyina the same, Uve snm oftwelve bnndredand i ty-iivc ílolhtrs and seveniy-seven cents, together c ith a reaaonable Attorneye fee provided for in said tx ■,aii(liio suit tr prorcriüniï at law or in f. inltyhatlng beea hutttnted to recover same.or t nv part ihereof. now, therefore, notice is hereby ven that on Saturday, the 19th day of .March, A. r ) I8TO1 at 10 o'clock In the forenoon öTsalddayat e ie south door of the Oonrt Boose, in the City of nn Aï-bor, iu said County. by virtue of a power of (, i(e in sald mortóago cmtained, 1 shall sell at pdbllc f, lotion, to the hlghcst bidder, the premisos described n ;:-.[ mortgMge. or so niuch thereof as may tic oecsarv tiiíiitisíy the unionnt due on f:iiil mortgage, itii [nterost and -ost and expenses allowed by luw ■. bieb said prenlseaarodeMidbod as (nllows: The ist forty acr i of the weet half ol the sontíiwesl larter "of tectbui nmnln-r fonrteen. i" townshijj - Haber two south. In range number six eat, lylng n Ann Arbor, in s:iil 'ounty aml state. Dated Aun Arbor, Di-e '.'J. 1869. FUEE.MANP (AI.I'IX, Euwako R. Si.awpon, llortggee. Att'yfbr MorttfnijüC. Viii SberiflPe Salo. BV VTIlTrr nfonc v-rlt nfFierl F onl of and m lor th Court tor the Coanty t VVaehtenaw, I of November, A 1801% In favor oi OhrUüan Muller, commandlng me (bat of the gooda and chai ' for w&ut theroof, th .]jttn i Iressleiu a o Btini ei three hund U(l UV'Mity-ri:. I dollars. ■ AH. , olkming . to-uit: JUt uuuiber four (4j in bto I two C-j :l hl wldtb of lot ■ t twelve C12J In block numbcr thn nuriber two f ) eest, and lot numi ::i range i - ordlng to the re ■■, County of ■■ and sell at public auctton, to the the14thday '. D, 187 , ,' 2 o'clock r. m. ol thal day, at the Bonth door (jf the Conrl B the city i Anu Arbor, Coanty of Wasatenaw and a tod, Aan Arbor, Jan. lttfa 18 0 BYRON li. PORTEB, Sheriff. Mortgage K!e. DEFAULT fa In the condiUon oí a certa! n ■ I on the of the ■ Anu Arb to WiU atn Jí. P ■][, i - ■ !;■ i i-, k., in líber 37 ( f morí ages on ) and ihat tta said ïmte unit in . . nd iiity-fotir ■ e of thirt; . noproceedinga at ïaw or i aid sum, or any i fun-, nol in Baid morí ugo coutalned ■ anctton4 tu the lilghest bidder, on Saturdny, : v. h. uf eaid day. at tr.o fron! door of the Oourt House, ín the !y, all thal ulece or ta thy township of Lima, County of Washi naw, and State of M known, bounded and deftcribed as folio ws. Éo-wlt: Being tho Boutb forty acres of the norlhone hun■ tlOS 11 : , NO. t'-'O oge iiumbcr ■' ■ acres of land I -iiiú. Janunry, 20th, i UU, MAM IT.PATIKETÏ. John N. Gott, Att'y. lv U rtgagee. Mortgage Sle. D1 DM havin 'ons of a Ci ■ to Thuli r, A. I). ]■ ■ I . ■ gan, in liber ■" oi mo bearln and duly recorded in i he I ■ V. M.. : which di I titned to b the dal ■ ttürty !x (!■ 11 : 'a f Q proi . law or in equily bai 'lU'C tii .. or of ettle In Bfüd m I, aud by vlrtue -■ day ('i' April, next. nt 10 i ' of Anu Arbor, Ooti i y of Waahtenaw and ►f bolding the ■ at public aucUon, to ou sal I . allowed by law ; whlch Baid premlsea are ;; Lota No. OJ ■ block No. Brown and Pul oaw, in tli : Duted, Anu Arbor. Jan ÜSTUS VVlpENMANN, Admlnistrátor oi I), i Etjwaru R.'n, Attoroi . 3-4 Mort ga ge Sale. Dn the condiUon of jí certütn ■--■ . by Wüllam U. Brown ü-kí Laura Browni bia wiíc, oí Mand;C uulyofWi and httte ol Michigan . to Wl of Anu . (m ibe 271 i of the Uu gister of ü ■ . 'h day oí' Januatyt A. I Li . . . mortgage, on pag duly :. niiiili di . the iBth dny of i ceemb' r A i u„ ii! Uber No. 2 of as! . i, andthat the auO bond eorapanying ihe t-; thousand lonrhuudrud aud u üttyfour do] forty -si ■ Bhoutd ■ n to forte! lings at law or in equity haviugoeon had to ld suui or ahy part ■ i n, that byvirtuè 'i a power ol tgeconUlned, T el); 11 bidder ■ 1 !oni t IIous". in tho City : Anu Ai I those cci or pare la of land I, Ing Ui ■ b Washtermw ai wn and do$ of tbe ■ quarter of 8c ion N - si quarter-of the oorthwestqi r eleven, in toi ; Datod. Jauuai '■■..-. JOHN' W. COTVAN, Joiix N. - Attoruey for Asl Mrtgage Sale. D. ;'LT baviug Im-('i, made in the condltlon of a ■ n tain '■- Rlcn to Harriet G. Ashby, on the tw bcr, A, l '. ■ "i sale cf tho Regí Deeds for lbo County ot VS n the State of tn at oue olock p. m„ üu ihe nJ of September, A. !'■ 1856,111 llburNo.Slof moi on page TbB, and by au I urnen 1 : Deeds afuresaid, ut day of November, A ï- 1 menta of nioi ';f:i ■; e, on p . mortga; ■ of tliis ■ nnd fuur ccnti p roce cd li tnted to recoi the pon in pnr-uanre of the statute in su provided.the said nv rtgage win, ■ House, iu the City of Aun Arbor, In tie n.-iw, and State of M I being the holding . Connty) on the tw onty-1 1 od ck i ü:- fon :■ i ■■ 'ii the premiscfl folio wr: sitúate iu the towi ,.'n the Cuunty oJ Waanton i i ■ ribed na the nortbwe&l quarter ol thi rter, aud the aouthweel quarter of the nui theaet quarter of No. tweoty-two C22), lu towusbip lour south of range joiulng paroel ol fai . i :I that part of the northeost quarter of the eoutnweft qunrier i section twenti two, wbich Hea south and eaét of the Üreiit Rit ejecept. f i:i i WO . ■ ■ thereof, aud bon id d oorth bj said roaö, eaBt by the land berein described aud soutb by laud owucd b'v L. M. R Dated Anu Arbor, Jannary 27th JSTO. V A. 0LDB, ■ IJ. P. 0bahqeb Attorncy. Mortgage Sale. Di LI bavfng i the coudltïons of ■ ■ lo Anti;: Burke, dated I - and recorded on Lheelg . ■■'■ nl :-. d , A. D, lso-, in the ofl da fur WasntenawCi . ;m. in llber Bij of mor: on pox ■ . by the sald Anthony I .: . ■ , ■.. tliL' elevenih day oi1 September, A. D. 1809, which aaslguoQ . . -'i cordetl iu tl . i. on the eleven th day of Üctobi in Uber % of assfgumeuts ol . upon whicb mortgage tbere i noi be duo thesum of ttve huudred and sevon dollars, i the sum of thirty dollars as au Attorneyor . nd no -uit or i ■ ■ tted al law r iheaaffl now due audBi curcd bysai I b . pari th ]■■ of, now, tuerefore, by vlrtae ■ lied in .s.-iiil morl ïml bv vlrtdc of the etatuteln s de aud providudt Dotlce her by i iven that on öaturday, txt, at 12 o'c lioiMi, of thtti day, at the & ' the Conrt Souse, in the City of uu Arbor, Couuty of . ienaw, and 8ti in, (being the place "t ■ ■■;■; wi! i,,i i . ■ ■UI at public anctton. to Ü bidder, ', be pzemisdfl descrlb d In éatd mortgauo, or so muih ;breofi ut Baid mortgai . ' ■ of thirty dollars as afor i ■ louthwctquarter ol fhe sotithwest quari si. tweuty-eight, towush) i Èio. oue bqi tb ol Iso a stnp of land two ro aken fro end of the uorthw . :: Ño. tUfiil; - 1 it' land tWO fods in fl I cel ; all the above decribed tanda i ■ I au. Dated. Febraary 23d, 1870 KE, l!. 1ï, Morlgagee audAeslgi ■. _ At.orney forMortgagee and Ab&lgnee. ; Attaohment Notico. VOTICH la hereby glven that on the seveuteenth l ixty-niuc. n ril "I al tjn:iiit Conrt for the Oounty of Washtcnaw, in favor i ciarle aud Edwin W Preese, plalotiflh, c gainst the laude, teucmeul . i ittele, m.onjrsand effocta of Jacob Pulkerson dofendant, tot ■ lo sum of two bundred and uinety fix dollars aud ( xty-.r-vcii cents, tbal aald wrH ol attachment was Ith day of january, A, D. ghteen i d tuat it appears (rom Í ie return of sald wril hched thereou, and that BAld aefend&nt oould uut bc K msd. Datod, Jauuai y. 13üi, ■'- ZÓ CLARK, b E, VToo, tifié, o Attorney for Pïamtifffc. (J fi P ■ IVE ÖEE8B FEATHBftS L FIRST QUALITY, ;■ Constautlv on hand and for sale Dj BACHSf ABEZ. Mortgage Salo. TVEtf ATÍtT havlng been raado Ia the condltton of -U a ccrtain i [by Lorenzo Davis, of Aun Ai ii, on tu.) Uta day ol Jane, A. i). ' y, and recorded in the office of the Begí terofDeeds, the, -i;i d j r Jane, A. D .'dock t. u , in llb ■ a whlch mortgage tlu-re is :.:■■ ■! il ' of the mm of líve huno ■ dollars and scvi-u c-nts. aud thatthere will the litli day of June, A. U 1871, (he sum óf two hnndreí ra and fi rt v :iml inu-rest ii;m tlic aereof at ton per cent , heBiclca tlm co of t.hs fui. i - - itor's o i Ifng at law nr i. ovi t the debt, or t! ■ i ■ bereby i . -n, that by virtne of the power of Bale In said m tatued.l a, tu the blgSest bidder on of April, A, D. 1870, at 2 o'clock in the I day, at tht? front door il1 the of Alm the County of Michigan, Ihe ; ■ ■ ns follows, to-wu.: l'ivc i land In i ii ui the northwi-st quarterol sectlou nnmber thirty-three, in townsliij) nnmber two (2J Bouth. in range nnmber six 0} (ü, in Anii Aib r. in ihe County of. Washtenaw. ■;. i i ■: i h _ eleven chjüns and chvi-n Hiiksiu lengtb, eaat and west, and cightcen r r iK wido, north and soath. ! Datsd, Jonnary 2Stb, 1 lir.NKY I.. JAMES nnd LVMAN D. JAMES, ■ ' the laai iil mul leatament di Kuoch Janws, late ol Waabtenaw f Joiix N. Gott, Connty, il'-Attorney lor the Execnton, &c. 1254 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT b i lade in tbs cmiditions of a certal ited by Charta B-ThompBon aiid Appalouin on, Chis wifr). of the naw, Michigan, to Fii ■■ ol Dexter, i 1 date the nintll d:iv A. D. 1866, and recorded In the office ol a of Washtenaw County, In the on tiic elevenih day of October, a D.1SC, at foor o'clock In the afternoon, inllber ffhich Baid mortgage nrmi ii ' Rose ■■ ft ited tbe twenty scventh da) o ■ ment was 1 office oi' the sau C'ounty of on the twenty-seventh day of January, a. j. 1868, in líber o ! menta of Moi II tbe power i i s.M mi ive, and the amonut tand nnpoid) ni tald mortgage. and th ame at tho date oi notice. la one tnoasand foar handréd and thirty dollara and etghtynlne cents, also au Attorney's fee of thirty dollars provided lor in eaid morigage, and nosnii . law : iu chancery Baring been in ucor anypart thereof, noi notlce ia hereby glven, that on ■Saturday, tl e twelfthday of Marcli", A. D. 17. ut f irenoon of BAld day, :it the south C 'int Honse, in d City of Ann Arbor, ile in said morteaee c n '. i U atpnbilc nnction, to the rtbed in íjüd m ary to Bauafy the í mortgage vi.ii interest and oosts allowed by law, the premisea duscribnd iWB : All tnose certaln pfecefl "r jjarcelö of 1 o nn Arbor, Coanty of . naw, and Si an, knovn,bonded - ■ ■ we, ;-vit: Being lns onmI ii.. l one ■'!;. two 'j, three C-0. foar f4;, and flve fiij, inlMickmim orth of Huron Street, nnd uimbcr te (10J eaet, accordlng to a recorded Ann Arbor. üated. Aun Arbor, Deccinl)i:r 1::tl. I I DS DÜNN, Sini.KV O. T nee ol Hor' Attorney fir Am] rj-ts Mortgage S-ile. DEFAl i tho condltloneof aiv - exeented by Gott. .I Jakobina Priedrlck, his ity, Michigan, to Tril ■ same place, on the 'Kul Kebruary, A. :. 1886. and recorded in the enaw ('mmtv aforesald, on nary, A. D lE ' lock A. líber 33 of mortgages, on ).. whicii s:ii'l mortgage waa .■■! by tnesald Traman Schram to E. lt. Spanlding, by an ■ ted 1 ; ■, and re-aiii t onn y. on the ■; reh, ,. !. 1866, :.■ '■'. o'i lock a. m., in libe un pare M . Baid B. )i.' imefl I1' Roi ■.■. by an aasifmi ted Ui ■ N r. A. I) 18(15, and ivo.rded in tl i of eaid Oonnty on the27tb i 5 oVlóek I'. U„ ia ... ; hich KiurtLr:iLM', and tinapanying now clalmed to be dne at the date of thts notlce, the snm f fo'.ir hnndred and Blity ninecenta bcsidca an A"ttowiey1 .tv dollara provided Ibr in eald :'..a;ii no Miit r proceoding havii: or in chancery to ree iver the any pari thereof: Now. therefore. by virtue i ol s ilii contained ie said mortgage, and by vlrtne of the statntè In Bnch cae made and provided, uotice la hereby glven, that onSaturday, the7th il-iy of Hay, A. 15.1870, at l; o'clock la the n u! :ii(! day, al the sonth door of ti ■ ... Ann Arbor, Ooonty ol Waah., (being the place of bolding tho Circuit Court wlthln sald C'ounty.) there will lic edld a( public anction, to the highest bidder, . mises deecrlbed iu salii morteage, or i thereof &a raay be neceasary to satlafy the amonut dne in. i-, wïth inti'i- and poeta and ex■ law vlii li said premisea are de. ■: All the following descrlbed piecea of land sitóated in Ann Arbor, and County of Wu i Btate of Michigan, beicg the Boátheá ■ [ the northweal qnarter; and the ilf iJ' ilie fiortheast qnarter of the eonthweat imber twenty-three, in townahip ranireBiz, contaiuing sixty acres of land, more or i. lated, Juu Arbor, Peb. llth, l70. JAME8 F HOYCE.Assisnee. Edward K. Slawson, Attorney. i-iüti Mortgage Sale. PiEFAüLT having been made in tbe condltlon of a it moi Step . B, HcCn ii n ;:'. nlfe, to Blljah W. Morgan, to securo ti payment offurther advancea and premlnma for Iw r other thlngs, datnl June lOth, A. Der'a Office, in v.:shtenaw County1, J'.nie SOth, A. 1). 1502, in liber ■j:i of mortgogea, at pago :;0:i. by whlch ihe ■ rein contained became operatiye, and no snit r proceeding having been Insütuted at li ret the debt secnred thereparl thereof, and the Rum ofsixbunollara fiilj belog now :! to tu1 dne thercon hereby given Ibal sald mortgage wfll be ibrei losed by a oí' tbe . bed as iota No. twelvo and in Moi k No. six, in Brown and Pnller't Ad. i the city of Ann "iior. In the County of Waahteuaw, in ihe State of Michigan, or yome part thrrruf, at public venilue, at the ('oiii't House, In Arbor, en the twellth day of March nest, at Dated, December l.ïih, .. 1). I EL1JAH V. MORGAN, J. Alt'y 1248 SI rtgagee. Coinmissioners' Notice. STATE OI MH'IIIOAN. County ofWaíhtenáw, B. The .;t appointed by the ■ ii readJoBtall duin s and demande of all persons agalnel theestate ofWilllam V. Qrant.late of sald !. h-reliv cive notice that im date are allowed, by order of sald !;oart, forcreditora to present their claims of snid deceased, andthatthey wil mectal the om r A..D. ürane, in the village lonnfy, on Satnrday, ihe eecon day of April, and Wedneaday. the tentli day ol Au■ t, at ten o'clock A. H. of each of said days, ui r Ive, examine, and adiust said claims. Datcd, IVbnurv Mh.A.'i). 18T0. 12.-;0w4 jVuiX OBOABkm, Jcommlssioners. Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coaptyoi Washtrnaw, as. 5 The ig been appointed by the Probate Ganrt for saiil Connty, Commissloners to rc■■ and adinst alt clai me and damands oí nl 1 per ;!:■ estáte of Thomas Bi late of s.üd CNjnury, deceast'd. hereby L'ive no■ i i-ix montha from date are allowe4b; or. 'I ProbateConrt forcredltora topresenitheïr ' and i ti m l iii.y will me . ibate Office, In the citv o Ann Arbor, in said Connty, oa Saturdsy, the uinth day of April, . . tbe ïifili diy of . al ten o'clock A . M. or each ol said da n-, examine and adjnsl said Dated, Febnmry 5th.A D. 1S70. tT B '"m'KY, ]commi8sloner8. Estáte of Nuthan Greene. STAT ■: .N. i'oKiiiyof Washtenaw, SS. At a si'.-.-iou of the Probate Cónrl for the l'onnty itenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the i ity of Ann Arbor, on Monday, tbc twentyárel day of Pi theyearonethouaandcighl íiundredáml eeventyj Preaent, Hlram J. Beakei, Jadge of Probate. In the matter of the esuto ofNathao Greene, deceased. ■:u. and I.ililicasDrcw, BxcCntOrB of ■UI and testament of Baid deceased, come Into Coiirt aOd represent that they are ñow preparedto render their ïinal aocoontaa Bnch Bxeoutezs. ipon it is ordered, that Tuestiay, ihe twentyBecpnd day ofiMareb nert, al ten o'clock in tbe d tor ezamlning and allowtng .ui the légateos, devise !. and all other persona te ure re'qnircd to appear at a ol said Conrt. Uien to be holden at the In tlie Ciiv or Ann Arbor, in Baid County. and show cause, if any there be, hy the ui should not be allowed : And it ia ftirther ordered tbal sald Sxecutors givo notlce Interèsted in aald éstate, ni' the penlii'in-y of said account, and the hearing thereof, by order to bu pUDllihed in t Ina ni wspaper printea and circolatlng oiinty, three üuccessive weeks previoits to s::i! day of hearing'. COpyJ IIIItAM J. MGAKKS, IÏ68td Judfe of Probate. Éstate of Jerusha L. Judkins. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Count) of At a session of the Probate Conrt fór the Coanty ■naw. holden at the Probate Ofllce in the ■ity of Ann Arbor, on Moinlay, the twenty lirst ■ ruary, in tlieyearonc thousani) elghtliun.Ired and tcventv, BlraiaJ. BeakeB, Jadgeof Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Jerushá L. Judkins, leceused. On fe&Aing nnd illin the ])etition,du]y verified,oi tfichael Vandorcook, praying tïiat ranness rea ■ e i" ifoii. niav be appointed Vdmiaietrator of tho estáte of said deceased. Thereupoh tt i Oirdered, that Mondfty, tlie wentj-Stst day of March, txt, at ten o'clock néd for the hearing of tion, and that the heirsatlawof salade i allothccueuoitftuterested Is sald estáte, ■ of saic; Conrt] theu .) bd ii.i!,!-n;itiii,' Probate Office, In Cityor Ano Lrbortand show cause, ifauy there be, win tneprayei ifthe petltloneï sliould not be gran ted: Anditia aidnetltioner gjvenoticetotlie ■ Ite, Of the pnulrlicy ol tion, and the hearing raerebf,Dy canslnga opyofth be published In Ihe Michigan aper printed and circolaimgin saJd !ouoty, tbrcesucccssivi' weeks prevlons to eald day f lu'uriuflr. (Atruc UIRAM.I. TiEAKKS, "1 Jtldsc of Probate. I Estáte of Abigail TJ. Carpenter. OTATE OFMICIHOAX.Conntj of Waahtcnaw. n k Al a Bession of the Probata Conrt for the ConnS of Waehtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ami Arbor, on 8torday, tng nlnetecnth a of robruary, iu the year one thouMu.d eilit huiidred .■uní seventy. Present, lliriim J. Beakes. Judgc of Probate. In the matter of tue Estáte of Abigail U. Carpen. tur, deceaaed On readlng and flling the petition, duly verifled, of Hufni Carpenter, prayïng tont n certaln Instrument now on 111e In thw Court, purportlng to ba the Uit :i al ofsalddeeeased, maybeadmlttet; toprobatei and that adiDinutration óf said c-stnto ma) begrantedto Ira L. Carpenter, or somc otli st.itulile. person. Theruupon it is ordered, that Moudny, the twenty. fint dar of Uarch next, at tc-n o'clock In the forenoon, bc asslgned for tho hearing or eald petlttoi and that the leñatees, devlsees aml hcirsat lnw of íniil deceased, and uil other personl Interested in mm e, arereqnlred to appear al a seasion of saM Conrt, tbeu In be holden at the Probate Office, In the ol Ann Arbor, and show caose If auy therobe why the prayer rt!ie petlttoner ehoald not lx' zrauted : And It is furthcr ordered, that aaldpetk timier jrjTe notice to the peraona Interested In calj , of the pendency of i-aul petition. and tho heartne tnereof, bycauslnga copy of this order u, bepabliahed In the Micugtn Arma a newxpaper printcd and clrculatlng in said Connty, three sucl ccsslve m .eks prevlotu to said day of hearing (Atrneeopy.j HIKAM .1. BBAKB8, 338 Judge of Probate. Estáte of George Sutton. CTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Tftuhteaaw.aj O At usession ofthe 1'rabatAConrtfortheConntyal Washtenaw, holden at the Probate otlicc in thecit of Ann Arbor, on Thunday, the teveuti enth day ol Fcbnmry, in. the year oue thousaud eteht hundred, and seventy. i . Stram 3. Beakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter ui Ihe Estáte of Seorge Sutton, Si Incompetent. ' On readlng and filin; tbc petition. duly vorlfied.ol '■k Dean, (iiardian. praylng that bc may be lleeneed to sell certáin real estáte belonslna to said ilICOillptítíMlt. Thereupon it is Ordered, thnt Monday, the twentr. ■;.■ of Uarch, uext, at ten o'cjoêk in thcforê. noor, be asslgned fr the hearing of suid peiltlgn, ma thatthe next of kin of said incoinp.'tent, and all other peraona Intareated In said eetate,arerequJred toappen at a Bession of eald Court, then to be holden at the Pro. hate Ofllce, In the City of Auu Arbor, and show cante, if any there. be, wby the prajerof the petitioner ehunld Dot be granted i And it is fnrther onlcred, that sld petiüoner give notice to the next of kin of aid petent and all other peraona hntereatsd in said estáte of the pendency of said petition, aud the hearing thetcof. hy eíiuíiiiüacopyof this Order to he pnbllabel in the Michigan irgut, a Dewapapei inintcdand circo. 1 1] said Connty, thrce succcüsive weeks previuu to said day of hearing. (A truecopyO IIIRAM J. HEAKKS, 1253td . Judse of Probate. Estáte of Lewis A. llncktuan. OTATB OP MICHIUAN. Connty of Washtenaw,i 0 Ataat'asionof the Probate Court forthcConmi ofWaaotenaw, holden at the Probate Ollice, In the iity ol' Ann Arbor, on ïuesday, rlie elabth day ol Fsbrnary, in the year one thousaudeight hundred and geventy. Present, Hiram J. Beakes,. Tndftc of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte ol Lcnis A Kuekmao, deceaaed; On readlngand niins the petition, duly verifled.ol Wilüam M. Sregory, Ezecntot of the last will aoj ment of said deoeaaed. praylng tuat he raiy h Ucenaed to aell certaln real c.-iatc whercof said decuafied died Blexed. Thereupon it is Ordered, that Wedncsdaj, ths twenty-tbird day of March uext, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, be asatgnad tor the hearing ol n'u petition, and thnt the légateos, deviseei and helra at law of said decenpcd and al! oth persona Interested in said estale, are requiredto appear at a Beaalon r snid Court, then to b holden at the Probate Oölce,in the City of Ann Arbor, iintl show canse, if any there be, why tbeprayer ofthi ner should not be granted: And it [gfnrtneroii tiutt said petitioner fjive notice tothe peñón Interested in said estáte, oí the pendency of aald pet' ;i"i:.Mid tbehearlns tbereo y eansfiig acopytJ this Order to be pnbluhed In the Michigan Arg%u,t newapaper prlntedand circiilatim; in said Connty, four successivc weeks previoua to said day of hei. ine. (Atrnecopy.) HIRAM .7. HEAKES, l257td Judce of Probate. Estáte of Daniel Ilixson. STATE orMICHIOA.Y. C... -s-i v ..f Wakiitexv, ti Ataseeelonof the Probate Conrt fortheC'onnij 01 Waslitenaw, holden at the I'robate Ollice in theCiti of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the fourteenth day ol Pebrnary, in tbe year one thousaud elght hundrfi and seventy. Present, Hiram J. Heakes, Jiule of Probate. In tbe matter of thu Estáte of Daniel Ubuoi, deceased. On readins and filinp; the petition, duly verifled.ol Flelder f. Snow, prajlni; that a certaln inttrU' ment now on file in this Conrt, ïnirportiug to be tb last iil and testament "f said deceased, may be admille. I to probate, and that he may be nppointcd soïi Execntor thereor. Therenpoir it is Ordered, that Friday. the cleventk day of March, next, at ten o'clock tn the fort. noon, be MÏgned for the hearing of suid petition, and that the legateee, devieeee and helra at law of snidde. . uiilall other persona Interested in iid eitata, are reqnlred to appear at a Besaron of s.-iid Coart, thci to be holden at the Probate Office, in the Ott of An Albor, andslKuv canse, Ifany there be, wby the prav. er of the petitioner shmihl notbegrauted : Anditls rnrthcr ordered that said petftionereiTeDoÜca to the ia Lnterested in aaldeatate, of the pendsney nl tition, and the hearing thereof, by caoaiogi cupy ol' this Order to be pnuUshedin the JUckigan a newsnapoi nrinted and clrcnlatlng in snitl Oonnty, three succesMve weeks previous to said da; of hearing. Atrnecopy.) IIIRAM J. BEAKKS. l-3Tld Judee of Probate. F.state of Ezra Ifoughton. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Connty of Wasbtcnaw,. At :i Bession of the Probate Conrt for the Conntj of Washtenaw. holden at Ihe l'nihate Ollice, in thi City of Ann Arbor. on Monday. the sevenlh day oï Pebrnary, in the year oue tuousand ei;ht hundred and seventy. Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Jndge ofProbata. In the matter of tbe Estáte of Ezra Ilougbtot, decsased. On readiDcandnüngtho petition, dulv verifled.ol Albert L. Honghiou, prajuig that he may be ap: pointed Administrator ol the estáte of said deceaseo Thereupon It is ordered that Mwiduv. the set: ODth day' of March. next, at ten o'clock in thi forenoon, beassigned for the hearing of said petl: tion, and that the heirs at law of said deceased. and all other persons Interested in said eatatt, are roquired to appear at a seasion of said Court. then tn be holden ai the Probate Ollice. In the city { Ann Arbor, and show canse, if any there be, why tlie e petitioner should not be granted:- And H itfumutr óriered, rhatsald petitioner giré notice to the persons nterested in said estáte, of the pendency oí said petition, and the hearins thn-ef, hj oaulng a copy or this order to be pabHshed in the Michigan irgv a oewspaper prlnted and circulating in said Connty, three snecessive wi-oks previous tosaiS dayofhaaring, HIKAM .i. BEAKES, Atrueoopy. Judse of Probate. ISiftd Estáte of Samuel J. Freeman. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahteiiafr,M. At a session of the Probate Conrt for the C'o'int) of Washtenaw. holden at the Probate OfMce. in tae (■'tv of Ann Arbor, on Tnesday, the eij;hth day oí February, in theyearoue thousand eight hundred y in i sevelily. Present. Hiram .T. Beakcs. Jndge of Probate. In (he matter ol' the estáte ol Samuel J. Freeman, decca?ed . On readlng and llllng the petition. duly vcrifled. of Wltllsm Geer, praying thal a certaln instrumeot now on lile in this l'onrt. pnrportlng tobe the lj wlll and testament of said aeeeafied, may be ailniittco to probate, and that he in y bc appoiuted eolc Execntor thereod Thereupon it is Ordered, that Monday, the sev: enth day oí March next, at ten o'cluck in tbe fore: 1M..Ü. '., ;issi_'ned for tbehearinjxof said petition. and that the Iegatees, devlseea and néra at law "f eaid i! aiulalluther persons interested in saidestati are roqnlred to appear ut a sesalon of said Court hefl to be holden at the Probate OlTlee, In the citr of Ana Arbor, and show cause, ifany there bc, why the prayer oí the petitioner should not be grantcd: Anditil furt her ordered, that said petlCtonergive Dotlce to the persons interested in said estáte, of the peudency ol said petition, and the hearing thereof, by cansjsgj copy of this Order to be pnblished in the Michigan a newspaper prlnted and clrcnl&tlsg iu said county, three snocessirp weeks previous to saiüday ot hearing. (Atrnecopy.J HIEAM J. BEAKES, lSéfl Jndge of Probate. Estáte oí' Thomas White. QTATKOF MICHIGAN, COTTMTT okWabiitinaw.bI lj Atasession of the Probate Onrt for the Coimt) il Washtesaw, holden at the Probate Office, in tbc citv of Aun Arbor, on Saturday, the fifth dar of lehruary. In the year one tuousand eight hnnJred and soventj'. l'ri'sent.IIiram .T. Tieakes.Judgeof Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Thomas White ieeeased. w illiam Cueever, AilminNtrator of said estáte, ■omes into Court and representa that he is now preared to reuder bis ftnal account as snch Adminislra:or. Thereupon it ís Ordered. that Monday, the aev ;nth day of Mnrch next. at ten o'clock in the forenoon rned !"ir ezaminiDg and allowlag such ac ;onnt. and that the heirs at law of sairt deceased, aun UI other persons inti-restid in said estáte, are r[nlred to appear at a Bession of said Court, then to ie bolden at the Probate Oflicc, in the City of Ann rlir, in said County, and show causis if attj here be, wby the said account ahonld not be alLÜowedl And it is further ordered, that said Admlnstrator pvc notice to the persons interested in aid estáte, of the pendency of said account, and ïh Lftarlog ihereof by cansing a oopyof this Order to ie pulilished In the Michigan Argtu, a newspaper and clrcolating In said County, three eeessive week previous to said day of hearing. CAtruecopy.J II1UAM J. BEAKES, 1256td Jml-e of Probate. Estáte of Keiron Costello. T ATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw. aa-. At asession of tbe Probate Conrt for the County rf Washtenaw. holden at the Probate Office, iu the ity of Ann Arbor, on Satnrday, the fifth day of Febtiary, in the yeai one thousand eight hundred and Present Hiram J. Beakes, Jndge of Probate In tbe matter of the Estáte of Keiron C'ostcllo, Ja ecea.sed. iing and flllng the petition, duly verifieí, oí .n: Coaiello, praylng that a certain instrument now u file In tbia Couit, pnrportlng to be the l:iUwW ud testament of said deceased may be admittcd to r.i)):iti-, and that he and Jolui 11. Evarts may B ppointed Executors threcf Thereupon It is ordered, That Monday, tlw sevnth day of March uext. at ten ct'clock iu the freasaigneá for the hearing "f said petition, ml that the legateee, devlseea andhelra at law of aid deceased, and all other persons interested in snld tale, are required to appear t a Beasion of said ourt, then to be holden at the Probate Office, In th ity of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, 'Iiy the prayer if the petitioner should not be grantd: Anditis further ordered, that aid ]etilioner ive notice to the persons Intereated in said estáte of ie pendency f eald petition, and the hearing tiereising a copy of this order to be pnblehed i tbe Michigan Argus, a newspaper printee and cirilatlng in said County, three snccesBive waeu preiona to said day of hearing. CAtruecopy.J IIIRAM J ÜEAKES, 1!M Jndga of Probate. Goto R. W. ELLIS & CO's for sttrictly Pure Drugs and Medicines ,Paints, Oils, &c.


Old News
Michigan Argus